Meet our donors - Upoznajte naše donatore
Many of our donors are anonymous - Mnogi od naših donatora su anonimni.
Suzana Jovanović, Master of Public Relations
I believe that investing in knowledge and young people is the key to a brighter future. Supporting education means investing in a society that thinks, innovates, and drives change. My decision to become a donor stemmed from a desire to contribute to creating opportunities for young people so they can develop their talents and leave their mark on their community and beyond. I believe each of us can make a contribution—big or small—because it is precisely such steps that lay the foundation for a better world.
Dženana Čajić
Since I am a marketing manager, at my core, I am a salesperson, someone who secures resources and opens doors for good ideas. More precisely – though I’m not sure I know the right word in our language for it – an enabler. My job is to make sure others can do theirs successfully. For Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation, I am deeply convinced that it contributes to something important for this city and our country. Not only in terms of the indicators they are recognized for, which are of course very important, but also in creating a positive image of our society, or its potential, which we all need.
Namik Hrle, IBM Fellow and Director of Data and AI Development, Germany
Helping young talents reach their potential by assisting in their education and, consequently, building the next generation of leaders and donors is a great feeling and one of the best things one can do for society in general and for our Bosnia & Hercegovina. I am thankful to BH Futures Foundation for providing such a platform to engage where, strategically, it matters most.
Emina Merdan, PhD Student, University of Darmstadt, Germany
I am a PhD student in Germany. I had to leave Bosnia & Herzegovina early in my career to seek global knowledge. I admire BH Futures Foundation for wanting to accelerate the development of STEM in Bosnia & Herzegovina. This will have vast benefits for current students, future students as well as professionals like me who wish to come back to my homeland and make a difference. Join us, together we can make a difference.
Natasha Blazic, Head of Architecture, NZ Post, New Zealand
The foundation makes a positive difference in lives of talented young people in B&H, who will in turn significantly contribute to their country and globally. Dealing with the foundation’s supporters and mentees has been intellectually stimulating, refreshing and rewarding at all levels. I am so pleased I joined in.
Aida Sadžak Head of Broadcast Design, BHTV, BiH
BH Futures Foundation aims to increase accessibility in education for all students. That is an investment not only in individuals, but also in our future. STEM education has never been more necessary. High-skilled leaders and workers will have the ability to understand and solve many complex challenges of today and tomorrow of our ever-changing world. Small contributions make a big difference. Let us all help innovative minds to create, excel and make our future brighter.
Haris Arnautovic, Data Project Engineer, Virgin Pulse, BiH
BH Futures Foundation is creating an ecosystem which is focused on the development of young people. As someone who benefited from that system, I decided to give back to the cause and help establish the next generation of young leaders who will become the change-makers of tomorrow. This sustainable approach is truly fitting the name of the Foundation that is building the future.
Nerminka Harambasic, Founder O-Mod, Canada
I am truly privileged to be part of BiH Futures Foundation as a donor. This unique organization supports young people to achieve their greatest potential in small towns all over BiH, it brings the world to them. The Foundation is under direction of highly qualified, dedicated and passionate individuals that will propel this project even further with our support, so join in!
Zlatko (Structural Engineer at Keller) & Adela Dzanic (
Head of CSP Segment at MAVOCO), Austria
Thank you BH Futures Foundation for giving us this opportunity to invest in B&H in a best possible way. Through education of our future generations. I wish you were there 15 years ago. My husband Zlatko and I, both graduated in Sarajevo, Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering, respectively. This was possible for us, thanks to the people and organisations that supported us financially on this journey. Without them this would not be possible. I was one month from breaking from the faculty and going back to my hometown (Velika Kladusa) and not finishing the studies. Same for my husband. Fast forward in 2020, we pledge to support our students and youth to realise their dreams and create their own future.
Sanin Saracevic, Founder, Maestral Solutions, USA
As someone who draws his roots from Bosnia & Herzegovina, I am proud to support initiatives that empower the youth in the tech industry. I founded Maestral Solutions, a product development as a service company that has provided incredible opportunities to young people in Bosnia & Herzegovina. I see BH Futures Foundation as a partner in nurturing the next generation of young leaders in the tech industry in our beloved homeland.
Faris Nizamic, Ph.D., Co-Founder & CEO, Sustainable Buildings, Netherlands
Together we can change a lot for better if we join our forces, keep focus and work hard together! Our people have proven over and over again to have a high potential which, when properly directed and nurtured, produces unexpectedly good results. Giving back enables flow of good energy, and that way, we can also expect to receive it back later by having better future in Bosnia. That's why we should support BHFF!
Himzo Music, CEO, Softhouse Balkans, Sweden
Education is the most important tool for providing internal and external power for a person. The first objective of getting good education is to become a good citizen and then to become a successful person in personal and professional life. We are incomplete without good education because education makes us the right thinker and the right decision maker. The person who receives proper education is eligible for appreciation in family, society and country. Proper education for everyone removes all forms of discrimination by bringing equality among people. Helping the foundation is providing the above to great young people that are our future.
Hajdi Mostic, CFO, Telemach, BiH
Ajdin Perco, Senior Content Writer, Futurist Hub, BiH
Education and innovation are vital for the country's long-term growth. That's why the work done by Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation is valuable and should be supported by individuals, companies, and public institutions in our country and abroad.
Almasa Bass, Director, UCB, USA
I support Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation because they have a forward-looking vision for our homeland. It means a lot to me that they focus on growth and development of small towns. Together with the Foundation I have been involved in the deployment of the Futures Maker Space in my birth town of Donji Vakuf. Giving back to the place I grew up is incredibly rewarding.
Kenan Kurdic, Marketing & Talent, AtlantBH, BiH
I dare to say that BH Futures Foundation is one of the main reasons why I decided to stay and build my career in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has shown me how our country is full of incredibly talented people who are more than capable of the highest achievements on a global level. Instead of going into the world, they are making the world come to them.
Lida Stukan, Digital Marketing Specialist, Siemens, Sweden
By now, we are certain that knowledge is power and that it also is self-empowering, sadly not all are fortunate with the opportunity to gain and use the knowledge as they would like. Let us come together and contribute to building a brighter future and support our youth using this super easy way to donate. Education is critical for the development of any given country and especially for Bosnia and Herzegovina continuing being a prosperous sovereign state, giving citizens the chance to maintain normal lives in their homes. Only the sky was my limit, let us aim for that to be the overall feeling of our youth. Students: You are making the difference, thank you!
Alma Ahmic, CEO Bamcard, BiH
Appreciating the knowledge, effort and commitment of new generations of young people, we are determined to support young people through the BH Futures Foundation program to get the opportunities they deserve. I believe that we, the donors, with our support can make positive changes in the lives of young people in our country. We have the opportunity to strengthen their belief that BiH is a good and promising country and that if they are strong enough, they do not have to go out into the world - the world will come to them. Let's light that way for them.
Miralem Salihovic,
Head of Ops Solutions & Technology, Apple, USA
There are a plethora of reasons why I support the foundation. Many of which have to do with the great leadership and the mentoring of future leaders. Especially the latter is very dear to me. I am a firm believer that the current and upcoming generation of leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina is world-class. I am incredibly proud of supporting a community of people that reinforces that message day in day out. The future is bright!
Henk De Pater,
Independent Renewable Energy Expert, Netherlands
In the summer of 1994 I finished my student life and I served in Bosnia till the summer of 1995 as volunteer for the United Nations. The country was then a war-torn and after the war I was struggling with the mental scratches caused by my experiences. I was not able to travel back to Bosnia till 2018. However this trip with my son was a game-changer for me and I also want to thank all the Bosnians whom I met. Their openness about the war, but also what the war has done to them personally, still means a lot to me.
However it is worthwhile to focus on the bright side of Bosnia. Bosnia is awaking and is not only surprisingly touristic but also a fast-developing industrial country with lots of opportunities and (sometimes too hidden) a lot of young enthusiastic and well teached people. The COVID-19 outbreak shows that the physical location for many employees doesn’t matter, so for Bosnia this could be the start of a big revival because all the students and young professionals I personally met in Bosnia showed so much the value of the their human capital that it is worth to support the foundation. I am delighted to share my project and contract management knowledge to all of you and want to support you if necessary. Hoping on a fruitful and long cooperation and I strongly support the work what has been done by the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation!
Emina Mumbašić Krdžalić,
Director, University Hotel Dorrah, BiH
Već pet godina aktivno radim sa studentima i znam koliko im je potrebna podrška, mentorstvo i koliko smo im zaista potrebni MI. Kada kažem mi, mislim na sve one koji imaju percepciju da su mladi ljudi naša budućnost, da znanje vrijedi samo ako se prenosi te da je naše samo ono što smo dali. Smisao našeg djelovanja nije samo u ličnom razvoju i našem životu, nego u životima svih onih koje sretnemo i doprinesemo njihovom napretku, razvoju, motivaciji za mnogo veće stvari i mnogo veća postignuća od naših. Rad Fondacije pratim još od samog osnivanja i kroz saradnju sa njima uvjerila sam se u kvalitetu rada i želju koja nam je ista a to je stvaranja jedne jake zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini. Zajedničkim snagama trebamo biti vjetar u leđa mladim ljudima a ujedno i zid na koji će se osloniti kada se umore od putovanja a koji će biti čvrst temelj. Vjerujem u mlade ljude i vjerujem u rad BH Futures fondacije, stoga sam počašćena što sam dio ove priče.
Mirela Halilovic, Manager, Dow Chemical Company, Australia
I have supported the foundation’s work since its inception. Empowering the youth of our homeland is a mission worth fighting for. Our diaspora, can play an important role in shaping the futures of young people through the various initiatives that the foundation has set in motion. I have enjoyed mentoring students and helping raise the awareness of the foundation’s work.
Adi Arnautovic,
Qatar Airways, Qatar
I am grateful for the opportunity to give my contribution to an organization that provides hope through education and encourages youth to dream big. As this campaign proved, when we are united in the idea of making a difference and serving the future, there is no dream too big or too crazy that can't find its way of creating a new reality.
Umihana Krličević Omerović, BiH
Savjetnica za upravljanje lokalnim razvojem
Suosnivačica Udruženja za kulturu Kontrast
Za svaku obrazovanu osobu i onu koja to želi postati važnost ove Fondacije, odnosno doprinos razvoju sistema obrazovanja, pružanje podrške studentima, kao i profesionalnom osoblju u procesu obrazovanja, je od velikog značaja.
Zahvala sam na prilici da tome mogu doprinijeti i nadam se da će se stvoriti jedna velika mreža koja će obrazovanje u BiH podići na viši nivou, te koja će svim studentima u BiH pružiti jednake mogućnosti u procesu obrazovanja.
Erdin Kadunic, Interpreter, Germany
Ako podjelim 31 dan (dana u mjesecu) kroz 5 eura, ja faktički dnevno izdvajam 16 centi po danu za obrazovanje. Toliko malo, a puno znači drugima. Za mene koji uživam blagodati Zapadne Evrope ja bih ovo opisao kao moralnu obavezu prema drugima. Hajmo zajedno živjeti izreku "tiha voda brijegove valja
Jasmin Mesanovic, Technical Lead, PALFINGER Group, Austria
Fondacija je jedna od rijetkih organizacija koja se fokusirala upravo na nase najvece blago a to su mladi talentovani ljudi. Pruzajuci im platformu koja treba da im omoguci da postignu svoj kapacitet ima visestruke koristi. Osim samog mentoringa jako cijenim sto se na taj nacin i znanje od kolega iz cijelog svijeta prenosi na mladje kolege koje mogu da cuju i nauce aktualne stvari iz prakse. Znanje je jedina nada koju imamo u nasoj domovini. Ako investiramo u obrazovanje investirali smo u buducnost nase nam domovine.
Amela Frljučkić, Artist, Montenegro
I had the opportunity to hear the experiences of BH Future Foundation scholarship holders. Their satisfaction, motivation and positive attitude were more than enough reason for me to join this initiative. I believe that BH Future Foundation Fellows are the true future leaders of change.
Džabić, Project Leader, ProRail, Netherlands
Youth is the future, or as we would say in BiH; 'na mladima svijet ostaje'.I truly believe that educating, supporting and developing the youth in any country, and especially in my motherland BiH, is the answer to many problems and difficulties we face as a society. By supporting the BH Futures organization i hope that we can make a diffrence in the lives of young people in BiH and the future of this beautifull country.
Alma Mirvic,
Programme Coordinator, UNDP, BiH
Supporting BH Futures Foundation means investing in the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina; a future that is marked by knowledge, innovation and prosperity. To me, it means being a part of the extended family, working towards the same cause.
Anida Krajina,
Research Project Manager,
Central European Institute of Technology, Czech Republic
Supporting education, nurturing personal development and empowering new generations of change is what I consider a key to making a difference. Therefore, I am truly amazed by the work of the BH Futures Foundation and support their initiatives wholeheartedly. I am happy to be a part of this story and hope that we can all together contribute to a better future of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its youth.
Eldar Cejvanovic
Founder & CEO, Uplean, BiH
I dream about a prosperous and developed B&H. For that to become the truth we need more people with knowledge, wisdom, and guts. There is no doubt that the BH Futures Foundation is inching us towards this dream every single day.
Edina Beslagic, Operations, Green Light Express
Melita Kurtovic, Talent Operations Analyst, Netflix, Netherlands
Mirnas Brescic, Chartered Financial Analyst, Austria
BH Futures Foundation is doing a great job in creating an equal opportunity and empowering youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina to reach their full potential and make a real change in the society. With the right education, technology and leadership, everything is possible in a global and digital world we live in. Happy to support the work of the Foundation. Together we can do much more!
Denis Husejnovic, Head of Customer Relationship Management, Tryg Österreich, Austria
Anida Čaušević-Ramoševac, Deputy QPPV, Bosnalijek, BiH
It is my pleasure to be able to be a part of a foundation that will allow people from all over the world to join together and to form a group of individuals that will help one another in many ways. Involvement in this foundation is a great opportunity for all Bosnians and Herzegovians and I truly hope that through mutual communication, individuals will be able to share knowledge, information, contacts, experience, etc... I think that Bosnia and Herzegovina is full of talented and intelligent people that just need a bit of support and the right communication in order to achieve amazing career results and to become highly competent people with worldwide acknowledgment. This foundation will hopefully establish a homeland of people of which we can be more than proud of.
Farah Zeba, Recruitment Marketing Specialist, Popocorn Recruitment, BiH
BH Futures Foundation has made a profound impact on many lives of young Bosnians through mentorship, education, and a strong community. That’s why I am happy to support their work.
Velid & Zaida Fazlic, CDO, Vera Forma Leatherworks & Director, People & Culture at Taiga Building Products, Canada
When we started following BH Futures Foundation and seeing the great things you do with our youth, it lined up with our views and yearning to support our youth as well, especially since we have a little scientist of our own at home who have incredible results to show. Damin, our 12 year old son, is just in the middle of his 9th grade. Knowing that his success is because of his hard work and interests but also because of the opportunities he has been awarded by just being in Canada, we wanted to provide the same or similar chances to our youth, back home, in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Aida Marić, PhD Student, University of Barcelona, Spain
As we break open the doors to new possibilities, it is our responsibility to keep them open for the ones that follow. BHFF is my way to do it. I hope you can join us and make a difference for countless young talents of our country.
Together we can show them that a better and brighter future is their right and a real possibility.
Armin Bašić, ICT Governance Manager, UniCredit Bank, Austria
Asmir Halkic, UPS, Operation Team Leader, Switzerland
Od prvog momenta sam i vas Follower, sretan sam da na bilo koji nacin da dâm svoj udio i da podrzim mlade lidere Bosne i Hercegovine.
Amel Kovačević, CEO, United Bank of Albania
Kineska poslovica kaže: "Ako misliš dan unaprijed-najedi se! Ako misliš godinu unaprijed-posadi stablo!Ako misliš sto godina unaprijed-obrazuj djecu!" Bosna i Hercegovina treba novu paradigmu a nju mogu postići ljudi koji su bili izloženi uspješnim društvima i stekli znanja koja su deficitarna u našoj domovini.
Aziz Šunje, Professor, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, BIH
Rečenica našeg nobolovca Ive Andrića iz "Znakova pored puta" primjerena viziji i misiji BHFF-a najbolje opisuje razlog moje podrške: "Nema lepšeg zadatka nego što je: omogućiti nekom razvitak, pomoći čoveku u njegovoj težnji za usponom.".
Emina Mešinović, Teaching Assistant, University of Tuzla, BiH
Od 2018. godine pratim rad Fondacije i zaista sam impresionirana načinom na koji je oslonac i vjetar uleđa mladim, ambicioznim ljudima iz naše lijepe domovine, Bosne i Hercegovine. Poznato je da su Bosanci i Hercegovci bistrog uma i svjedoci smo toliko pozitivnih priča, uspješnih karijera, ali mnogi su prešli dug i težak put do toga što danas jesu, jer nisu imali ovakav vid podrške. Iz toga razloga, jako mi drago što BH Futures Foundation postoji i što mladi ljudi u posljednjih nekoliko godina imaju ovakvu priliku za profesionalni razvoj i mogućnost da pokažu koliko zapravo mogu. Zaista sam sretna što sam dio ove divne priče i što na ovaj način mogu biti podrška, jer znanje nam niko ne može uzeti i ulaganje u njega je najbolja moguća investicija, a u ovom slučaju i ulaganje u budućnost naše domovine.
Selma Avdic, Digital Learning Manager at American Marketing Association, USA
I am honored to support the BH Futures Foundation. I am thoroughly impressed with the success this organization has achieved in cultivating and propelling the talented youth of Bosnia and Hercegovina. This foundation offers so much to young Bosnian and Herzegovinians; from mentorship, educational workshops, the realization of workspaces and centers, scholarships and so more. I am grateful to play a small part in helping the next generation evolve into thoughtful leaders, skilled experts, and critical change makers.
Sakiba Hotovic, Self-employed, Zanardo, Italy
Vas rad cjenim i vidim kao brigu za buducnos Bosne i Hercegovine . Znamo da obrazovanje je temelj svakog naprednog društva i raditi na istom osjećam kao našu obavezu. Iskrena podrška za BH fondaciju budućnosti . Zajedno možemo vise !
Nina Dumrukcic, Researcher, University of Cologne, Germany
Offering high quality education, mentorship, and support to our youth ensures that a new generation of change agents are going out into the world with an essential skillset, innovative ideas, and a leadership mindset to create a positive impact. There are so many intelligent, diligent, curious, and driven young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina who have immense potential and are merely looking for an opportunity to pursue their goals- let us give them that.
