“The three-minute thesis (3MT) competition challenges Ph.D students to communicate the significance of their projects to a non-specialist audience in just three minutes. The 2020 (inaugural) Bosnia & Herzegovina 3MT (PhD) competition concluded on January 12th 2021. 70 PhD participants from 21 countries participated and were judged by 22 judges. ”
3MT in Media
Prof. Eddie Custovic on FACE TV
Pobjednici 2020 BH 3MT na Hayat TV
Prof Adnan Mehonic and Prof. Amra Hasecic on Hayat TV
Prof. Admir Greljo & Prof. Adnan Mehonic on Hayat TV
2020 3MT Awards Winners
1st Place (3000 Euro prize)
“On the mass origin and three generations of elementary particles mystery”
Selimović Nudžeim, University of Zurich
2nd Place (2000 Euro prize)
“Molecular mechanism of adaptation in the central nervous system”
Aljović Almir, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
3rd Place (1000 Euro prize)
“Surviving in isolation: Alpine Salamander”
Šunje Emina, University of Antwerp / University of Sarajevo
4th Place (300 Euro prize)
Smajić Semra, University of Luxemburg
5th Place (300 Euro prize)
“Bird Migration Model to Mitigate Wind Turbine Collision over the North Sea”
Bradarić Maja, University of Amsterdam
6th-10th Place (200 Euro prize)
“Interaction of gene polymorphisms and variable risk factors in assessing the origin and outcome of ischemic cerebrovascular middle age stroke”, Muratspahić Edin, MedUNI Vienna
“Interaction of gene polymorphisms and variable risk factors in assessing the origin and outcome of ischemic cerebrovascular middle age stroke” Mahmutbegović Nevena, University of Sarajevo
“Production and Performance of Silicon Pixel Modules with Planar Sensors for the ATLAS ITk Upgrade”
Hadžić Šejla, Ludwig Maximilian’s University Munich
Hodžić Naida, Universite Gustave Eiffel ESIEE Paris
Tucak Amina, University of Sarajevo
11-18th Place (100 Euro prize)
“Opto-thermal modelling and design of quantom-dot-on-chip LEDs” Karadža Bega, University in Leuven
“Reimagining teacher development” Kovačević Mersiha, City University of Seattle
“Evaluation of soft and hard tissue healing after impacted mandibular third molar surgery with the use of denatured (Alb-PRF) and PRF membrane”, Haskić Amila, University of Sarajevo
“New physics in experiments with neutrinos”, Korajac Arman, University of Ljubljana
“Quality Assessment of Proteins’ Active Sites”, Adilović Muhamed, University of Sarajevo
“Microfluidic Networks”, Hamidović Medina, Johannes Kepler University
“Bone fracture healing and non union prevention”, Međedović Merjem, University of Michigan
“Adaptive Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Autonomous Racing”, Zubača Jasmina, Graz University of Technology
1st place as voted by public (1000 Euro prize)
“Exploring novel macrophage-associated mechanisms in autoantibody-induced pain”
Kurtović Zerina, Karolinska Institutet
2nd place as voted by public (500 Euro prize)
“Molecular mechanism of adaptation in the central nervous system”
Aljović Almir, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
All other competitors
2020 3MT Competition Judges
The 2020 competition was judged by over 20 experts from all over the world and have vast experience in research, publication presentations and reviewing work.
Prof. Ajla Aksamija
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Architecture / Sustainability
Prof. Amila Buturovic
York University, Canada
Anthropology / Religion / Culture
Prof. Aleksandar Hemon
Princeton University, USA
Creative Writing / Literature
Prof. Azra Korjenic
Technical University Vienna (TU Wien), Austria
Civil engineering / ecological and innovative building
Prof. Samra Turajlic
Francis Crick Institute, UK
Medicine / Oncology
Prof. Zlatan Aksamija
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Nano Science / Electronics & Computer Engineering
Prof. Azra Hromadzic
Syracuse University, USA
Prof. Admir Masic
Chemistry / Science
Akad. Branislava Perunicic
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Power Engineering / Electrical Engineering
Prof. Mirza Trokic
Associate Director, IHS Markit, USA
Economics / Business / Data Analysis
Prof. Emina Alickovic
Linkopping University, Sweden
Computer Science / Electrical Engineering
Selma Kadic-Maglajlic
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Prof. Adema Ribic
University of Virginia, USA
Molecular Biology / Science
Prof. Azra Bihorac
University of Florida, USA
Medicine / Nephrology
Prof. Amra Hasecic
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Belma Kalamujic
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Biology / Genetics
Prof. Tea Temim
Space Telescope Science Institute, USA
Physics / Science
Other judges TBA soon