Nađa Zubčević, Project Manager, Centre for Civil Society Promotion, BiH
Podržavam rad BH Futures Fondacije jer prepoznaje snagu u ujedinjenju i zajedničkom djelovanju koja doprinosi razvoju Bosne i Hercegovine.
Nejra Kozarić, Producer, Al Jazeera Balkans, BiH
Nerma Saracevic, Manager, Central Osiguranje, BiH
Želim da BiH ima izvrsne stručnjake koji će pomoći našoj BiH da bude zemlja željenog života i za mlade i za starije. Bez stvarnog znanja koje je primjenjivo u praksi nećemo imati budućnosti, a zaslužujemo biti izvrsni. Mladi zasluzuju biti prepoznati i podržani iako je to ponekad i simboličan iznos.
Tarik Pelko,
QA Automation Engineer, Endava, BiH
I am glad to hear that there are organizations in our country that support young people and value the importance of education. I am honored to support and contribute to the next generation of experts and young leaders through BHFF.
Faruk Velic, Account Manager, Hilti Sverige, Sweden
I am a firm believer that education and knowledge is one of the most important ingredients when it comes to Unity. And through Unity comes Power. Power and Unity is exactly what the youth in the entire region needs. BHFF is one of the enablers for this, and I'm more than happy if my contribution can be a push for a brighter future for everyone.
Nedim Fatic, Senior ICT Advisor at High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina
I support BH Futures Foundation because I believe they are making a huge positive impact on the lives of young people in our country. Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. The quality of our lives depends on the quality of the decisions we make, and I truly believe that by making even a small donation to BH Futures Foundation one can actually make a huge difference.
Jasmin Softic, Senior IT Specialist, Kuwait
Podrzavam ovu fondaciju prvenstveno jer mi je zelja da vidim nase ljudi da budu uspjesni ma gdje god oni bili i da je obrazovanje nesto sto uveliko doprinosi tome. Takodje i ja sam nekada bio student i kada sam zavrsio srednju skolu i mene su drugi podrzali stipendijom da bi nastavio dalje skolovanje tako da sada vracam na neki nacin. Hvala vama na ovoj ideji i ja sam na raspolaganju koliko mogu da ucestujem sta god bude trebalo.
Zinka Bejtic, Professor, American University of Sharjah
Community empowerment is the foundation of not only collective prosperity but also individual well-being. The BH Futures Foundation's work is centered around the economy of care, crucial for establishing social sustainability and innovation in today's world. As someone who is personally and professionally engaged in the research of care in educational and professional settings, I am thrilled to contribute to the foundation's work. In my view, these meaningful initiatives are crucial for the improvement and enhancement of young people's lives in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These initiatives provide students with professional growth opportunities and, more importantly, teach them that the best way to transform and make an impact is through cultivating caring approaches and actively working on empowering our own communities. At this critical time, the foundation gives each person a bright glimpse of their future and supports them on their journey of becoming good-hearted, educated, creative, and fully engaged citizens.
Nermina Delic, Project Manager, Checklens, BiH
It is a great honor to support the foundation because investment in youth and education is investment in future. I believe that together we can make difference. By giving back to the community we can create better future.
Lejla Rasic, Marketing Manager, PostSharp, Czech Republic
B&H has talented, smart, and ambitious young people who are excelling in a number of different areas. Supporting them along the way, helping them to recognize and use their own potential to the fullest while doing things that they love and that they're good at, is crucial. I am happy to support the BH Futures Foundation which is shaping the next generation of leaders and, therefore, shaping the future of B&H.
Tajna Klisura, Nutritionist & Founder, Nutritajna, BiH
I truly believe that the greatest power lies in education. I do not mean only formal education, but also the will, perseverance, vision and initiative of primarily young adults. If we work on ourselves and in that way positively influence our environment, we create a powerful domino effect of improvement. expressing Gratitude for everything that comes our way will ensure that our vision remains intact, and the BH Futures Foundation with its team truly exudes gratitude through everything they do. It is my great pleasure to be a part of their story. Gratitude returns with gratitude.
Anela Lolic, Researcher, Technical University Vienna, Austria
There are two pillars of success, both of which are equally important. The first is education. In-depth knowledge of a field as well as a broader understanding of the entire area are key to working in STEM fields. The other is communication. This may sound strange at first, but what it really means is that knowledge is not supposed to be tied to just one person's mind. By sharing your knowledge with others, by getting to know new people and discussing interesting problems with them, new perspectives open up. BH Future Foundations strengthens both of these pillars, which is why I am sure that this project will be a great success.
Azra Dedic-Schwaiger, CEO, LabRaum, Austria
Scientia poentia est. Samo obrazovanjem mozemo promijeniti tok stvari. A na nama je da znanjem i finansijama podrzimo snagu koja ce iznijeti dolazece promjene u nasoj Bosni i Hercegovini - omladinu! Moju podrsku imate zauvijek. Sretno!
Selma Imamovic, Engineer & SAP Consultant, Prointer, BiH
Očuvati dječiju radoznalost, put je do naučnog uma. Dati motivaciju za istraživanje i potaknuti želju da se uvijek zna više, propituje dalje, je od najvećeg značaja. Sve ovo podržava i nudi BH Futures Foundation. Stoga sam tu da ja podupirem BHFF i sve ono iza čega stoje. Potencijal koji imamo postaje bitan i upotrebljiv tek onda kada postane pokretačka snaga našeg društva, stoga je važno podržati mlade ljude, i sve one koji njima daju platformu za rast i razvoj.
Mladen Veletic, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
With this Foundation, I believe that science and education will become one of the key pillars of prosperity in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Emir Skejovic, Masters student, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Trenutno sam na Master studijama u Brnu i Ljubljani na kojima kroz svakodnevne aktivnosti uviđam važnost obrazovanja ali i značaj obrazovnog sistem u tim državama, iz tog razloga želim da vjerujem da će upravo ova fondacija kroz svoj rad i aktivnosti izgraditi takav sistem za sve mlade ljude u BiH te da neće morati ići iz BiH kako bi to iskustvo doživjeli. Smatram da je BH Futures Foundation jedna od najljepših priča u BiH, koja svojim postojanjem i radom, ljudima pruža mogućnost da ulažu u društvo BiH i njegovu budućnost na najbolji mogući način a to jeste kroz znanje. Hvala Vam na ovoj prilici da budem dio ove pozitivne priče i sretno sa izazovima koje vam budućnost donosi!
Tajib Smajlovic, Software Engineer, Mistral, BiH
Smatram da svako od nas ima obavezu i odgovornost prema društvu biti dio promjene ili u najmanju ruku podržati promjenu koja za cilj ima poboljšanje trenutnog stanja u društvu. Jedna od tih promjena za koju vjerujem da će donijeti dugoročne rezultate jeste BH Futures Foundation jer BH Futures Foundation ulaže u najveću vrijednost našeg društva, u mlade ljude, i za cilj ima da ih kroz prave vrijednosti i edukaciju usmjeri i pruži im priliku ka prvom koraku u ostvarivanju njihovog potencijala.
Sedin Gabeljic, Product Sales Expert, Infobip, Malaysia
BH Futures Foundation je pravi primjer da se za pravim ljudima i organizacijom moze puno toga postici u obrazovanju i razvoju mladih ljudi. Prilika za sve nas da podrzimo rad fondacije se ne smije propustiti i drago mi je da sam dio projekta
Mirela Nezic, National team director, Juchheim Kosmetik, Austria
BH Futures Foundation podrzavam iz razloga sto sam ubjedena da nasa divna Bosna i Herzegovina ima mnogo mladih talenata, koji svijet treba da vidi i cuje. Investicija u omladinu i nauku je bitna za bolju buducnost svih nas. Sve pohvale za ostvarenu fondaciju.
Amela Majdanac, Business economics student,
Advisor at Upper Austrian Government
BH Futures Foundation is an amazing concept that connects people all over the world. I am overwhelmed of the work of these powerful people. It´s a pleasure to be a part of supporting young talents an giving them possibilities to achieve their professional and personal goals.
Denis Okanovic
Rodjen u Tuzli, stanujem i radim u Roterdamu. Kao malac sam se bavio tenisom na visokom nivou i dobio sam priliku da se tenisom jos dalje bavim na internacionalnom nivou. Takodjer i na profesioalnom polju kojim se dan danas bavim; Information Manager za gradsku opstinu Roterdama. Roterdam je internacionalan grad i sa tim sam imao priliku da u (socialnoj i profesionalnoj) saradnji dozivim razlicite kulture, norme, radne navike, i.t.d. Vrlo brzo mi je bilo jasno da 'balkanci' ulazu dusu i srce u posao i veoma su ambiciozni, i da je ta kombinacja zbog cega su vrlo uspjesni u onome sta rade. Svi ti nasi kvaliteti samo mogu doc do izrazaja ako se pruzi ili kreira prilika. Meni se pruzila prilika i tu priliku sam nogama, rukama, dusom i srcem 'zgrabio'. Vidim potencijala 'BH Future Foundation', imam puno povjerenja, i drago mi je da sam kao donator clan ove organizacije. Sustina price je jasna. Ljudi(ne) smo, i ljudsko je drugom pruzit priliku, omogucavat i pomagat. Svako na svoj nacin.
Omer Karasalihović, Aircraft Maintenance Technician, Global Maintenance, BiH
My support for this organisation comes from my belief that each young individual in B&H deserves an opportunity to show his or hers skills and foundations like this make such things possible. There is great potential in young people and empowering them with knowledge can only bring positive changes into our society. Keep up the good work!
Nadir Durmić, Managing Director, Tipteh, BiH
Fondacija koja na jednom mjestu okuplja izuzetno uspješne Bosance i Hercegovce, sa ciljem pomoći učenicima/studentima je sigurno mjesto gdje bi svi željeli da budu. Pratim rad fondacije već neko vrijeme i nevjerovatno je koliko kvalitetnih projekata je već iza nje. Tek se radujem onome što budućnost donosi. Biti od pomoći drugima, to je formula za sretan i ispunjen život, a BH Futures Foundation omogućava upravo to.
Emir Berberkic, IBEW Local 56, USA
I'd like to say I'm proud to support the BH Futures Foundation. it is truly amazing that this foundation exists. I believe that we all need to be apart of something encouraging like this. Even a little something makes a difference. Thank you for the opportunity.
Aid Vehabovic, Medical technician/Oncology care, Germany
Želim da podržim fondaciju jer znam da su obrazovanje i ideja ono što predstavlja jaku i bolju budućnost za naš narod, za naš svijet. Znanje je najvažnija karika uspjeha i snage, ako budemo ulagali u znanje ljudi čije vrijeme tek dolazi, obezbijedit ćemo sigurnost i doprinijeti razvoju. Važnost Fondacije, u mojim očima, jednaka je kao važnost obrazovne ustanove. Zajedno možemo! "
Lejla Tuholjaković, Management Consultant, EY, Austria
In order for the entire world to really become equal, it needs to start with education. The right to education is a fundamental human right. It is a powerful tool by which all children and adults can lift themselves and participate fully in society. We need students to continue to learn and research in order to stay innovative. Bosnia and Herzegovina has number of students with amazing accomplishments and I am glad to help some of them.
Bozidar Sevic, Project Manager, IK-Group AS, Norway
Sama ideja BH Futures Foundation da promovise nase uspjesne mlade i ne bas tako mlade :) je plemenita i cini me ponosnim. Ovakvih inicijativa nikad dosta!
Edin Grgic, Associate Program Manager, Tricentis, Austria
If you can dream it, you can achieve it. An education is the most powerful weapon you can possibly have, and with it, you can make all of your dreams come true. There are of course certain exceptions, depending on what you’re aiming for, but generally an education will take you as far as you’re willing to go.
Benjamin Sabic, Sports scientist, Klinik Pirawarth, Austria
Podržao sam rad fondacije, jer znam i sam koliko je težak put školovanja naših studenata, jer sam jednim dijelom i lično prošao taj put, od osnovnih studija u Bosni i nastavka školovanja na Univerzitetu u Beču. Isto tako smatram da naši ljudi iz Bosne i Hercegovine prave velike korake u svijetu nauke, da posjedujemo veliki potencijal i tako da ovaj moj mali doprinos tome je samo još jedan korak koji će sa hiljadama drugih stvoriti jednu veliku zajednicu i podržati ono nešto najsjajnije u našoj budućnosti, a to jesmo mi, mladi ljudi.
Alen Aždaić, Germany
Siguran da je obrazovanje i podrška talentovanim i marljivim studentima Bosne i Hercegovine, jedina investicija koja omogućava prosperitetnu budućnost. Onaj ko podržava obrazovanje, podržava i unapređuje Bazu društva i njenu uspješnu budućnost. Ja sam siguran da je potrebno puno puno više podrške u ovom smjeru, ali nadam se da će moj sićušni doprinos pomoći vama i vašoj organizaciji na daljnjem putu.
Edina Gagic Demir, Regional Corporate Director, Sparkasse Bank, Bih
Ammar Sabanovic, Co-Founder, Visiot, BiH
Za podršku BH Futures Fondaciji odlučio sam se iz razloga jer smatram da svaki doprinos i podrška znači i korak naprijed za sve nas.
Također, smatram da BHF Fondacija nudi odličnu perspektivu mladima, vrhunske prilike, ali i pokazuje svijetu, a naročito i nama samima kakve talente i pozitivne priče imamo.
Jasmin Vesnic, Founder & CEO, Softray Solutions, USA
I am proud to support BH Futures Foundation because I believe that the best way to give back to our community is to invest in its education.
Nikola Buric, CEO, i-dijaspora / i-platform
Kako vjerujem da je znanje moć, a socijalni i kulturološki kapital jedine stvari koje nam niko ne može oduzeti, neizmjerno sam srećan i zahvalan što imam čast biti dio BHFF porodice, koja pak posjeduje nevjerovatnu mrežu mentora/ki, saradnika/ca, studenata/kinja, pojedinaca i pojedinki, i samim tim neiscprni izvor inspiracije.
Aldin Music, USA
I want to provide an opportunity to our younger generation, especially in these difficult situations with the covid19 pandemic. in life we always take, and I would like to begin this year to provide some sustenance for the greater good. I always believed in education as the path forward regardless of diversity. Paving the path for our younger generation thru BH Futures Foundation is something dear to my heart that i wish to support and encourage others to join the journey.
Edin Husić,
PhD student,
London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
During my education I received several scholarships and all the help I needed from my mentors. Combined they made all the difference for my progress. I would love for others to be as lucky as I have been. BFF supports many Bosnians in all crucial aspects. Especially important for me is the presence of BFF throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Ajla Nurkanovic, Master, TU Kaiserslautern & Student Worker (AI Team), Germany
Our talented youth deserves so much more than it is usually able to get in B&H. Therefore, it is an honor to be a part of this story, the story that helps them through their career and education paths, whether it's science, engineering, or something else. We are stronger together and together we can make a brighter future for them and all of us since hope and future lie in the youth.
Milana Saradzic, Client Services Manager, Ticket Attendant, USA
2015-e, kada sam ja napustila BiH, stopa nezaposlenosti mladih je bila 63.21% i ja jednostavno nisam vidjela nacin da ostanem u svojoj zemlji i takodje budem u mogucnosti da vodim dostojanstven zivot. Ipak, to ne znaci da ja ne volim svoju zemlju, ili da ne bih ostala da je bilo prilike za to. U Americi sam vec skoro 6 godina i iako sam zadovoljna uspjehom koji sam ovdje postigla, nedostaje mi moja porodica, moj grad i moja zemlja. Zelja mi je da pomognem koliko mogu i, ako je moguce, stvorim uslove za to da mladi u BiH ne moraju da napuste svoju zemlju da bi postigli uspjeh i imali zivot kakav zele.
Damir Mesic, CFO, Aldar Properties PJSC, UAE
Talented students across BiH deserve all the support they can get to help them realise their ambitions and, in doing so, create a better future for themselves and BiH. Organisations such as BH Futures Foundation that make this happen and I am pleased to be able to support their superb work and initiatives.
Ajla Musovic, Solutions Specialist - Spanning, Kaseya, Canada
Like many other diasporas, I often find myself asking how I can help the future of my homeland. I’m very proud to support BH Futures Foundation that is not only empowering our next generation of leaders in BH, but also providing us with a way to contribute. The Foundation’s mission and their focus on STEM education, simply put, gives me hope. There is so much talent and potential in the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina, they just need the opportunity and support - let’s give them that.
Igor Gavrić, Customer Success Specialist, Refinitiv, UAE
After joining BHFF as a mentor, I decided to become a donor as well and support the Foundation in another way. What I like about the Foundation is that there is no political agenda, you can come as you are regardless of your social, ethnic or any other background but the only thing you have to be is hard-working and willing to grow.
Personally, I have been lucky to receive scholarships which led me to study and work across three continents and I am so happy that I can finally pay it forward. Keep up the great work!
Arijana Miličević Palić, Head of Commericial Healthcare and Retail (CEE & Nordics), Ontex, BiH
BH Futures Foundation podržavam jer smatram da je svaka podržana mlada osoba zdrav put ka svjetlijoj budućnosti.
Što ima više otvorenih prilika, to je vise oslobođenog potencijala, sva podrška za naprijed.
Adnan Fekovic, Financial Professional, Netherlands
BHFF invests in people so that they can provide good education. Think about what that means, if more and more people can solve their problems themselves! Give a man a fish and he has food for one day. Teach a man to fish and he will have food for a lifetime. I like to do something about this every month. I give money, BHFF gives me a voice. You won't get anywhere on your own. BHFF represents the voice of millions in the diaspora. Let's also create this community of people who will help each other, to create opportunities for young people to create a better and brighter future for all of us!
Alvin Locic, Lead Product Designer, Compass, Australia
As an individual who was born and raised in Australia, I had access to a quality education. This should not be a privilege, but a human right for all. I truly believe that education is an important aspect to success, as well as the key component to a stronger and united Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Being one of many Bosnian diaspora who are proud of their heritage, BH Futures Foundation gives me a strong sense of hope, as they empower the youth of BiH to build a positive, prosperous future for their country.
Albin Pjanic, BIM Manager at Qatar Railways Company
Svaka plemenita zelja i namjera zasluzuje podrsku, a nasa duznost je da prenesemo znanje ili da pomognemo u njegovom sticanju. BH Futures Foundation jeste i nudi upravo to, cast mi je biti mali dio ove price
Nermin Daul,
Policy advisor, International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), Spain
As a recipient of a different scholarship during my early career, I know how much any form of support means to its beneficiaries. BHFF combines (at least) three factors that benefit individuals and society at large: education, opportunities and an intellectual spark. I'm proud to be able to support them, however little, and follow their magnificent work.
Adin Berbic, Mechatronics Engineer, Zimmer Austria
Svi mi ambasadori svoje zemlje, samo je pitanje da li to svi razumijemo. Ljubav i patriotizam prema domovini se moze iskazati na razne načine a s moje perspektive, mislim da je ovo najbolji način.
Irma Brcanovic
Director of Consumer Experience, truLOCAL Inc
Having spent the majority of my life in Canada, I have been so fortunate to have had access to a quality education, helpful resources, and meaningful professional connections -- all of which have given me the tools I need to pursue my dreams. Every time I visit Bosnia, the young people there continue to blow me away. I have had the pleasure of meeting so many incredibly talented and hard-working individuals... all of which deserve the same opportunities the young people in Canada have.
Goran Vukalović, Sales and Marketing, City Gecko, BiH
It is a great honor and pleasure for me to be a part of the Foundation which, through its activities, directly influences the development of the most valuable part of society, young people. I am glad to be in the “same basket” with people who think broadly, who see beyond the horizon, and who work for a better and brighter future.
Ezana Ćeman, IT Helpdesk Assistant, The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, BiH
Odlučila sam podržati BH Futures Foundation jer je pružanje mogućnosti našim mladima ključno za oblikovanje budućnosti našeg svijeta. Fondacija BH Futures je jedinstvena organizacija posvećena pružanju finansijske podrške, kao i ogromnog tima veza za mlade ljude kako bi završili školovanje, stekli nova životna iskustva i u konačnici utrli put za budućnost ne samo Bosne i Hercegovine, već i svijeta. Hvala vam što ste našoj omladini pružili priliku da se poboljšaju i što činite našu zemlju ponosnom svaki dan.
Tatjana Sukara, HR Manager, JSGuru, BiH
There's a saying: “The key to success is technical knowledge multiplied by communication skills”
BHFF was aware of this, and offers both aspects to young people by supporting their growth and most importantly creating leaders. This is a proof that smaller environments and regions can create amazing outputs if you are surrounded by the right people, especially if they are young and ready to think about the future. It is my honor to be a part of this group and to help create a better future.
Amel Jasarevic, Quality Assurance Manager, Capewell Aerial Systems, USA
I support BH Futures Foundation because I believe in education and empowerment of our young men and women. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a hotbed for talented innovators and leaders, who can and should, play more prominent role in how our country and world shapes up for years to come. I have been nothing but impressed with the work foundation has done so far, and I am thankful I can contribute, in a little way I can, to the amazing things still to come.
Almin Prosic, Scientific Officer, Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Switzerland
Mirza Mujezinović, Coordinator of YouthBank Project, Fondacija Tuzlanske Zajednice, BiH
Vrijeme mladih ljudi ne dolazi. Ono je već došlo i na svima nama je da zajedničkim trudom, zalaganjem i ulaganjem pokažemo mladima da vjerujemo u njih, njihove kvalitete i njihovu spremnost da kreiraju društvo po mjeri svih nas. Shodno tome, naša je obaveza uzimati učešća u kampanjama poput 1000x5 jer ulaganjem u mlade ulažemo u budućnost i bolju, jaču, Bosnu i Hercegovinu. A ujedno se i zapitajmo gdje bismo mi bili da nije bilo onih koji su vjerovali u nas!?
Suad Tadzic, System architect, Belimed, Switzerland
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Jasmin Hodzic, Director Of Marketing And Product Management, Guardian Industries, UAE
I believe that supporting education is actually empowering people to overcome some of the toughest challenges our country has by realizing their full potential. By perpetrating the same on their own, we are setting up for an inclusive and safe environment where people can prosper and have a better life.
Muamer Hajtic, Student MSc. Medical Informatics Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
Although I grew up in The Netherlands, my connection with the country where my roots are, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has always been close. I have had the opportunity to study and thereby develop myself both academically and professionally. There are many talented young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and I believe it is important that they get the same opportunities that I got. BH Futures Foundation empowers the youth through education, technology and leadership. By supporting BH Futures Foundation I can make a positive contribution to the situation of students in Bosnia and Herzegovina in general.
Jasmin Ahmic, CAE Department Manager bei MAGNA STEYR Fuel Systems GmbH, Austria
Ahmed Hajdic, Mechanical Project Engineer at Water Jet Has d.o.o., BIH
I truly believe that young people in Bosnia have talents and skills to accomplish great things. But they also need support and right mentorship to empower them and guide them in the right direction. Not so long ago I was in their spot, and I couldn't have made it if it weren't for people around me. So BHFF is a great organization to help young people in this country, and it lets people like me to contribute in changing lives, no matter how big or small it is.
Irfan Ljubunčić, interni revizor u Ministarstvu finansija Srednjobosanskog kantona, BIH
Drago mi je da imam priliku podržati projekat usmjeren na podršku obrazovanju mladim bh. talentima jer smatram da su ljudi i znanje najvažniji resurs jedne zemlje
Haris Dzanan
Cast mi je biti dio projekta koji ima za cilj osnaziti i ohrabriti mlade u njihovom obrazovanju. Bosna i Hercogovina ce biti onoliko snazna koliko budu snazni nasi mladi. S toga ovo smatram investicijama u bolje sutra. Nase je samo ono sto damo.
Ismar Galijasevic, Area Sales Manager Sarp Food Technologies Italy / Co-owner and CEO at SARP Food Technologies doo B&H
Bosna i Hercegovina može imati svijetlu budućnost samo zahvaljujući mladim, ali obrazovanim generacijama koje dolaze. Nema nikave dileme da Bosna i Hercegovina ima pametne i talentovane mlade ljude. Odlučio sam se da podržim BH Futures Foundation jer ista, koncentracijom znanja i sredstava, može pomoći talentovanim mladim ljudima da se ostvare i razvijaju na personalnom i profesionalnim planu, te tako doprinesu i razvoju naše Bosne i Hercegovine.
Milenko Raic, System Developer, Consat Engineering AB, Sweden
I support the BH Futures Foundation because it gives young talents the opportunity to connect, learn and thrive with modern technologies. Since I have spent part of my career in Bosnia and Herzegovina, I am convinced that this is a country full of young talents and professionals. BHFF is based on the best core values and is a revolutionary approach that will certainly contribute to the improvement of social values in general. These values are the foundation for keeping talents within the homeland but also to make them successful wherever they go.
Denina Sulejmanovic, executive assistant at IG Wealth Management, Canada
It’s heartwarming that a foundation like BH Futures is accessible to young individuals. I’m proud to support and stand by this vision for a brighter future. Successful and supported lifepaths will be created as a result for generations to come. We are better together.
Ragib Kadribegovic, Project Manager, Teknotherm, Sweden
Fondaciju podrzavam, u prvom redu, jer cvrsto vjerujem da je obrazovanje tj znanje osnova prosperiteta, kako pojedinca tako i drustva i drzave. Kako sam i sam kao student imao podrsku drugih, osjecam duznost i obavezu da se kroz svoj skromni doprinos djelimicno za to oduzim. Mislim da je Fondacija i odlicna platforma za networking i umrezavanje Bosanaca i Hercegovaca u domovini i dijaspori te doprinosi razvijanju saradnje i osjecaja zajednistva.
Baz Mehanovic, Manufacturing Excellence Manager at Harrison Manufacturing, Sydney, Australia
Razlog zasto pomazem BH Futures Foundation je uglavnom pomoc mladim ljudima i perspektiva koju mladi ljudi mogu naci u BiH kroz edukovanje, pristup modernoj tehnologiji i komunikacijama.
Jasmina Hodzic, Senior Manager, PwC, Italy
The BH Futures Foundation is fuelling just the right agents of change: young people eager to push the boundaries of their education, interested in staying in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and able to make a tangible impact in the communities where they live. Their recipe of mixing young talent, financial support, and mentoring strikes me as simple and visionary at the same time. I am convinced that donating to this cause can make a real difference in people's lives and in BH's future.
Erna Karahodza, Polyglot, Bosnian and French language teacher at Stockholms Stad, Sweden
I'm thrilled to be involved in the amazing endeavour of shaping the future! As a teacher, there's nothing more fulfilling than assisting and helping students in discovering their abilities and transforming into the future trailblazers and contributors.
I'm thankful to BH Futures Foundation for establishing a platform where education and strategic involvement come together. United, we can create a significant influence on our society and cherished Bosnia & Hercegovina.
Emir Pjanic, Security Engineer
I chose to support the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation because it empowers young individuals to unlock their potential and build a brighter future for themselves and the country. The foundation's focus on education, innovation, and mentorship aligns with my belief in the transformative power of knowledge. By joining this family, I am proud to contribute to a cause that creates lasting impact and inspires positive change in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Dino Fejzagić - Experienced Unity Developer, Germany
The future of Bosnia and Herzegovina lies in the education of its youth and its young professionals. Giving them access to tooling and skills needed to thrive and contribute towards a strong economy is of utmost importance. I am happy to contribute towards this goal and invite everyone, who's able, to support the work of BH Futures Foundation in one way or another.
Haris Lizde, DPM Sales Partner, InSource Group, Netherlands
Irrespective of race, creed, and gender, education makes it possible for people to stand out as equal with all the other persons from different walks of life. Overall, education is the platform that makes it possible to defeat all barriers. In that respect, I fully support Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation in our joint mission to make BH a better place for everyone.
Ervin Fekovic, Program Manager, EnA, Australia
I believe that youth in Bosnia & Herzegovina need to gain a better appreciation for multidisciplinarity, leadership and enterprise skills that will allow them to compete with the world’s best right from their birth country. BH Futures Foundation is creating the next generation of ethical, highly empathetic tech leaders who will transform the country into a modern nation.
Almir Gutosic - Industrial Engineer, Flex, USA
I support BH Futures Foundation because I truly believe in the foundation’s mission and the leadership of the founders Edhem & Resad. The Leader’s duty is not to create followers, but to create more leaders. BH Futures Foundation has sparked new hope among Bosnia & Herzegovina youth and professionals across the world. We want change, we believe in change, and with hard work and perseverance we will get the change.
Dino Beslagic, Associate, Henry Carus & Associates, Australia
I have been fortunate enough to get a quality education in Australia, which has allowed me to reach my goals and I am now proud to support programs such as BH Futures Foundation. I have personally met a number of the students from the foundation and realised what kind of leadership qualities and potential they possess. The foundation is truly creating the future leaders of BiH.
Haris Selmanovic, Software Developer, Bicom Systems, BiH
I have been part of the foundation since I was a 1st year student. The foundation has helped nurture my talents and develop my leadership capacity. I have led numerous projects and volunteer initiatives for the foundation in our homeland and abroad, which resulted in me being elected to the board of the foundation as its youngest member. The foundation is transforming lives of young people, it did that for me and now it is my turn to pay it forward.
Elma Cavalic,Helping People Innovate, IKEA Sweden
I see a bright future for the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a future where our young people are more supported and motivated to work with what they love and deserve! Our youth have so much potential, they just need guidance and to be empowered, to fully blossom. I know how big impact great leaders and mentors have made in my career. BH Futures Foundation is full of talented professionals who are passionate about creating a brighter future — which is in the hands of the youth! That’s why I have signed up on this exciting journey. Sign up you too and help us reach the goal even faster. Your contribution makes a huge difference!
Helena & Edin Dedic, Sr. Planning Analystm Carrier Corporation, USA
Drago mi je da postoje ljudi i organizacija kao vasa koja vjeruje i podrzava mlade ljude da budu visoko obrazovani. Glavni razlog zasto smo odlucili da podrzavamo vasu fondaciju jeste skolovanje mladih ljudi nepraveci razlike po religiji, nacionalsti i vec sta drugo sto sije razdor medju ljudima. Svaki student ima sansu da bude uspjesan ako zeli da se posveti studiranju. Zelimo jednog dana da vidimo nasu zemlju prosperitetnu i punu mladih koji zele u njoj da zive i rade, a ne mito, korupciju, ili raseljavanje, zemlju iz koje se bjezi za boljim sutra.
Momcilo Amovic, Software Engineer, LANACO, BiH
The foundation has played an integral part in my professional development. Today, I am a young professional who has “learnt how to learn” thanks to the amazing people I have surrounded myself with. I want to live in a country where the leadership and capability of young people is recognised and supported. BH Futures Foundation is enabling that. It is my extended family.
Almir Mesic, Process Engineer, Shell, Netherlands
Education plays a central role in the future of any country and society. People know who they are and have a strong commitment with the values of freedom, social justice and development if they have an education. As someone who had access to public education and therefore opportunity to work in a multinational company where I could develop personally and professionally, I truly want to support this great idea of BH Futures Foundation. This to enable young generations to develop themselves and build better future. I believe the whole effort will help Bosnia to become better place to live in.
Rasim Duric,
Network Analyst, University of Guelph, Canada
YES - I want to make a difference.
YES - I want to inspire change.
YES - I want to help youth in Bosnia & Herzegovina establish themselves at a global level so they can be the change we all seek.
Andrej Kaurin, CTO, JSGuru, BiH
I have been supporting the foundation for several years, from mentoring students to hosting workshops in our company headquarters in Banja Luka. Education is the key to unlocking human potential and bringing positive change to society. I want to leave a legacy behind that I can be proud of and that future generations can benefit from.
Sejo Jahic, Founder & CEO, Echo Technology Solutions, USA
From the moment I met a group of young people who are part of the BH Futures Foundation program, I was hooked. All they want and they certainly deserve it - is the level playing field as others young people in Europe and the Unites States. I want to support them so that they can reach their full potential.
Jasenka Hot, Energy Expert, WSP, Sweden
I learnt about the foundation’s work in Stockholm in 2017. Since then I have been an active mentor in the foundation, supporting the development of young people. This campaign is a a great way to extend the impact of the work that is already in place. The foundation has come a long way in a few years and I want to help them grow. I want to help young people in Bosnia & Herzegovina grow as professionals and provide a better life for themselves, their families and the entire country.
Muamer Cisija, Co-Founder & President, Symphony, USA
I've always believed in the importance of giving back to the community. Now, having the opportunity to support youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not only gratifying but necessary. I co-founded Symphony, a technology house that works with some of the biggest names in the industry and empowers talented youth from Bosnia and Herzegovina to grow while working on some of the most challenging products. By supporting the work of the BH Futures Foundation, I hope to inspire other individuals and organizations to create exciting opportunities for local youth. Together we can make a difference!
Bojan Pavlovic, Consultant, Light for the World, BiH
Children, young people and lifelong learning have been a core component of my personal and professional development for almost ten years. Ever since my first volunteer experience (16 years ago), I recognized the importance of youth and charity organisation. There are many reasons why I am, and always will work for children and young people, helping them grow up healthy, able to express themselves, fulfil their career goals and make a positive contribution to society. Since I have become proficient in creating a conducive environment that nurtures the professional development of individuals, I want to inspire BH Futures Foundation students to carry on the mission.
Mirza Tihic, Researcher, Syracuse University, USA
BH Futures Foundation, as the name implies, focuses on the future of better Bosnia & Herzegovina by building a strong, educated, and innovative foundation, our youth. A lot of organizations talk about the importance of education and empowerment for young people, unfortunately, only a few do anything about it, BHFF is one of the doers and has had a tremendous impact already.
Nesim Mahovkic, CEO, DoucheConcurrent, Netherlands
Senada Cvrk Pargan,
I believe that education is the only way to achieve life goals. Since you are an organization that enables young people to achieve the desired ideas through education, I believe that my contribution can help encourage them. I would also like to express my gratitude for your efforts and work to guide young people on the right path. You are an ideal example of how morality is enhanced in young people, and I sincerely thank you for that.
Admir Mujcinovic,
Founder at Cleanaux Pty Ltd, Australia
Quality education, entrepreneurship and civil liberties are the cornerstones of a successful society. BH Futures Foundation is helping lay the foundations of a generation of young leaders that will ultimately transform Bosnia and Herzegovina into a thriving, economically stable and liberal nation for all its people.
Melina Stevanovic, Bioinformatics Analyst, NIH/NCI, USA
To make a difference in someone’s life, you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care enough and be there, don't pay back, but pay forward. Global leaders must commit to enhancing the quality of education and reduce the education gap by increasing school resources, improving the efficiency of educational institutions, and seizing the opportunities afforded by technological innovation. All of this will serve to enrich human capital, which is essential to boosting productivity and incomes and that is why I strongly believe in our extraordinary, bright and smart minds and BH Futures Foundation. Indeed, we should ensure equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender, wealth or geographical position because little things truly make a big difference. Let's act together and help young people achieve their goals, spreading that circle and making a world more comfortable place to live in.
Samir Pekaz, Co-Founder, CrewLance, UK
Sve što nam je nekad potrebno da unaprijedimo svijet oko sebe jeste lijepa riječ i malo povjerenja. Izuzetno sam zahvalan i ponosan za sav rad BHFutures Fondacije i nadam se da će moj mali doprinos pomoći nekoj mladoj osobi da vidi naprijed.
Vesna Bajsanski-Agic, Executive Director at Mozaik Foundation, BiH
Dzenan Buzadzic, Head of Digital, Founder & CEO,, BiH
It is my pleasure to support a foundation that has the word future in its name and education in its core because we can only change the future. For sustainable progress, the key lever is quality education, especially in areas such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. That dynamic knowledge base enables individuals and society to respond creatively and innovatively to the challenges of the digital age (future).
Sanja Medar,
Director of Operations, DV POWER, Sweden
BH Futures Foundation is putting into practice core values I share and strongly believe in. Starting with education being one of the pillars of empowerment of new generations and tool for shaping the brighter future. Projects like this give an opportunity to individuals to have a bigger impact and reach than acting stand-alone.
It is a privilege being able to give back to the community, in any form. And it would make me happy to see more generations to come privileged in such way.
Ermin Hamzic, Product Sales Expert, Infobip, China
BH Future Foundation enables us to invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a best possible way, and those are young people and their education. I am glad to be a part of this project because it is positive, humane and encourages progress.
Nermin Catovic, Project and Product Manager, Origin (BiH)
The programs that Foundation offers, opportunities for young professionals and connections that get built are simply, priceless. We should all aim to give something, whether that is financial support or time we invest into helping young individuals. I have been a mentor through the foundation and got a great understanding of what they do. This encouraged me to reach out and help financially. Only with knowledge, we can fight the inequality and everyday challenges. Building young leaders and trying to change our country’s future should be our common goal. I am extremely happy to support and be part of this group.
Amar Aganovic, Professor, The Arctic University of Norway
Scholarships helped me immensely in pursuing my educational goals. The BH Futures Foundation presents a great opportunity in enabling young people achieve their full potential, as well as create better societies. I believe that the foundation can help Bosnia and Herzegovina recover its capacity to retain its educated youth in the future.
Hazim Basic, Professor Mechanical Engineering, BiH
Science, technology and innovation are today the key drivers of economic, social, cultural and sustainable development. In addition, these areas represent a picture of the general state of a society. Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a country in long-term transition, still pays insufficient attention to these areas. Therefore, an initiative such as the BH Futures Foundation, which seeks to link the proven great potential of Bosnian youth around the world with the idea of faster progress of Bosnian society, deserves every form of support.
Nedžad Lomigora, CEO, CapeAnn Tech Director, MIT Enterprise Forum NYC, USA
As Steve Jobs once said: “You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards.” Every donation to the BH Futures Foundation is a dot paving the path for the generations of the exceptional future leaders. When we look backwards, we will see an indelible, positive impact the Foundation has made on our country. We can already see the results evident in young people who benefited from educational opportunities, including a large percentage of women.
Edis Hadzimusovic
Founder, BAPAS Consulting, BiH
Već neko vrijeme pratim rad i aktivnosti BH Futures Foundation te se na njihov poziv za priključenje u članstvo nisam nimalo dvoumio. Primjetio sam da u članstvu ima veliki broj ljudi koje jako cijenim i poštujem te koji su svi okupljeni oko plemenitog i jedinstvenog cilja kao što je pomoć za stvaranje razvojnih pretpostavki naših mladih. Mišljenja sam da nam je ulaganje u mlade, njihovo obrazovanje, razvoj i rad te djelovanje jedna od ključnih šansi da idemo naprijed i da se za nas čuje i zna. Znanje se uvijek isplati i nikad ga nije previše. Mreža je dobar alat za stvaranje kontakata i širenje pozitivnih priča i primjera.
Shodno tome, drago mi je da ću biti dijelom dobre, uspješne i pozitivne priče i na taj način dati doprinos projektima koje pokreće i vodi BH Furutes Foundation.
Asim Beslija, Media Producer, BiH
Razlog zbog koje podržavam BH Futures Foundation je što je usmjerena na stvaranje jedne nove generacije Bosanaca i Hercegovaca koje će uspješno odgovoriti na izazove već globaliziranog svijeta. Fondacija stvara lidere za digitalni svijet, koji su obrazovani, umreženi, otvoreni za stalne promjene, autentični i koji svojim znanjem mogu promijeniti svijet u kojem živimo. Fondacija je prepoznala momentum da je budućnost već sada i da je ona zasnovana na znanju i stalnom usavršavanju i da ovi mladi ljudi koji dobiijaju stipendije, stvaraju novu Bosnu i Hercegovinu, buduću članicu EU i drugih svjetskih saveza. Također, fondacija je prepoznala enorman ljudski kapital i talenat koji naša zemlja posjeduje.
Alen Kušmić, IT Consultant, Norway
Kvalitetno obrazovanje je temelj svakog zdrave i progresivne zajednice - i treba da bude pristupacno svima! Samo znanjem mozemo da dostignemo nivo svijesti o gradjenju naprednog drustva ciji je glavni cilj dobrobit svih njenih clanova!
Serdzan Arnautovic, Recruiting Expert, Facebook, UK
My goal has always been to take the next generations of Bosnians forward – and with the BH Futures Foundation, my aim is not only to take them to the next step – but instead helping move forward in leaps & bounds.
I’ve worked within the tech field for most of my career and am an expert in creating and spearheading high growth & complex recruiting strategies in Central & Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa & Turkey. By working at Amazon and now Facebook, I’ve had a chance to do so much but also learn a lot – and this is what I hope to share.
Lejla Ibrahimpasic, Adviser, USA and BiH
As someone who was sponsored by the USA institutions and individuals to complete my higher education, I am a big advocate and supporter of similar initiatives. I met Edhem Custovic while working on different projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina and when I was presented with an opportunity to support BHFF I was more than happy to do so, since I had a full trust that this would be a well-developed project. I am looking forward to seeing a new generation of 10,000 young STEM leaders and hope to support them all the way long.
Sead Keric, Managing Partner, STX Commodities, Sweden
Education is a ticket to a better future and as many people as possible should have this opportunity in B&H. BHFF is answering the calling to create the change for the better and I am very proud to be a small part of this. Great work!
Valentina Visković, Project Associate at Disperse, BiH
Since I am involved in the work of the BHFF through a mentoring program, I get to see and understand activities that the foundation is engaged in and the opportunities it provides to young people from B&H. I believe that each of us, with our knowledge, actions, and donations, can contribute to youth empowerment leading to building a better B&H. This foundation, together with all its members, does that every day in the best possible way.
Adnan Behmen, Senior Director IT, Procter & Gamble, Poland
BH Futures Foundation is a remarkable, world-class organization with passionate and capable leadership - focused on the key strategy improving our homeland’s long term prospects: investment into our youth. I strongly believe in the organization’s mission and ability to execute it with excellence. I am extremely proud to contribute to this project, both as a mentor and donor.
Adis Cengic, Senior Graphic Designer & Audio Engineer, BiH
The youth needs qualitative and quantitative education and knowledge to lead a better and brighter future. Together with the BH Futures Foundation we can take a step forward.
Sejdefa Bašić, Collective Impact Director, Mozaik Foundation, BiH
I recognized the enormous potential in BH Futures Foundation as one of the key leaders in change and prosperity for Bosnia and Herzegovina. They found the formula for how to use the knowledge and creativity that Bosnian youth poses and transform it to the road to the future for our country. Happy to be one of the passengers.
Emina Hodzic, Chief Human Potential Officer, Mistral, BIH
I am proud to support the work of BHFF as we share the same vision, educating and empowering young people to shape them into the future leaders that Bosnia and Herzegovina needs. I feel that we are all responsible to actively participate and share our knowledge and experience with new generations to be able to build our country into an environment that retains bright minds and gives them opportunities to continuously develop.
Muhamed Adilovic, Teaching Assistant, International University Sarajevo, BIH
I truly believe that this kind of work can help a society to move forward and improve the quality of life for all of its subjects, making it a great opportunity for all of us to contribute towards a positive change.
Bega Karadža, PhD Student, KU Leuven, Belgium
Svi trazimo nacin da doprinesemo zajednici i nasoj Bosni i Hercegovini na najbolji nacin. Ja biram da to uradim preko BH Futures foundation, zbog njihove jasne vizije i misije, dosadasnjih projekata, inovativnosti i zbog prilika koje pruzaju mladim ljudima.
Snježana Živković, General Manager, Publica Language Studio, BiH
Od 2019. godine sam prilvilegovana što imam priliku da sarađujem sa BHFF u ulozi mentora i svjedočim fantastičnim postignućima ove fondacije, studenata koje podržava, kao i uticaja koji vremenom jača. Suštinski, BHFF povezuje mlade ljude s prilikama koje doslovno transformiraju njihove živote. Čast mi je što sam dio ove inicijative, te bih je metaforički uporedila sa “lučonošom” - koji ide prvi, osvjetljava i olakšava put, dajući nadu u bolju budućnost onima koji prate njegove korake
Edin Lakić, Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the Laboratory of Energy Policy (LEST), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Everything we have learned in life has been passed on from someone - parents, friends, mentors and therefore the access to education is one of the most important things which should be offered to everyone. I strongly support any foundation that connects people, promotes mastery, exchanges, connects students with professionals, and strives to acquire new knowledge. The strength is in cooperation and TEAMwork - because Together Everyone Achieves More.
Mirza Dautbegović, DevOps Engineer, Endava, BiH
BH Futures Foundation je zaista sjajna stvar, možda i najbolja fondacija koja kroz svoj rad predstavlja naše mlade talente cijelom svijetu. Kroz BHFF pobjeđujemo predrasude, širimo znanje te skupa učimo da bi smo jednog dana naše društvo učinili boljim
Zihna (Jusić) Ejubović, Routing Analyst, Infobip, BiH
As formal education in BiH isn't providing its student full spectre of job related skills, organizations that invest in youth are extremely necessary to provide high-level opportunities for growth. I'm glad that there are organizations like BHFF which are puting focus on youth in BiH, and it's an honor to support this mission.
Damir Badžić, Program Manager, BiH
I have been following BH Futures Foundation on social media for some time now. I believe that the power of the community is important, and that good communities make great individuals. BH Futures Foundation is capable of making BH youth to become those great individuals.
Tarik Ibrahimpasic, PhD Candidate, Technical University of Munich, Germany
A cornerstone of every society is education, and its quality determines the future of the society. BHFF aims to improve the future of our beloved country, with an aim to make it a better place for generations to come. I am honored to have had the opportunity to grow and gain much valuable knowledge through BHFF, which is why I support it so that many young people could benefit from it.
Enes Avdic, Solutions Architect, Motorola Solutions, USA
I have known about the BH Futures Foundation for a little bit and have been following their work on and off. I was always very intrigued by what they were doing and what they have accomplished so far. At the same time, I've always wanted to find ways to try and help in the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its future. I believe that the BH Futures Foundation is doing exactly that! What better way to make Bosnia's future brighter and develop our country than by investing in our youth. I hope to be able to make an even bigger impact in the future not just financially.
Irfan Jahic, Software Test Engineer, NXP Semiconductors, Austria
I support BH Future Foundation because of their goal to make education affordable and accessible to anyone. I want to help in achieving those goals and making a significant change.
Ajdin Buljubasic, Customer Care Representative, AT&T, Czech Republic
Haris Mujezinović, Accountant, MANN+HUMMEL Group
Žalim samo za vremenom kada sam se ja upisivao na studije što nije bilo fondacije, mislim da bi bilo daleko jednostavnije doći do korisnog znanja i obrazovanja. Velika je stvar imati podršku od najuspješnijih Bosanaca i Hercegovaca iz cijeloga svijeta, a iskreno nisam ni znao da postoji toliko naših ljudi na takvim pozicijama i sa takvim karijerama u zemljama širom svijeta. Svakodnevno pratim rad fondacije, i iz dana u dan sam sve više i više oduševljen tim projektom, i zaista vjerujem u to što radite.
Amel Balic, Certified Public Accountant, Norway
I believe that education, mentorship, technology access and networking at Futures Maker Spaces, will contribute to development and preparation of youth of Bosnia and Hercegovina, to meet the challenges of todays and future business world. I am happy to play a small part in supporting the youth to evolve into entrepreneurs, leaders and change makers, who strive for the advancement of quality of life for all citizens in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Iris Kico, PhD Researcher at Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Bosna i Hercegovina zaista ima mnogo talentovanih mladih ljudi koji zasluzuju svu mogucu podrsku u svom profesionalnom i licnom razvoju. Smatram da je uloga svih nas da se ukljucimo i podrzimo ih u njihovim ciljevima, te da im osiguramo okruzenje u kojem ce njihov talenat i znanje doci do izrazaja i gdje ce imati priliku da napreduju i da se dodatno usavrsavaju. Zahvaljujuci BH Futures Foundation, ova ideja je zaista zazivjela i mnogi studenti i profesionalci su dobili priliku da se povezu, uce jedni od drugih i da svako od nas doprinese na svoj nacin za bolje sutra.
Elma Bešlić, President of the General Assembly/Educator at Youth for Peace BiH
Very often the position we are in is not what we truly are or can be due to various circumstances over which we have no control. I support the work of the BH Futures Foundation due to the fact that it changes circumstances and provides an opportunity for young people to be the best version of themselves and their capabilities. Education and investing in young people are the best investments we can support, and BHFF provides the opportunity to invest in both at the same time.
Slavko Klisura, Retired Journalist, BiH
Rođen sam u Goraždu, u toj maloj varošici istočne Bosne kroz koju teče divna i plahovita Drina. Gotovo cijelo svoje djetinjstvo proveo sam na toj rijeci. Inspirisala me je moja kćerka Tajna koja je već u Vašoj Fondaciji, uz organizaciju koja čini istinske poduhvate za koje Vam iskazujem moje istinsko poštovanje i bezrezervnu podršku.
Sumeja Čakalović-Hadžimehanović, Marketing Manager, XYLLION, BiH
While supporting our brilliant, intelligent and amazing youth we are helping Bosnia and Herzegovina grow. I am more than proud I can call this amazing BHFF team my second family and see all the effort every individual of our family put into making B&H better and prosperous. Looking forward to supporting this positive story of our country and to see what's next.
Maida Beslagic, Federal Inspector, Bureau of Inspection Affairs, BiH
Zelim vam puno uspjeha u radu, jer istinski pokazujete da ste dostojni svake podrske, posebno u ovom vremenu!
Selma Zilic, R & D Cylindrical Production manager, Northvolt, Sweden
Drago da podrzavam mlade zeljne znanja i promjena i da mi je drago da mogu pomoci na neki mali nacin u ostvarenju necijih zelja da se usavrsi, posebno negdje "vani". I sama sam bila stipendista vlade Ceske Republike za magistarske studije i znam koliko znaci finansijska podrska za nove avanture i zivotne puteve.
Maja Jurcevic, CEO, Raiffeisen Leasing, BiH
Vjerujem da je obrazovanje najmoćnije oružje u borbi za promjenama koje su nam nužno potrebne. Kroz podršku Fondaciji želim da pomognem budućim generacijama da na lakši i produktivniji način dođu do novih znanja i vještina koje će im biti neophodne za izgradnju boljeg društva.
Haris Omeragic, Procurement Manager, DS Smith, Sweden
I support the BH Futures Foundation because of their inspiring vision and how the foundation invests in young people through education, technology and leadership.
Mirza Beširović, Innovation Product Manager, Zattoo, Germany
The Foundation creates opportunity for young talent through STEM and leadership education, mentoring, placement programs, and a host of other activities otherwise out of reach for most young people in Bosnia & Herzegovina. In doing so, it is enabling the next generation of B&H leaders and innovators, empowering them to influence the future of their communities and society at large, and changing individual lives for the better. As a big believer in BHFF's mission, I'm thrilled to do my small part to help it keep up its amazing work.
Damir Brackovic, Patent Engineer, Siemens Gamesa, Denmark
Youth are our present and our future. I see BH Futures Foundation as a strong driving force for young people of Bosnia and Herzegovina to achieve their potential and I am happy to give my support.
Daniel Rapo, Business Agility Leader, Volvo, Sweden
Prvo drago mi je da postoji ovakva organizacija kojoj je cilj da napravi veliku promjenu dajući omladini mogućnost da se razvije, prošire svoje znanje, sklope kontakte i postanu dio zajednice koja im otvara vrata, kako njima tako i našoj zemlji da se razvije i bude spremna za buduće izazove, pogotovo u tehnološkom sektoru. Čitajući šta ste sve dosada uspjeli organizovati, etablirati različite nivoe programa, podići našu omladinu i priluziti im životnu priliku, koja samim tim podstiče njih da druge razvijaju time sto su se naučili, mi je otvorilo srce i želju da bar na neki način budem dio toga.
Verica Jelaca, HR Partner, Denmark
Kad sam prvi put procitala jednu vasu objavu bilo mi je posebno drago vidjeti da se netko angazira u projekte koji doprinose sirenju znanja, suradnje i prosperiteta. Ja podrzavam Fondaciju, jer smatram da je investiranje u znanje i obrazovanje najveci doprinos koji mozemo dati mladim ljudima. Zelim da svi mladi ljudi i buduci narastaji imaju mogucnost ostvarenja svojim ambicija i da optimalno iskoriste svoj potencijal, kako za sopstvenu, tako i za dobrobit svog naroda i drustvenih zajednica u kojima zive i djeluju.
Mirela Delibegovic, Professor in Diabetic Medicine, University of Aberdeen, UK
Education of youth and their professional and personal development are the most important foundations for growth and success of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Empowering future generations with the knowledge, networks and ambitions to allow them to flourish is something that BH Futures Foundation does incredibly well and long may it continue.
Benjamin Tikvina, Senior Financial Analyst, FDIC, USA
I firmly believe that the world rests in the hands of the youth. For BiH to move forward, we need to empower the youth by allowing them to have access to adequate education, technology, and leadership. I am delighted that BHFF promotes this through its mission and activities.
Sladjana Ćosić, Senior Social Development Specialist, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
I believe in giving back. I wouldn’t have had the same opportunities if it wasn’t for the support from others along the way. The future of Bosnia is in the hands of its youth. By supporting their education, we can nurture their confidence, thereby fostering hope and peace.
Imra Hodzic, Research Associate, UN Institute for Training and Research, Switzerland
I truly believe that education is the path towards progress, development, and success. As a Bosnian child who started the first school days during the war and faced many impossibilities in the post-war period, I remember how happy I was and how much it meant to me whenever I had the opportunity to access new technologies and additional education free of charge. It is my pleasure to be a part of such a beautiful initiative that supports and helps the development of youth in BiH.
Aida Dzehverovic, Corporate Accountant, Nova Chemicals, USA
Bosna i Hercegovina je moja domovina i jako me žalosti situacija u kojoj se nalazi. Teška ekonomska situacija navodi jako veliki broj mladih ljudi da napuste zemlju, a za one koji ostaju školovanje predstavlja veliki izdatak koji neki nemogu da priušte. Zbog toga zelim putem BH Futures Foundation, da sa drugim donatorima pomognem našim mladim i talentiranim ljudima da se obrazuju i nadam se iskoriste to znanje za napredak države u kojoj žive. Bosna i Hercegovina mora drzati korak sa ostalim zemljama da bi opstala, a nove generacije su nada u bolje sutra koju nesmijemo zanemariti.
Admir Hadžić, SRE / DevOps, Ministry of Programming, BiH
BH Futures Foundation takes big steps in taking care of our young people's education and by doing that it ensures a better future and prosperity for our country and all people that live in it.
Aleksandra Sevic, PhD Candidate, University of Stavanger, Norway
Ono sto mi se jako dopalo vezano za BH Futures Foundation je zelja da se mladi podrze na putu ka ostvarenju svojih zelja i potencijala. Mladima trebaju prilike za razvijanje vjestina i kompetencija koje ce im pomoci da pronadju svoje mjesto na trzistu rada, a samim tim i u drustvu. Ulaganje u obrazovanje je ulaganje u buducnost!
Tarriq Purivatra, Data Engineer, Ford, USA
It's an honour to support BH Futures Foundation. I believe a better future for Bosnia starts with the youth, which is achieved through mentorship, incubators, leadership programs, exposure to new technologies, scholarships and an expanded network. As diaspora, it is important for me to stay connected to my motherland, especially by supporting a Bosnian organization that is productive, educational, and one that I can be proud of.
Alen Husic, Acting Country Leader, Oracle, BiH
Education is the primary building block of any society. In my life I've been awarded scholarships that have helped my parents to finance my education path. I've felt that the time has come to do the same thing for others. With the Foundation I saw the opportunity to that and more. The deciding factor for me was the transparency and the people involved with the Foundation. I hope we can make a difference together and make Bosnia a better place to live for future generations.
Arnel Taslaman, Test Engineer, Greentube Internet Entertainment Solutions, Austria
I support BH Futures Foundation because I believe they are making a positive impact on the lives of students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I would be happy if a foundation like this existed when I was a student, but at the same time, I am happy I can give now a small contribution to the foundation which provides support to young people who are going to represent our country.
Haris Adbegovic, IT Service Specialist, DICE, Sweden
I believe in education, helping others and positivity, BH Futures Foundation is all about that and much more. I want to support the foundation because I believe in their mission for a better future for the youth in BiH and they are showing that anything is possible regardless the circumstances.
Dino Tufek, Group Treasury Director, Thule Group, Sweden
If you truly want a change for the world to be even better place, education is the only way. This is exactly what BH Futures Foundation is about. I am grateful for all the effort you do, all the young people you are helping and will proudly support your work
Semir Hasedzic, Analyst, Novetta, USA
I became a donor because I am now in a position in my life where I can support and give back to have the next Bosnian generation succeed. It is an honor to support an organization which has created and sustained a global network to provide opportunities for students and scholars in our homeland to succeed. I am happy to have the opportunity to support BHFF and its various projects!
Merima Nurkanović Hot, Actuary, Allianz, Germany
Kao neko ko je studirao vani bez stipendije, znam koliko je izazovno se uopste i usuditi razmisljati o studiranju vani. Ali, isto tako sam bila i student i u BiH i znam s kakvim se sve izazovima studenti bore. Zbog toga mi je uvijek bila zelja nekako pomoci studentima cim budem u mogucnosti. Kad sam cula za BH Futures Fondation odmah sam znala da zelim biti dio te price. Nadam se da cemo moci pomoci studentima, ali isto tako se nadam da cemo moci motivisati sto veci broj ucenika i studenta da se bave naukom.
Malik Galijasevic, Radiology Resident - University Clinic for Neuroradiology, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck, Austria
Jednostavno mi je dosta sadake na koju je nas narod navikao. Mislim da je obrazovanje jedini nacin na koji mozemo promijeniti svijest i usvojiti moderna razmisljanja koja ce nas povuci naprijed. Smatram da je BH Futures Foundation zaista pozitivan primjer u nasem drustvu
Mirheta Omerovic S., PhD Candidate, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Moje dosadašnje iskustvo naučilo me da uspjeh itekako zavisi od ljudi kojima se okružujemo. Sa 17 godina napustila sam svoju BiH u potrazi za boljim životom. Kroz obrazovanje u Italiji, Svedskoj i Njemackoj upoznala sam mnostvo nasih ljudi koji su mi pomogli u ostvarivanju mojih ciljeva. S obzirom da je moj profesionalni razvoj dosegao zadovoljavajucu razinu, vrijeme je da vratim zivotu ono sto je on pruzio meni. Stoga ponosno podrzavam rad BH FF jer omogućava mladima iz BiH umrežavanje, mentoring, razmjenu znanja i iskustava što za rezultat pomaže i pospješuje njihov profesionalni napredak.
Lejla Durakovic, Sweden
Iimala priliku da živim u zemlji gdje je svo školovanje besplatno. Vjerujem da sve zemlje trebaju to da ponude svom stanovništvu jer znanje je sve i treba biti dostupno svima. Kada već nije dostupno od države onda želim da nekom tu mogućnost pomognem pružiti.
Merima Đozić, Head of Clearing and Settlement, BAMCARD, BiH
U vremenu u kojem živimo pružaju se bezbrojne mogućnosti mladima da se obrazuju, usavršavaju i ostvaruju svoje snove. Na žalost, mnogo je talentovane i pametne djece koja samo zbog nepovoljne finansijske situacije ne mogu iskoristiti svoje potencijale. Kroz podršku BH Futures Fondaciji želim skromnim doprinosom biti među onima koji pružaju pomoć tamo gdje je najpotrebnija, ulagati u znanje i budućnost naše BiH.
Dobrila Močević, Director, PRIME Communications, BiH
Moje uključivanje u vašu kampanju samo je rezultat mog iskrenog i dubokog uvjerenja da svi imamo obavezu i odgovornost da pomažemo i ulažemo koliko možemo u različite projekte usmjerene na unaprijeđenje društvene i ekonomske stvarnosti. Po mojoj procjeni, BH Future Foundation je jedna takva svrsishodna organizacija fokusirana na mlade, koju treba da podržimo svi mi koji insistiramo na kompetentnim, obrazovanim, motivisanim i sposobnim budućim članovima tima i korisnim članovima društva.
Sanjin Mehmedika, Group COO, CT-TECHNOLOGIES
Being a part of BHFF is an opportunity to share my professional drive, motivate and mentor students and young professionals. BHFF provides access to quality education and industry-specific insights, speeding up professional development of youth from Bosnia and Herzegovina, laying foundations for a healthy society with a bright future.
Melika Bukva, Student Support Business Operations, Atos, Austria
I truly believe that education paves the road to a better future, which is why I chose to support BH Futures Foundation in their mission to forge young change makers. By creating a worldwide network of successful individuals from whom they can learn, we can work towards creating a prosperous and, in times of turmoil, resilient society in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Ademir Kadić, Quality Engineer, ELIN Motoren, BiH
As a person who finished his education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a person who is familiar with situation in our country I believe it is important to invest in young talents and through that way help our country. This is a reason why I support this foundation, also after I was convinced that the members of this organization are ready to help strangers to achieve their dreams and goals, I couldn’t stay silent at this action. Furthermore, this organization itself educates its fellows through various training workshops.
Hana Pasic, Co-lead, Global Youth Mobilization, WOSM, Mexico
I've been looking for a while for an opportunity to invest in the development of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the BH Futures Foundation offered an excellent opportunity to do just that. The programmes and opportunities for learning at the Foundation enable many young people from my home country to thrive and develop professionally, and I am very grateful for having the chance to support such meaningful work.
Nezir Isanović, Project Manager, QSD BiH
Every opportunity to grow should be taken, especially in college days. BHFF is giving young people a chance to gain further experience and above all, a supportive community that is going to help them reach their ambitions. I'm happy to be a part of such a story, as they are the ones who are going to continue building our country in future.
Alžana Jakupović, Global Customer Analyst, Bunge, USA
In 2019 and eleven years after I received my four year degree, I was accepted into a Professional MBA program. I received a full scholarship at Washington University which has an acceptance rate of 14%. I never knew this was possible. I never knew I could do this. This was a lifelong dream of mine. Someone believed in me. Someone gave me a chance. And I did the rest. I became a single mom exactly five years ago. I had to start all over from the bottom. I focused on my goals, stayed focused and never looked back. In May 2022 I am on schedule to graduate with my graduate degree. Many people have helped and inspired me on my journey, and I hope to do the same going forward. My hope is that I can inspire others to never give up, to hang onto that hope, to define their goals and to believe in the beauty of this world despite it all! I was forced to leave my country of Bosnia and Herzegovina at age twelve. This is still my home and I want the world to see what kind of talent we have, to help make that connection and see our country flourish. Thank you BH Futures Foundation for making a huge impact.
Amina Čeliković, Marketing Specialist, Bingo, BiH
Amir Sahinovic, Managing Director at ADEA Power Consulting, Australia
Education, Leadership and Technology plays a central role in the future of any country and society, particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As migrant who move to Australia and started new life with only one asset which is my education, I personally experienced importance of the same. Education helps me to build my new life and become successful and recognisable in Australian business society. Thank you, Bosnian and Herzegovina Futures Foundation, for giving me opportunity to participate in such important platform, to enable young generations to develop themselves and build better future. I am strong believer that the whole effort will help Bosnia and Herzegovina to become better place to live in.
Amel Hamidović, Software Developer, Netconomy, Germany
Vjerujem da dovoljno truda i ulozenog vremena kao i novca, mi zajedno mozemo graditi bolju buducnost u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ja sam licno vec prije razmisljao o tome koje mogucnosti postoje za obicnog covjeka dati svoj doprinos u razvoju cijelokupnog drustva u BiH. Procitao sam o cemu se tacno radi i saznao da je ta fondacija upravo to sto sam trazio.
Amra Ibrahimovic Kurtovic, Sales & Marketing, Product Chemical Store Sweden
Fondaciju podrzavam jer smatram da svi imaju jednako pravo na obrazovanje .I sama sam odrasla kao povratnik u Bratunac i znam s kakvim se izazovima djeca u ruralnim sredinama susrecu. Uvijek cu rado pomoci koliko mogu . Smatram da obrazovana omladina je jedina prava i svijetla buducnost nase Bosne i Hercegvine.
Sanin Ramezic, ICT Sales Team, Comtrade Systems Integration, BiH
Čast i zadovoljstvo mi je što sam postao član vaše porodice. Kao otac troje djece od kojih su dvoje tinejdžeri, te osoba koja svoju profesionalnu i životnu afirmaciju želim vezati samo za BiH, osjećam se i obaveznim da učestvujem. Nemam dileme da li će uspjeti jedan ovakav projekat. Treba biti strpljiv. Vrijeme je na našoj strani, a imamo najjaču polaznu osnovu: BiH kao naša urođena, neuništiva i jedinstvena vrijednost.
Amir Jatic, General Manager, Bosing Engineers & Consultants, Netherlands
Pomoći mladim BH talentima, ne samo u razvoju tehničkih/ tehnoloških kvaliteta, već i u razvoju “soft skills” kao sto su pro-aktivan stav, samorazvoj, osjećaj odgovornosti, komunikacijske vještine, itd. je moja glavna motivacija za podršku ovog i sličnih projekata. Mladim osobama u Bosni i Hercegovini se prenosi “suha” teorija bez konteksta odnosno kako se ta teorija primjenjuje u praksi na praktičan i efikasan način. Bosna i Hercegovina ima mnogo talentovanih osoba i zaslužuje visoko razvijeno obrazovanje i tolerantno društvo u kojem se te osobe mogu razvijati i ostvariti svoje ambicije bez želje ili potrebe za odlazak u inostranstvo.
Kao serijski poduzetnik, ali i kao pojedinac, dajem sve od sebe da se to ostvari, bar u našem uskom krugu u kojem operiramo. Isto tako savjetima i akcijom podržavam mlade talente u njihovom razvoju kao mladi profesionalci, gdje će imati veću dodatnu vrijednost na tržištu, kako za sebe tako i za buduće poslodavce i klijente.
Samra Skopljak, Project Coordinator, Agilon Health, USA
It is amazing to see successful Bosnians globally getting together for the greater good of supporting our young and talented youth to succeed and have the opportunities that many of us did not when we lived in Bosnia, including myself. I’m happy to help!
Emin Sačić, Logistics Coordinator, Jifeng Automotive Interior, BiH
BHFuturs Foundation čini veliku stvar. Saznavsi za njihov rad i projekte kojima se na jedan potpuno novi, osvejzavajući i profesionalniji način pomažu mlade, elokventne i uspjesne generacija stručnjaka iz raznih oblasti, uvidio samo koliko jedan mali korak svakog pojedinca može da mijenja svijet na bolje. Sa samo 1-2 kafe/kahve/kave mjesečno manje i uz BHFF smo u mogućnosti promjeniti stanje zajednice. # Zajedno smo jači! #Male stvari kada ih radimo skupa postaju velike! #Mala smo zemlja velikih ljudi! Thank you BHFF!
Nail Kalac, Online English Trainer, Learnlight, Montenegro
Podrzavam rad BH Futures Foundation zato sto vjerujem da nasi mladi ljudi mogu donijeti potrebne promjene u drustvu i uciniti svijet boljim mjestom.
Emir Karadza, Assistant doctor, Schön Klinik, Germany
Young people are the future of every country. Giving them the opportunity for better education is a key factor to professional and personal growth. Especially in low income countries there is a danger of being left behind concerning technology and innovation. The BH Futures Foundation is doing amazing work investing in young brains with all of their activities and especially the mentoring program. I am very happy to make my contribution to such a great community.
Vedran Šolaja, Senior Marketing Communications Manager, Microsoft, Slovenia
Bosna i Hercegovina je puna talenata koji, nažalost, nemaju uvijek pravu priliku da budu prepoznati. BH Features Foundation je upravo ta platforma koja je prepoznala problem i sa velikom strašću i jednako velikom uspjehu, radi na tome da doprinese njegovom rješavanju. Drago mi je da sam, barem malim dijelom, dio ovog projekta i pozivam sve koji to mogu, da svojim učešćem i donacijama učine da platforma raste, a sa njom i talentovani mladi Bosne i Hercegovine.
Ismir Mulalic, Associate Prof. at Copenhagen Business School
Ajla Rekovic, Communications Specialist at Awaze and UEFA Translator & Interpreter, Denmark
I strongly believe that, if we want a better tomorrow for Bosnia, we have to start from education. I have met many Bosnians more or less my age all over the world and I am in awe of what they have achieved and keep achieving, which is why I am optimistic about Bosnia’s future as well as the success of this foundation because we, as a nation, are extremely talented. It is crucial that we nourish that, and I am more than happy to do it with the BH Futures Foundation.
Safet Keco, Project Manager, STRABAG International GmbH, Uganda
Adrian Andric
Već duže vremena primječujem kako pojedine asocijacije i klubovi Engleza, Francuza i slično, investiraju dosta vremena i novca u mladju generaciju, kako bih njima olakšali put i spremili ih za uspješniju budućnost. Vaša fondacija je stvorila mogućnost gdje čak ljudi koji možda imaju samo malu konekciju sa BiH mogu biti ponosni i s tim isto pomoći u stvaranju novog, modernog lica BiH, orjentisanom na akademske i poslovne pobjede svih nas koji duhovno pripadamo tom prostoru.
Amra Subasic
I am supporting this foundation because:
I believe that that greatest results are achieved through smart organization and collaboration, which is something that I see in the BH Futures Foundation. I want to contribute to a prosperous and democratic future of Bosnia & Herzegovina, and I believe that the key to this lies in the youth of country - its future.
Dejan Hadziosmanovic, Data Analyst at BE-terna, Zagreb, Croatia
Ja smatram da znanja nikad nije dovoljno i da mladima treba pružiti primjer i podršku da se odluče ići putem stalnog učenja i širenja vidika. Uvijek sam otvoren da pomognem mladim ljudima, da ih poslušam i posavjetujem kako bi lakše pronašli svoje mjesto u svijetu.
Fikrija Skarep, Co-op Advisor at Conestoga College, Canada
We have become monthly donors to the BH Futures Foundation after we had learned a few great things about it from one of their representatives, and after having followed the work of the Foundation on LinkedIn for about a year.
As someone whose young family members study in Bosnia, we know first-hand what obstacles young people face during their studies, including financial instability, difficulties in finding tutors, scholarships, or professional development opportunities. The BH Futures Foundation works on alleviating these issues, as well as many others, and we wanted to be a part of it.
The BH Futures Foundation has convenient options for monthly donations, including €5, €10, or €15 per month, and, even if donating elsewhere, our people abroad can often easily set these amounts aside. Even though the monthly amounts are low, if every donor abroad—who may even forget that they are donating—donated monthly, it would support dozens of students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An almost invisible difference in your wallet for a visible change.
Dzenana Sekic, teaching assistant at Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering Tuzla and civil engineer at MMF International, BIH
BH Futures Foundation podržavam jer se divim svemu što radite i postižete za mlade u Bosni i Hercegovini. Mladi kao nosioci budućeg naslijeđa, imaju zadatak da uče i samim tim budu značajni i korisni članovi zajednice. Kao pojedinci možda ne možemo učiniti neku promjenu ali zajedno možemo mnogo toga.
Indira Sadikovic, Director, Corporate Communications, Freudenberg North America Limited Partnership, USA
Wonderful initiative! Congratulations to the founders and to all BH Futures Foundation supporters. Thank you all for being smart and generous! You make me proud to be Bosnian.
Boban Vukićević, University Lecturer Digital Transformation and Strategic Management, Member of various Supervisory Boards, The Netherlands
I am happy to be able to contribute to the noble goals of this wonderful organisation. It is impressive to see how they are able to translate its goals into practical hands-on organisation that is able to execute and really make the difference for many talents form Bosnia and Herzegovina. Most of all it is impressive to see how the positive energy combined with youthfulness and the will to do good results in explosion of positive vibes, hope, knowledge and sense of purpose.
Munib Karavdic, CEO of Wave Design and professor at UNSW, Sydney Australia
The World is a global village, and by an interactive dialogue, understanding, respecting and supporting one another, we can create the necessary climate for a peaceful and sustainable society. Enabling the younger generation to open their minds, express their potential and give back to the community is an inspiring, noble purpose of BH Futures Foundation. This is an excellent investment in the united voice of young people who are enthusiastic about their development. I feel privileged that I can support young talent in Bosnia and Hercegovina through this platform.
Dino Fejzagić, Senior XR Engineer, CTO and Founder CodeEffect GmbH, Game Developer, Germany
The future of Bosnia and Herzegovina lies in the education of its youth and its young professionals. Giving them access to tooling and skills needed to thrive and contribute towards a strong economy is of utmost importance. I am happy to contribute towards this goal and invite everyone, who's able, to support the work of BH Futures Foundation in one way or another.
Adela Kadiric - Founder, Serial Entrepreneur, Germany
Connection isn't the problem, as we live in a connected world. Having the opportunity, the break, the chance to be part of the the latest trends in technology as they develop, that is what is needed. I see the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation as more than an example, as an actual first step, in helping provide those opportunities.
Srđan Vukic, Commercial Services Manager, Ericsson, UAE
I gave a webinar lecture on 5G to the BH Futures Foundation students and was fascinated by their enthusiasm, ideas, great questions and determination to become experts in their domains. I want to help support the next generation of problem solvers and young leaders.
Tijana Tufek-Memisevic,
President at Candarc,
I truly believe that education is a key catalyst for positive social change. Bosnia and Herzegovina is full of young and bright minds that deserve a chance to thrive and achieve their potential but are lacking opportunities to do so. The 1000 x 5 initiative allows such young people to become professionals and leaders whose knowledge can influence not only their own future but create a more prosperous future of B&H society as well. Therefore, I wholeheartedly support this noble cause by BH Futures Foundation.
Lejla Ademovic, Regional Channel Manager for Europe, Stainless Steel Coatings, USA
One should not be denied the access to quality education. The world belongs to those who educate themselves, and we count on them to make the world a better place. Like Malcom X would say: “ Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”.
Goran Barbir, Physics & Chemistry Teacher, China
Hope. I am sure that anybody who considers themselves at least partly Bosnian/Herzegovinian has had many points in time where you would just like to forget everything about that magical, but cursed place you consider home because there is just no hope that things will ever get any better. For me, BH Futures Foundation not only gives hope, but lays out impactful, clear goals and actions to transform our country into the prosperous, diverse and unique place most of us only know from our parents’ stories. I am honored and humbled to take any part in this wonderful and noble effort. Let’s work!
Tonya Skuse, Executive Assistant, IEEE, USA
I have always valued the importance of education. I strongly support the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation and the work it has set out to do in helping the youth of BiH achieve greater things.
Amer Muratovic, Engineer, Atlatec, Germany
As a former scholar of the foundation I know what it means to be given a helping hand when you are in need. The foundation helped shape my early career. It is more than a foundation, it is a family that is growing. I am now employed and working in a German company with a wish to help make Bosnia & Herzegovina an amazing place in the near future. I will continue to donate and invest with knowledge into young people.
Anel Adzem,
General Manager, Perficient, USA
As a young kid I emigrated to the USA and due to the help of others I was able to get an incredible education. I belive in education as a means of making Bosnia & Herzegovina a better place for its citizens and the many of us in the diaspora. I support the foundation’s mission in empowering the next generation of thinkers and leaders.
Vernisa Rejhan-Icindic, Chair Swedish Chamber of Commerce, BiH
I have been part of the BH Futures Foundation journey since the beginning. I was draw to the people in the foundation, the amazing students and the noble mission. I have personally grown from the experience and whole heatedly believe that the investment into the youth of Bosnia & Herzegovina is an investment into our own future.
Sara Lerota, MarketMakers / Helvetas, BiH
Meeting the members of the foundation and some of the shining, inspiring, hard/smart-working young souls BHFF continually supports made me fully certain that these young individuals are not only changing our society for the better, but - through gladly sharing their gifts of knowledge with others - are also creating an atmosphere of prosperity. It's an honor to support such an initiative - keep on being amazing!
Resad Zacina, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Ministry of Programming, BiH
I believe that we all need to give back to the community however we can, especially the youth that is going to build up the country.
Merima Zahirovic, Classroom teacher,
Valhøj Skole, Denmark
Youth education is the only path to progress, creativity, new ideas and the development of critical thinking. I want BiH youth to have the same opportunities as their peers in developed countries.
Amar Ramadanovic, Manager, PwC, Netherlands
I believe in the great potential that young people in Bosnia & Herzegovina have. They deserve our support. The BH Futures Foundation transforms young talents into future leaders.
Dalila Suhonjic, Specialist, International Finance Coorporation, USA
I am delighted to support the wonderful and essential work of the BH Foundation. There is nothing as impactful as nurturing young talent and helping it grow. It gives me a great pleasure to see so many delightful young people thrive.
Sasa Ibrulj, Freelance Sports Writer, Sweden
Education and leadership are critical for the future of Bosnia & Herzegovina. I want to support the professional development of youth in our homeland. Everyone can play their role and I am looking forward to seeing these young talents conquer the world with their know-how.
Damir Fazlic, Founding Partner, Q One Tech, USA
Nermina Kundić, Alderman (Deputy Mayor) in Soest, Netherlands
Education is not only a key to personal success, but also the most powerful mean to change people, communities and entire nations. I am happy to be part of Bosnia & Herzegovina Future Foundation helping the young people to develop their talents and creating a world wide network of willing professionals to be their role models and mentors. Join us, Together we can make great difference!
Almerisa Mustafic, Student, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
As a student who has lived in the Netherlands all her life, I have always felt deeply connected with my home country Bosnia and Herzegovina. Supporting the Bosnia and Herzegovina futures foundation will make a huge difference for youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina, if we all work together. Youth are the future and it is important to give young people the chance to get qualitative education. People don’t leave their country because the situation is flawless, but because they are looking for a better future. Let’s make sure we can be proud of our home country!
Miralem Prijic, Senior Researcher, Sarepta Therapeutics, USA
Education is a crucial component in order to build and maintain a democratic society. Every democracy relies on its citizens to be able to recognize facts over fiction by being able to critically think. I support BHFF in helping to create much needed social capital in BiH so that our youth can have the tools to be able to build a stable future at home.
Lejla Sipkar, Quality Assistant,
De Jong - Grauss Transport, Netherlands
I support future generation scientists so they can make a true difference in our country and the rest of the world.
Aida Hadzic, Consultant on Public Policy, BiH
BH Futures Foundation provides a vision for the future of youth. Active involvement is a must for its realisation: otherwise a dream remains only a dream. I want to be 1 of 1000 who build a new dream for our youth.
Nermin Imamovic, Engineer, Cundall, UAE
I had the opportunity to meet some of the foundation leaders in Dubai and I was thoroughly impressed with their vision, work ethic and programs. Glad I can support the education of young people in my homeland.
Željka Hassler, Product Designer, Hudl, USA
I believe that we can build a better, kinder, more equitable world together. I want to invest in the youth of my homeland and ensure its competitiveness on a global stage when it comes to science, technology, entrepreneurship and design. I am also looking forward to learning from all the leaders that are involved with the foundation and participating in achieving their goals.
Loris Gutic, Corporate Security Expert, BiH
It gives me pleasure to be able to contribute as much as possible to the organization with such a profound mission. Today, unfortunately, we lack solidarity, we lack support, we lack engagement, we lack dedication to recognizing and development of competences, quality and leadership skills required in order to look to the future with hope instead of dread. In Foundation's work one can recognize both empathic and meritocratic approach which signifies not only action for its own sake, but also the action with meaningful, far-reaching and positive consequences.
Mirza Mujagic, Developer,
Gebrüder Peters, Germany
I always believe in good People, Education and smart work. That's what BH Futures Foundation represents and that's what I also feel. If we want to see a better Future for Us and for the new ones. We need to give them a full support right now. “Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.”
G.K. Chesterton
Elma Velic,
Hubert Humphrey Fellow & Journalist, BiH
I believe in empowerment, education, equity, and a better future in Bosnia and Herzegovina. if we team up there will be progress. I decided to support a foundation that shares the same views and goals. People that believe in a better future for our children can be the ones who can improve life here. and BH Futures Foundation is already taken steps towards this goal.
Selmir Mujagic, Founder,
HawdDesign, Austria
Moje iskrene cestitke za "BH Futures Foundation" na odlicnom projektu. Omladina je kicma jednog naroda a ako tom kicmom upravlja znanje, onda ona zna kako da uspravno stoji. Mi smo najbolji ambasadori nase zemlje, zato trudimo se da budemo najbolji u onom sto cinimo, bez obzira koliko to sitno izgledalo.
Lejla Tinjic Zaimovic, Co-founder Business Women of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Austria
The foundation focuses on supporting the youth from Bosnia and Herzegovina by creating opportunities and telling success stories of youth empowerment from all over the world. Our Vienna based Association Business Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Austria ( is closely cooperating with the foundation. Young people and women are the building blocks of any society and both are still considered vulnerable categories in many societies. Working with young people and women is a priority and a duty for all of us, especially through supporting the work of organizations and individuals that are making an impact. We, the Association of Business Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Austria are proud to be a part of the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation family and so I am.
Selmir Kalender, Deputy Manager, Simmel, Germany
It is immensely important for our future leaders to focus their time and energy around people who inspire, support and help them grow into their happiest, strongest and wisest self. I think BHFF is offering a platform with the right environment for our youth and I am extremely happy the Foundation was called to life. "We rise by lifting others!"
Vildana Halilovic, Student, Erasmus University, Netherlands
The youth of Bosnia & Herzegovina need support so that together we can help the country advance. For this investment is needed. We need to give our youth the opportunity to be creative and allow them to use their resourcefulness for new projects instead of immediately thinking about going abroad.
Amir Hadziahmetovic,
Security & Identity - Management & Governance specialist, Denmark
All young people need is inspiration and support at a certain point in their career development. I believe that a quality program backed by the BH Futures Foundation is exactly what young and ambitious people from BiH need, to pursue their dreams and plans, and that is why I wholeheartedly support the work of this Foundation.
Adnan Slomic,
Founder at, Netherlands
As Benjamin Fanklin said: "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest". And I really feel and truly believe that by making even a small donation to BH Futures Foundation one can actually make a huge difference.
Damir Bajramovic, Blockchain Developer, OROUNDO, BiH
Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation helped me meet wonderful people and experts from various fields. The cause of empowering young people and bringing successful people together creates a fertile ground for the improvement of our society.
Elma Orucevic, Head of Office for Member of the European Parliament Irena Joveva, Belgium
I decided to support the BH Futures Foundation as it is remarkable how many talented and successful young people our country has. The financial issues should not be a reason for a young person to give up their dreams. Investing into young people is a wonderful thing we can do for our home country, but it is also a rewarding and important duty we should fulfill once we manage to build our own careers. Young people will (re)build our country and one can only be proud when seeing the talented, bright young people on their way to achieve great things in life. I am happy to play my little part in this.
Nada Matic, Distributor, Jeunesse Global, Germany
I decided to support the foundation to help young people realize their dreams with their education and to get a great job., I know that our situation is difficult. Young people should be helped so that everyone can have equal opportunities to study and achieve everything in life. I couldn't do it in Bosnia because of the war and that's why I have been living in Cologne for 28 years now. That's where I finished school and managed to make my dreams come true. I wish you all the best and I hope that we will all see each other soon in our dear Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Nedžad Kamenica, Project Advisor at IOM - UN Migration, BiH
Ulaganje u obrazovanje je ulaganje u budućnost, duboko vjerujem da ulaganjem u mlade ljude i podrškom ovoj priči dajemo dobre temelje nekoj ljepšoj budućnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini. Rad BHFF pratim već duže vrijeme i lično poznajem fantastične mlade ljude koji prave izuzetne rezultate u svojim oblastima. Ovo je moj skromni doprinos radu Fondacije.
Alisa Fetic, Director of Marketing at Foxit Software, USA
As a leader and a woman in tech I understand the importance of a good education. I’m delighted to support BH Futures Foundation mission to accelerate the development of STEM in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Investing in our youth is investing in our greater future.
Admir Skenderagic, Corporate Sales Executive at SoftwareONE, Netherlands
BH Future Foundation is aiming to empower and motivate the youth to make the needed changes in the country and to place Bosnia and Hercegovina where it belongs!
Belma Begluk, QA Engineer, Mistral, BiH
Being that I myself was a student a few years ago, I understand first hand how much the support and opportunity to improve ones knowledge means. This is one of the main reasons why I decided to be a part of this wonderful and positive story. I truly believe that by investing in our knowledge and education only, then can we have the leverage needed in order to make a difference in our society.
Kemal Basic, CEO Softhouse Consulting Smaland, Sweden
"Knowledge is power and freedom. Let us enable young people to create, through the power of knowledge, a community and future in which they want to live in and contribute. BH Futures Foundation is enabling this oppurtunity and for me this is the best way to contribute to the homeland and sociaty. I am proud to be a part of this project."
Emin Hajdarevic, Operator Partnership Technical Account Manager, Infobip
To be a part of the BH Futures Foundation family is a special blessing. I am very proud to support its mission and vision in any way I possibly can. The Foundation has given me an opportunity to meet many magnificent people, friends, and mentors, therefore it holds a special place in my heart. One thing is certain - The future looks bright!
Timur Hukic, PhD student, Zhejiang University, China
Fondacija predstavlja unikatnu priliku da svojim radom i zalaganjem zaista doprinesemo boljitku Bosne i Hercegovine. Ja čvrsto vjerujem da će BHFF biti glavni pokretač promjena i napredka u našoj državi
Damir Softic, Data and Security officer, Vebono, Norway
Mnogo je aspekata ove Fondacije koji mi se svidjaju al bih poseban akcenat stavio na ulogu Fondacije u obezbijedjivanju podrske u obrazovanju mladih osoba koje se nalaze u nepovoljnom polozaju u BiH. Stipendije koje Fondacija nudi kao i sveobuhvatna pomoc u vidu mentorstva, osiguravanja pristupa tehnologiji, pomoc studentima za sticanja radnog iskustva, savjetovanja, itd., je davanje vjetra u ledja mladim ljudima i njihovo osnazivanje koje ce sigurno rezultirati stvaranjem nove generacije koj ce donijeti promjene koje su nasoj zemlji neophodne. Ova Fondacija moze biti primjer lokalnim politicarima kako i na koji nacin treba ulagati u mlade i stvarati buduce lidere.
Zerina Alabaster, HR Specialist, JAGGAER, UK
An investment in young people is an investment in a better future. Our people have suffered for way too long now and the only way to change this is to help position the youth of today to become the community leaders of tomorrow. Nothing would make me happier than to see our young people flourish and get opportunities they deserve. It is time to change things and I feel extremely honoured to play a small part in this incredible project.
Azra Hamulic, Freelance Travel Writer, BIH
Sa prvim naznakama proljeća 2020. donijela sam konačnu odluku. Ostajem u BiH. Uprkos svemu. Ostajem. Bilo je to veliko olakšanje za mene zato što sam se riješila neodlučnosti i rastrganosti između pitanja otići ili ostati. Sve opcije su stavljene na stol. Mnogo puta sam u glavi vrtila pitanje koje mi je poznanica postavila: "Hoćemo li se pokajati što smo ostale?" Sada znam. Neću se pokajati. I otišla sam u Sarajevo na studij sa ciljem da se vratim i doprinesem razvoju svoga grada. Život u malim sredinama poput Cazina je moguć kada zajedničkim snagama radimo na promjenama koje želimo vidjeti u svom okruženju. Bez obzira odakle dolazimo i gdje se trenutno nalazimo, ukoliko dijelimo iste i slične vrijednosti, ciljeve i vizije te udruženim snagama djelujemo na njihovoj realizaciji, možemo ostvariti sve što poželimo. Vjerujem da BH Futures Foundation zajednica svojim djelovanjem stvara čvrste temelje za našu djecu i budućnost domovine. Zadovoljstvo mi je biti dijelom ove inspirativne, pozitivne i podržavajuće priče. Činite razliku. Hvala vam na tome. Obrazovanje je moćno oružje i ulaganje u znanje je ulaganje u budućnost svih nas, ali i generacija koje dolaze. Svjetlo ste na kraju tunela koje signalizira da nije kraj u onom trenutku kada se umorimo od sivila, monotonije, korupcije, nepravde i kada pomislimo kako sav trud i borba ipak nemaju smisla. Dokazujete da su promjene već tu. Samo se trebamo okrenuti ka pravom smjeru. Na svom putu snažno podupirete mlade u ostvarivanju njihovih snova, ali i motivišete i nas ostale da ne odustajemo od svojih snova.
Alen Arslanagic, CEO, Visium, Switzerland
Investing into the education and empowerment of youth in Bosnia & Herzegovina is the best way we can ensure a prosperous and peaceful future for all of its citizens.
Semra Smajic, Doctoral researcher, University of Luxembourg
Quality education is the foundation for a better future not just of the individual;it is also the foundation for a better future of the society. I am glad that I can support the education of the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina because knowledge is the most powerful weapon which one can use to change the world. It is a great privilege to play even a small part in this great and noble project.
Mensura Langić, Pharmacist, BiH
Priča kakvu pravi BH Futures Foundation je ono čega nam nedostaje u našoj zemlji. Naša mladost ima pravo da sanja veliko i zaslužuje priliku da ostvari svoj puni potencijal. BH Futures Foundation im upravo tu priliku pruža. Kada sam se upoznala sa radom i uspjesima pojedinaca koji su tokom obrazovanja bili podržani od strane organizacije, osjetila sam ponos, nadu i radost. Vjerujem da bi veliki broj Bosanaca i Hercegovaca osjetio isto i aktivno podržao rad fondacije jer ovo je nešto što se tiče svih nas.
Jasenko Purkovic, Consultant, Sweden
I support BH Future Foundation because they strive to establish a generation of young leaders to make a positive change today and in the future. BH Future Foundation gives hope for a brighter tomorrow. So I recommend everyone to jump on this train and let's build a better future for us all.
Lejla Basic, Lead Teacher, AcadeMedia, Sweden
Be the change you wish to see in the world.” The BH Futures Foundation stands for the values and ideas that I would like to see more of in our beloved B&H. As a teacher, I am well aware of the opportunities that quality education can provide. Knowledge is essential for success; however, to be part of a network is a great advantage. I’m pleased to be able to support young talents on their journey to a better future.
Dina Šeremet, Head of Marketing and Communications, Mistral, BiH
Čast je biti u mogućnosti pomoći mladima da dobiju odličnu edukaciju, pristup tehnologiji, pa čak i zaposlenje. Veoma sam sretna što postoje provjerene organizacije poput BHFF-a koje prave mostove između onih koji žele pomoći i onih kojima je ta podrška najpotrebnija!
Amela Spahic, QA Automation Engineer, Scania Group, Sweden
I feel honoured that I can contribute to amazing work BH Futures Foundation does to make Bosnian youth become remarkable individuals. Proper education enables students to completely utilise their talents and develop our country making it a prosper place to live. That is my hope, that is my goal!
Armin Maglić, Director, “Igraj, uci, rasti”, BiH
Podržavam Fondacija budućnosti u BiH jer dijelimo zajedničku misiju u osnaživanju nove generacije STEM lidera i liderica u Bosni i Hercegovini. Postoji mnogo prepreka u našem obrazovnom sistemu, a toliko kreativnih mladih ljudi. Neophodno je da imaju nekoga ko će im pružiti priliku da upoznaju mnoge izvanredne ljude, prijatelje i mentore, a što Fondacija upravo nudi.
Sabahudin Husic, Business SME at KPIT Europe, Germany
I am honoured to be involved in work of BH Futures Foundation as I find it very important to have a support system which provides better opportunities for young people of Bosnia and Herzegovina and helps them expand their view of the world and broaden their horizons.
Muamer Seljubac, Software Developer, Propeller, BiH
Every young person in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an acorn full of unimaginable potential. An acorn that, once fully grown, will provide protection and support for generations to come. All that is needed for it to flourish is proper care, guidance and support and BH Futures Foundation is providing exactly that in a very effective way. I'm eager to see the orchard of 10,000 trees strong very soon and that is why I decided to support the Foundation through my humble means.
Emir Adzovic, SDG Roll out, UNDP, BiH
Our future is shaped by our education. Access to quality education is key to better future. BH Futures Foundation is making a difference and I proudly support it.
Edin Džafić,
Civil Engineer, Aswar Eng. & Gen. Cont. Co., UAE
I am very proud to be a part of the BH Futures Foundation. Together with all these wonderful people, we can make an impact in providing support and opportunities for our young people in Bosnia.
Ajdin Velic, Student, University of Regensburg, Germany
BH Futures Foundation has recognized an important asset global leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals have in common – international experience and hands-on knowledge. Through its different projects and scholarship programs it aims to direct young leaders-to-be into the right direction to achieve seemingly unattainable goals. It is only fair, as someone who benefited greatly from non-formal education and a number of scholarships myself, to support the work, principles and ideas BH Futures Foundation stands for.
Anida Mumic, Project manager, Symphony, BiH
Our country has so many smart and amazing young people who need just a little spark and the chance to show it to the world. I am happy to contribute to feeling of joy to those who are conquering new horizons through science and knowledge - they make the reality and future a better place for everyone.
Dzana Dedovic, Program Manager, Spotify, Sweden
I truly believe that our youth in BiH have so much potential and can accomplish wonders if they are only given a chance. I was fortunate enough to be in a supportive environment that provided me possibilities to realise my full potential, which I am forever grateful for. I truly want the same for our youth. I am a proud donor of BH Futures Foundation because they increase the odds of our youth to succeed, make a true change and become the leaders of tomorrow.
Adisa Suta, Process and Analytics Officer, Swedbank, Sweden
Tanja Sovic, Head of Patent & Licence Management, TU Wien
It is very important to support initiatives like BH future foundation that enables young talented people the access to the education, ignites their minds and offers them better future perspectives. As a former refugee, I experienced how difficult it was to start a new life after losing everything. Thanks to the support of numerous volunteers, I was able to receive a high-quality education. This motivates me to help others and to support the youth of B&H to fulfil their dreams.
Dajana Soja, Manager Business Continuity Planning, Dubai Airports, UAE
I believe that a good education is a foundation for a better future. I hope that my contribution will help young people in Bosnia achieve their goals and inspire them to do great things.
Elena Babić-Đaković, Co-Founder & President, Udruženje Freelance, BiH
Konačno je došlo vrijeme kada neko prepoznaje ogromnu važnost investiranja u školovanje i budućnost mladih ljudi iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Taj neko je BH Futures Fondacija te mi je iznimno drago da mogu doprinijeti nastojanjima Fondacije da mlade osobe sutra postanu vrsni stručnjaci i lideri koji će svojim znanjem i ljudskim kvalitetima pretvoriti Bosnu i Hercegovinu u prosperitetnu državu poželjnu za život.
Merisa Nisic Ph.D, Medical lead, Centron, USA
I support the BH Futures Foundation as I believe in the raw talent and potential of the youth of BiH and the diaspora and the idea of wanting for others what we want for ourselves and helping to share our blessings. Through the BH Futures Foundation, students can receive that perfect blend of formal and informal education combined with leadership/professional development that they need to succeed whether inside or outside of BiH.
Belma Ibrahimovic, Senior Data Scientist, Toptal, BiH
Bosnia and Herzegovina have many unique beauties and potentials. The greatest ones, in my opinion, are the passionate, enthusiastic, knowledge-seeker young minds who have the potential of not only changing our nation for the best but creating a global impact as well.
BH Future Foundation is on the great mission of empowering the youth through various educational opportunities and by connecting them to the successful and inspirational professionals who are showing them, by example, they have the power to make the world a better place.
Samra Kalem, Quality Assurance Engineer, WirelessCar, Sweden
It is very important that young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina get the education they need and deserve in order to have a chance for the brighter future. Giving the chance to young people to connect with successful people all around the world, gives great examples and motivation to those young people to strive only for the best in such a challenging environment as Bosnia and Herzegovina currently is. That is way I am very happy to support BH Futures Foundation because of all their efforts, support and investment for all great youth out there. Those young people deserve it and can make brighter future not just for themselves, but also for all other Bosnian & Herzegovinians and bring some hope in better tomorrow for our beautiful country.
Ademir Alibegović, Campaign manager, TRGT Digital, BiH
Kudos to the BH Futures Foundation for igniting change, giving us the much-needed platform to support the next generation, and providing the opportunity for our youth to help hone their skills into leaders of the future in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Almin Hataric, Test Engineer, System Verification, BiH
Čestitam vam na vašem radu i mislim da ovake sitne promjene mogu da učine dosta veliki stvari. Kao što psolovica kaže: "Tiha voda brijegove valja"
Emin Erkocevic, Construction coordinator, M.J. Eriksson, Denmark
Mislim da mi svi imamo obavezu da pomognemo našoj budućoj generaciji da bi ostvarili kvalitetniji i lakši život. Ima dosta mladih ljudi koji bi zelili da napreduju, fakultet završiti ili započeti neki biznis, ali nažalost iz ekonomskih razloga nisu u mogucnosti.
Alžan Soldić, Director of Mobile Research and Development, QSD, BiH
There is no better tool for unleashing the potential of the human mind than education. Because sustainable development, poverty reduction, and long-time growth depend on the knowledge and skills acquired, we are grateful for the opportunity to support the BH Futures Foundation programs that provide young people the educational opportunities they deserve. Giving back to the community we are part of is what drives well-being in the decades to come.
Aleksandar Savic, Software Engineer, GOCOMO, Germany
Nowadays, acquiring new knowledge on daily basis is a necessity, not only for technical professions but for all others too. Equipping our youth to grow and get a head start is crucial for the future of our nation. Supporting our youth through BHFF is the least we can do, and I strongly encourage everyone to offer their support and participate in making our country's future considerably better.
Senad Masic, Managing Director, Alukönigstahl, BiH
I am extremely honored to have become part of a network that provides support to students in Bosnia and Herzegovina and contributes to our society's development. Investing in education gives young people the opportunity to grow to their full potential. In this way, we help our economy and raise the quality of responses to many social challenges.
Tarik Paćuka, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Terumo Aortic, UK
In Latin, “scientia potentia est" means knowledge is power. I have decided to become a donor in order to help create a level playing field for less fortunate, yet incredibly talented individuals who will excel and make meaningful contributions around the world. Investing in education and obtaining knowledge has given me the opportunity to overachieve and further expand my horizons. Furthermore, it is both my ethical and moral duty to support and make a difference to BH Foundation with a view of inspiring our future leaders, that everything is possible when one acquires knowledge through education.
Ajdin Halilović,
Senior Data Scientist, E.ON, Germany
BH Futures Foundation zaslužuje svaku podršku zbog svog ogromnog uspjeha u umrežavanju Bosanaca i Hercegovaca širom svijeta. Nadam se da će fondacija nastaviti rasti dosadašnjim tempom, te da joj uskoro nijedan projekat neće biti prevelik!
Nahid Topalovic, CS Student, Queen Mary University, UK
Podržavam ovu fondaciju jer želim da svaka mlada osoba ima priliku da učestvuje u kvalitetnom obrazovanju i time iskoristi svoj potencijal. Bosna i Hercegovina ima pregršt talentovanih studenata kojima je potrebno samo malo podrstreka da ostvare i više nego što su se nadali. Ova fondacija je pravi pokazatelj dosega BH potencijala.
Sabina Razic, Nursing Specialist, Sanatorium Kilchberg, Switzerland
Razlog zbog kojeg vas podrzavam i zelim podrzat je da mladima koji se zele skolovati mozemo omoguciti dalje skolovanje. Na mladima svet ostaje.Ja kao majka dvoje dece znam koliko je bitno da se deca skoluju i usavrsavaju. Vama zelim u daljem radu puno uspeha i da vam se planovi ispune.
Almira Delibegovic-Broome, Queen's Counsel, UK
“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” as Confucius said. Confidence, hope and peace are noble aims and can all flow from education. I'm delighted to be part of the BH Futures Foundation family, with education at its core.
Esma Klico, Customer Support Officer, ProCredit Bank, BiH
Postala sam donator jer vjerujem da samo kroz kvalitetno obrazovanje se može napraviti istinska promjena. Naravno, s naglaskom na kvalitetno. Taj je proces spor, ali ako se ne krene, onda zaista nemamo šta za očekivati.
Azim Causevic, Professor, IIC University of Technology, Germany
Aida Mutapcic, UK Multi-Channel Customer Service Lead & Culture Champion at Pret A Manger
I have been lucky enough to receive a good quality and consistent education , but unfortunately some are less fortunate. I wanted to get involved because I’m passionate about inclusivity and equal opportunities. Bosnia and Herzegovina has so much talent ,I wanted to be a part of something that can help them build a better and brighter future.
Ena Čamdžić, Intern, EBRD, UK
I support the BH Futures Foundation as I sincerely believe that B&H is full of talented and smart people - able to make an impact and a valuable contribution in every single field of their expertise. I am honored to contribute to the organization and would like to help and support these young people to obtain everything they need to fully utilize their talent, knowledge and achieve their goals.
Irfan Kuci,
Business Development Director, Focus Hospitality, UAE
I see no better way to help your or any country but to invest and help in education first and economy second. Through these two pillars you can help in any other field, such as healthcare, sports, infrastructure etc. I am honored that I can support the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina youth and we need to make sure we create an environment where they feel safe and taken care of.
Faruk Redzic, Specialist - Investment Project Planning, BH Telecom, BiH
Rad Fondacije podržavam jer potiče obrazovanje i nove vrijednosti, razvija znanje i vještine kod mnogih mladih ljudi iz BiH, što mi je dovoljan motiv za pratiti i podržavati rad iste.
Kristina Djuric, Account Manager, Vemco Group, UAE
Zasto podrzavam ovakvu inicijativu? Zato sto konacno postoji. Hvala svima koji su ulozili svoje vrijeme i rad da oforme BHFF. Svaka podrska mladima u BiH je dobro dosla i zasluzena.
Elvir Karic, Cloud Engineer & President, Our Solution, USA
"Why do I support BH Futures Foundation? Because of BHFF’s vision, mission and core values. I want to help BHFF achieve its goals."
Merana Sadikovic Mandzukic, Senior Engineer and Consultant, Sopra Steria, Sweden co-owner, EMC d.o.o., BiH
Divno je biti dio zajednice koja nesebicno i aktivno radi na osnazivanju mlade BiH populacije. Raduje me misao da i tako malim doprinosom mogu napraviti veliku promijenu - biti nekome “vjetar u ledja”, činiti drugome dobro i služiti promociji domovine i njenih kapaciteta.
Alvin Alicevic, Member of the Management Board, Sparkasse Bank N.Macedonia
Iskreno vjerujem da mladi i obrazovani gradjani mogu da donesu pozitivne promjene u BiH
Tarik Ljevo, HR Advisor, TK Elevator, Norway
U potpunosti identifikujem se sa idejom i ciljevima BHFF jer sam to i sam radio kroz nekoliko inicijativa i drago mi je biti dio jedne ovakve misije koja ce, ubijedjen sam, fundamentalno promijeniti Bosnu i Hercegovinu na bolje.
Zeljko Karanovic, Project Director, Market Makers, BiH
Lamija Buza, Business Advisor, Advanced Technology & Systems, BiH
When we find a role that gives us a sense of belonging, where our contributions are useful no matter how complicated the circumstances, we can grow and become champions of change. I want to help others, so that our collective growth can help Bosnia & Herzegovina prosper. I strongly believe we can do that with the BH Futures Foundation.
Mario Barosevcic, Principal, Emerge Education, UK
Sa 17 godina sam primio stipendiju da studiram u Americi. 5 godina studija u Americi mi je promijenilo zivot i otvorilo mnoge mogucosti. Na tom putu sam imao srece da imam mnoge ljude koji su me podrzali na razne nacine. Cast mi je biti u mogucnosti da podrzim ovu sjajnu inicijativu.
Mili Orucevic, Chief Software Quality Engineer, Visma, Norway
Mislim da svi koji zele da steknu znanje i edukaciju trebaju da imaju pravo na to, i rad BHFF-a podrzava i pomaze da se ta vizija ostvari. Nasim talentovanim mladim ljudima koji imaju zelju za edukacijom, i boljom buducnosti treba pruziti sto vise podrske i skloniti sve nepotrebne prepreke sa njihovog puta da ostvare svoje ciljeve.
Adnan Čivgin, Medical Controller, Austria
Vjerujem da imamo pametnu omladinu kojoj je potrebna podrska. BHFF je veoma efektivan i odrziv projekat. Pametna i obrazovana omladina danas su pametne i obrazovane odrasle osobe sutra, koji ce cuvati, graditi i razvijati nasu zajednicku domovinu Bosnu i Hercegovinu.
Maja Alijagic, Construction Manager, KPC, Denmark
Mirza Kokic, Director, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs, Molecular Diagnostics, Siemens Healthineers, Germany.
Zadovoljstvo mi je podrzavati mlade ljude koji svoju energiju i vrijeme ulazu u edukaciju. Edukacija je ključ uspjeha. Naravno, treba tu dodati jos elementa, kao sto su integritet, adaptivnost, samopouzdanje, upornost, smijeh. Prateci sve sto vi radite kroz BHFF, inicijative dijaspore, US ambasadora, nove start-up kompanije, nema sumnje da je nasa Bosna na putu transformacije ka prosperitetu i boljem kvalitetu zivota putem znanja i koristenja novih tehnologija. Na tom putu, glavni nosioci transformacije i pozitivnih promjena jesu nasi mladi ljudi. Zbog toga, imperativ je edukovati nase mlade ljude i naoruzati ih znanjem, ali i jednako vazno: pravim vrijednostima. Hvala BHFF i vama koji ste katalist za ove veoma vazne promjene i transformaciju BH drustva. Drago mi je biti dio ove price. "Onwards and Upwards" !
Dražena Bošković, Project Manager, QSD BiH
I decided to support the Foundation because I believe in their mission to empower young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina through quality education, technology and leadership. Irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, education makes it possible to stand out as equal and investing in the never-ending learning process of our youth means investing in our better future. It makes me very happy to play my little part in this process together with all the other amazing people who recognized the initiative and joined BHFF.
Amina Nuhanovic, Internal Controls Manager, USA
First of all, I fully agree with and support the foundation's vision and mission, especially where it talks about empowering the youth through education. I strongly believe in not only educating the youth, but more importantly , providing and creating an opportunity for them to achieve that education. In my opinion, BHFF is doing just that, presenting them with that opportunity and the necessary resources to achieve it.
In addition, and a huge plus, BHFF is focusing on my homeland, which I love of course, and it's amazing to see all the work and effort that's put forward from the BHFF team. From what I can observe, everyone seems to have such passion for these projects, which I greatly appreciate and support and I am honored to be able to contribute towards that and hopefully, be more involved in the future. One last thing, I LOVE the diversity that's displayed among not only the BHFF team, but the scholars and participants as well.
Jasmin Maric, Business Development Manager, OLX Group, BiH
Podržavam BH Futures Foundation i njihovu profesionalnu mrežu jer vjerujem da našim talentovanim mladim ljudima možemo i trebamo pomoći kada i koliko god možemo. Globalizacija je donijela visok nivo konkurencije a naša država, mala i neorganizovana, često ne daje dovoljno podrške svim talentiranim mladim osobama koje imaju veliki potencijal. Upravo u takvim primjerima organizacije poput ove mogu napraviti značajnu razliku i mnogim talentima pomoći u dostizanju njihovih ciljeva.
Amer Ratkovic, Software Engineer at Maestral Solutions, BiH
Svaka cast na ovoj incijativi, kao i cijelom udruzenju, mislim da je ovo jedan od kljucnih koraka napretka mladih u BiH. To je nacin na koji ce drugi vidjeti Bosnu i Hercegovinu kroz drugaciji objektiv, koji nije vezan za negativnosti koji slusamo svaki dan, i po kojima nas drugi etiketiraju. I sam sam bio student i znam koliko je u nekim trenucima potrebna bar ideja da ono sto radis ce sutra pomoci ili promjeniti svijet na bolje, i da iza sebe ima ljudi koji u to isto vjeruju. Da imas viziju koju mozda u tim godinama nisi jos u mogucnosti da vidis, a to ti moze pomoci da kvalitetno napredujes i da konstanto radis na sebi. A onda ces ti biti taj most koji ce pomoci nadolazecim generacijama. Radim u IT industriji zadnjih par godina i ljudi sa kojim radim, a koji zive na drugim krajevima svijeta, imaju veliko postovanje prema nama koji zivimo u BiH iz razloga sto imamo veliki broj mladih ljudi, profesionalaca koji su jedni od najboljih u svom polju, koji su dokaz da u edukaciji nema granica i da nasa volja moze promjeniti sve predrasude, i gdje mozemo biti zajedno u vrhu sa najvecim strucnjacima u svijetu.
Almir Pervan, Market Development Leader, Accenture
Drago mi je skroz da sam našao vas i ovu izvanrednu organizaciju. Čim sam pročitao par rečenica o vašoj misiji želio sam da postanem član i budem dio pokreta koji je jako bitan našim mladima nadama u Bosni i Hercegovini. Podrška mladim ljudima je bitan faktor u razvijanju da bi došli do puta gdje zajedno možemo uživati u uspjehu i aplauzu. U kratko, ja vidim ovaj doprinos i organizaciju kao naša dužnost prema domovini i budućnosti u koju moramo ulagati danas. Zbog toga čast mi je biti tu i biti aktivan.
Emir Kurtovic, CTO, agencija Raptor, BiH
Neizmjerno nam je drago kad vidimo da neko daje šansu mladima da svoj život usmjere u pravom smjeru. Nadamo se da će mladi kroz ovu fondaciju naći izlaz iz surove svakodnevnice i našu Bosnu i Hercegovinu uistinu učiniti državom za poželjeti, jer su oni naša budućnost.
Tarik Altumbabic, Chief Executive Office, StorsenDigital, EMEA
Knowledge and networking are the cornerstones of success. The Futures foundation stands for helping young professionals and future experts, finds adequate resources, and cultivates a social support system. Thanks for your great endeavours and for enabling many to excel in their academic and professional success.
Irhad Sehovic, Finance Manager, Microsoft, USA
I'm proud to be donating to an organization that is working tirelessly and selflessly in empowering Bosnia's future leaders.
Erol Pitnjakovic, Branch manager, HTEC Group, BiH
I ja kao i Vi svi želim da pokažem svijetu kakve talente BH ima i da svi stojimo zajedno u znak podrske mladima u domovini.
Zikret Hadzic, Director Operation & Supply Chain Europe, Valvoline, Netherlands
Obrazovanje i razvijanje znanja kao i zajedništva su jedni od najboljih načina za napredak i razvitak društva u naprednu naciju. Poduzetništvo, povijerenje u sebe kao i vijera u krojenje vlastite sudbine proizlaze iz obrazovanja. To su moja uvijerenja i razlozi mog podržavanja vaše fondacije.
Armin Bilalović, Managing Director,
ScaleUp Consulting, UAE
I knew from the moment I heard about BHFF that I wanted to support it. Everyone should have the chance to get an education and have a good quality of life. Given the political and financial situation in BH and the limited resources available to students, I am happy to assist students across BH towards a better future. There are top-notch students and decent universities in BH, but many of them leave to pursue better opportunities abroad. I am hoping that with all the work of the BHFF we can change the future for people in BH for the better.
Amel Alicic, MSc student at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo
Budućnost Bosne i Hercegovine je na mladima i u njih treba najviše ulagati. BH Futures Foundation predstavlja praktičnu primjenu onog što redovno slušamo u teoriji, odnosno pomaže mladim ljudima u pronalaženju njihovih talenata i ulaže u njih. Vjerujem u BiH i promjene koje će donijeti mladi i zato mi je čast da budem dio priče.
Technical Specialist at BorgWarner Inc., USA
Armin Odobasic, Software Developer at RUBICON, BIH
Although we praise progress, we often forget that it is made of an infinite number of smaller or greater achievements of individuals. That is why we need to give back to society: to create a supportive environment for these little opportunities to grow into big progress.
Azemina Hadzimahovic,
Sales Manager at Automotive Components Floby (ACF), Sweden
As soon as I came in contact with the BH Future Foundation, I did not hesitate for a second to join and support an organization that is in line with my values. I believe that our young people should have the right to a good education that also leads to a better future. Education is a key factor to professional and personal growth, and also for our country's development.
It is an honor for me to be involved and support this type of organization.
Enisa Beganovic, Consulting, Vienna, Austria
"There is a saying, that children need roots and wings. The BH future foundation is supporting young people with roots in Bosnia and Herzegovina despite the lack of opportunities in their home country, to expand their wings and show their true potential. These young people have the chance to become high value professionals influencing positively not only their own future, but also to impact positively the whole society they live in. This is why I wholeheartedly support this organization and their members."
Samir Lipovaca, Senior Sofware Developer at FINRA, USA
Razlog je jednostavan. Bazirani ste na progresivnoj ideji da zelite da transformirate BiH u jednu prosperitetnu naciju koja ce moci da odgovori izazovima 21-og vijeka.I to radite kreiranjem mogucnosti za mlade generacije da se mogu obrazovati, imati uvid u najnoviju tehnologiju i razijati u istinske lidere BiH. Ajnstajn je rekao da edukacija nije ucenje cinjenica vec treniranje uma da misli. Kada imamo takve mlade koji mogu da misle svojom glavom, sva vrata prosperiteta ce nam biti otvorena.
Selim Huskic, software developer at Endava, Sarajevo, BIH
Zaista je sitnica, najmanje što mogu učiniti.
Alma Zubovic, Finance Broker, Loan link, Melbourne, Australia
I have always strongly believed that education is not only the main driver to personal success, but also the most powerful means when it comes to bringing real change in the world. I am honoured to support Bosnia & Herzegovina Future Foundation’s mission in helping the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina gain access to premium education and opportunity to develop their natural skills and talents in order to become future leaders in their respective fields. BiH has some of the most intelligent and talented individuals on the planet, and the Foundation is paving the way of opportunity for our youth ensuring a prosperous future both for them and our beautiful country.
Merima Hrapovic, Senior Consultant at Deloitte, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Podržavam BH Futures Foundation jer razumijem koliko znači kada mlada osoba dobije šansu i podršku za studiranje i razvoj karijere. I sama sam bila stipendista u stranoj zemlji i nadam se da ću na ovaj način i ja pomoći nekome da ostvari svoje snove i bude ponos našeg društva. Vjerujem da snažne i uspješne osobe osnažuju i ljude oko sebe i zato mi je zadovoljstvo pripadati jednom zdravom kolektivu kao što je BHFF, koji će bez sumnje ojačati i Bosnu i Hercegovinu.
Nedžma Ketanović, VP SBL Commercial Lending Officer, USA
When I was finishing up my last year of high school I didn’t want to put my parents through a financial burden of paying for my college and room. I started sending letters to all prominent people and companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina asking for financial assistance. My father was already retired and lived on fixed income, my mother never had any income. I was an excellent and exemplary student. I wanted to go to college, I was thirsty for knowledge and eager to learn and work hard. No one ever responded to any of my letters and that made me feel disappointed. Fast forward, after many twists and turns from Germany to USA, at age 47 I completed my bachelor degree in Business Administration and Management in Houston, Texas, USA.
I want to give back to young people in my country in hopes that no young ambitious, hardworking, person ever have to feel the way I felt. Together we can do so much more and build better future for everybody.
Semir and Mahira Tanovic, USA
Vas je čast podržavati Podržavamo ovu divnu organizaciju i vas divne i pametne i dobronamjerne ljude!
Spomenka Krizmanic, HSE Manager, La Trobe University, Australia
I have personally benefited from educational opportunities and a fulfilling career in faraway Australia so I’m now thrilled to pay it forward. Young people of BiH are as innovative, creative, hardworking and determined as anywhere in the world – support through this wonderful Foundation will enable innate personal qualities to be nurtured and grown, creating a better future. I therefore look forward to what will be achieved by our enthusiastic youth as they busily create the new narrative. Let’s support them!
Zina Ruzdic, Research Fellow, MIT, USA
I believe that every child has the right on quality education and support in life journey. Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation's programs provide access to education and create an environment for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina to learn from leading experts around the globe. I am happy to have the opportunity to support this project and to be part of this amazing story.
Milan Kusmuk, Business Development, DKR, BiH
Being a Futures Foundation scholar has provided me many learning opportunities and lead me through a very diverse professional journey. Gaining so much in different ways, starting from amazing friends till new working partners, and from cultural diversity till new travelling opportunities, motivated me to support the cause and contribute. BH Futures Foundation is the future I believe in and want to give back to.
Ali Mokayes, Software Engineer, Experfy, BiH
From opportunity seekers, to opportunity providers, giving young people tools and means to be the drivers of change. By stepping in, even if just a tiny bit, every single one of us exponentially increases the chances of making a better future transfer from a dream to reality.
Andrea Čordaš, Venture Partner, Hellen,s Rock, Germany
We all deserve to live as equals.
We all deserve to be empowered.
We all deserve to reach self-actualization.
Those are my strong beliefs. And I am confident that Bosnia & Herzegovina can become a society in which everyone can realize their full potential. As a strong advocate of empowering youth through education, technology and entrepreneurship, I would like to give my small contribution to a big vision of the BH Futures Foundation. It is humbling to be part of such a noble movement that shapes the new generations of BH leaders.
Adnan Catak, Manager, Ekinops, Australia
The foundation’s work is incredible because of the mission to help young BH talents get the opportunity to educate and prove themselves. I have followed their work for years and decided that I have to play my part in supporting such a noble cause.
Emina Pasic, Senior Adviser, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden
Education, Leadership and Technology are critical to a more sustainable future. We need to empower the youth to tackle major challenges facing humanity, including global warming & hunger. As a renewable energy expert, I am investing into the BH Futures Foundation students because they are the future of Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Irma Besic,
Cloud Transformation & Migration Analyst, Accenture, Switzerland
BiH is full of determined, talented, out of the box thinking young individuals. Supporting the foundation that invests in these bright minds and thereby not only accelerates personal careers but also enables the much needed structural change, is a no-brainer. Let‘s help making the future better! Together!
Benjamin Misimovic, Specialist Engineer,
MOE A/S, Denmark
There is only one way to influence the future of Bosnia & Herzegovina and it is by investing into the young people who want to build a prosperous future in their homeland. I am glad that I can support the mission of the foundation from Denmark.
Faris Zacina, Co-Founder & CEO, Ministry of Programming, BiH
Education and support of young people is essential in the quest to build a better future. This organization is making a difference and I support it to grow even stronger
Sanir Pasalic, Managing Partner, Western Balkans Business Group, Netherlands
I have worked with the foundation for several years and It has been a pleasure watching their influence grow. The work the foundation does with young people in Bosnia & Herzegovina is truly remarkable. It creates a sense of belonging and connects bright minds to the best of our talent globally. True empowerment to bring out the best in everybody.
Suad Pjetrovic, Analyst, BD, USA
I support foundation because I was in Srebrenica with BHFF at the opening of its Futures Makerspace and saw the direct impact the organization has all throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Empowering the intelligent and motivated youth of BiH through education initiatives and leadership experiences should be a priority for the greater benefit of BiH and future generations as a whole.
Ilhana Hodzic, Marketing Manager, Orbico, BiH
I am more than happy to be a small piece of a larger meaningful puzzle such as the incredible organisation that is BH Futures Foundation. I truly believe: We can only succeed if we act as a team! I wish all the students great career success and progress both in the professional and personal development journey.
Dalila Dizdar Jelačić,
Legal & Compliance Consultant, Netherlands
I believe that everything happens for a reason and there is a lesson in every challenging situation. With perseverance, you can definitely reach your goal. By supporting BH Futures Foundation I hope the young people from Bosnia & Herzegovina will reach their goals, aims and ambitions - with a big smile!
Amar Ikovic, Service Coordinator, IBM, Czech Republic
I'm honored to be a part of this awesome foundation and to be able to contribute to the future of Bosnian students. We should all have in mind that while students may be 20% of our population they are 100% of our future.
Milad Cerkic, Founder & Chairman at Atlantbh | Investor | Tech Enthusiast
I'm passionate about technology and education, and proud to support BH Futures Foundation in their mission to inspire the next generation of innovators and leaders. It's exciting to help shape a brighter future together!
Zoran Puljic, Director, Mozaik Foundation, BiH
Jasmin Suljic, Team Lead, Monri, BiH
Giving back to community is vitally important. I myself was the recipient of scholarships from other organisations which enabled me to progress and succeed in my career. I strongly believe in the values of the BH Futures Foundation and their vision to help the youth of our homeland become the best version of themselves.
Nađa Memić, Senior Manager, Lockheed Martin, USA
Vedad Fazlic,
Digital SCM Project Manager, Bayer, Germany
I am glad to support BH Futures Foundation and its activities. I think it is important that we as a nation find our inner strength and help ourselves to move forward. For me, moving forward is what the foundation stands for.
Elvir Hadic, Managing Director, APS Engineering, Netherlands
The need for the right education and development of new leaders has never been more urgent. We all have started to realize that to survive in today’s complex, and constantly changing environment, we need leadership skills and organizational capabilities different from those that helped us succeed in the past.
It’s time to move out of the borders of all traditional approaches in order to meet the challenges of today’s and future business world. I truly believe that right education and mentoring of young talents could make change which will result in a new generation of leaders and creators. That’s the reason I support this project.
Rialda Spahic, Analyst, Equinor & PhD Candidate at Cybernetics NTNU, Norway
Quality education and support from our homeland is crucial to success. As a young Bosnian who has recently moved from my homeland, I understand and feel the need to make this happen because it is every student's right to have equal opportunities. We depend on young people of tomorrow to bring us forward because our progress depends on our education.
Dragana Marinkovic,
Tech Dev Director, Komaza, Kenya
I chose Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation because I experienced first hand how powerful mentorship and access to education and scholarships can be in transforming lives and creating a positive impact on individuals, communities and economies. The foundation’s track record and an amazing community of supporters make it a great platform for giving back and making a difference.
Dusan Omercevic, CEO, Cleanshelf, USA
Talent is everywhere, opportunity is not. I support Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation to give young people in Bosnia a bit more fair shot at the future. They deserve it.
Aljoša Marković, Global Expansion Manager, Habyt, Germany
I was able to benefit from a high quality public education and generous scholarships largely due to very fortunate circumstances. So supporting BHFF to remove luck from that equation for the young people in Bosnia was a no-brainer for me.
Dalibor Đumić, Engineer, RT-RK, BiH
When this foundation was founded, I had the good fortune and privilege to be one of the first winners of the foundation’s award. I want this feeling that I experienced at the time of receiving the award for new generations and I am extremely glad to be able to give it back to the community. So far, this foundation has done much more than we can imagine and I recommend it to anyone who is able to support it in any way.
Co-founder, Cre8tiv,
As a born and raised Bosnian, who moved to Malaysia for education and equal opportunities, I understand the importance and impact an organization such as Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation can have. My personal goals are aligned with the goals of the foundation, supporting the building of a strong and prosperous nation providing one opportunity at a time!
Amina Mekic,
Dentist, Chantilly Modern Dentistry, USA
Having been a first generation Bosnian in the United States, my parents always reminded me on the importance of education. I am determined to support the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be able to prosper and break barriers. I may not be physically in my home land, but always will be by heart, and will do everything for it’s brighter future.
Haris Kodžaga, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
Education has always been one of the best investments for a successful nation. It means a lot to me that I will be one of those who builds on the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Dino Cajic,
Product Manager, Canada
Ensuring quality education is one of the most important tasks in the betterment of society. By investing in the young people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we are acting as a catalyst to the improvement of the nation as a whole - I believe that is the power of education. I feel honoured to support this wonderful mission set out by the BH Futures Foundation from Canada.
Haris Muharemovic, Tech Lead, Eat App, UAE
I support BH Futures Foundation because I believe in Foundation’s noble cause to empower young people in Bosnia and give them the access to high quality education. They deserve our support.
Ida Manko, Recruiter, KPMG, Luxembourg
It was fortunate that we were able to experience digital networking and that I got to know the BH Futures Foundation. It is not only the support of young and diligent students in Bosnia that is special, but the strength with which the organization presents itself as a whole. I have decided to support the organization and to be a mentor to one of the students, because I am convinced that we can make a big difference with joint innovation, ambition and hard work. For me, the BH Futures Foundation brings together many brilliant projects, joint learning and real, physically tangible dreams.
Zinajda Mahmuljin, Project Manager, Roessen & Roessen, Netherlands
Od skora zivim i radim u inostranstvu, van svoje maticne drzave BiH. Kao neko ko je proveo mnogo vremena ziveci i radeci u poslijeratnoj BiH, prepoznajem jako dobro sve probleme i izazove nase maticne drzave. Koliko god bila okupirana sa mnogobrojnim izazovima koje donosi novo okruzenje, uvijek i ponovo mi se vracaju pitanja i razmisljanje koji me nikad nisu ni napustala: "Kako i na koji nacin pomoci boljitku i prosperitetu BiH ali i cijelog regiona?" Odgovor sam dobila kada mi je ponudjen pristup "BiH Future Foundation". Kao donator ove fondacije, mogu sa tako malo da budem dio necega sto cini tako puno i to bas za buducnost i boljitak BiH a samim tim i cijelog regiona.
Benjamin Kovacevic, Technical Specialist, Ireland
BH Futures Foundation presents needed support to new minds of Bosnia, support much needed in country that's in development and with limited opportunities. I went through our system and know how it can be challenging, and having somebody to support you and guide you is massive. That's why I decided to become part of this network and share my experience. Path is not easy for anybody, but being optimistic helps. As I always like to say, sky is not the limit - it's only the beginning.
Karlo Paviglija, Operations Manager at AT&T, Czech Rep
Želim pomoći mladim i sposobnim ljudima da dobiju priliku na obrazovanje koja nikome ne bi trebala biti uskraćena. Vjerujem da zajedničkim radom i zalaganjem, kontinuiranim usavršavanjem i razmjenom iskustva možemo napraviti razliku i graditi bolje sutra za sve Bosance i Hercegovce.
Amer Selimovic, Software Engineer at Bravo Systems, BiH
I support BH Futures Foundation because I believe they are making a huge positive impact on the lives of young people in our country, and by doing that creating a brighter future for all of us. When I saw I can be a part of that through my donation the decision on should I do it was a no-brainer.
Emina Karahmet, Medical Representative, Berlin-Chemie Menarini, BiH
I find that by birth each individual is given some roles and responsabilities that grow along with it. The more knowladge and skills there are, the more obligations to the community, the state and God it should be. My support for community development, advanced ideas and other enthusiasts will therefore never be questioned.
Mirza Selimovic, Graphic and product designer, Mistral, BiH
Small help from our part can mean a lot to someone. I am very proud to be part of this family and to invest in the future. It is a reminder that we all needed some kind of help at some point. Investing in education is the best kind of investment.
Damir Avdic, Manager, SmartClip, Germany
In my eyes, the path to a better future is education. This path should be available to everyone and through the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation it is made possible for young, talented and highly motivated students from Bosnia and Herzegovina to get the right education.
Zlata Tanovic, PhD in Economics, Data Scientist at Compado GmbH, Germany
I am supporting BH Futures Foundation, because of a heartfelt hope for my homeland to change for the better. Empowering the next generation to succeed by merit of their own globally-sought-after skills, is I believe a first step for a better future for all.
Edin Fazlic, QA Engineer, SafeNet, BiH
Fondaciju podrzavam prije svega jer pruza sansu mladim ljudima da napreduju i da se istaknu u drustvu. Prije svega mi se svidja sto organizujete razne edukacije i webinare u svrhu podsticanja napretka mladih ljudi.
Amar Porobic, Sales Associate, WPS, Netherlands
Helping each other is something I believe comes as human nature, especially for people who have been through tough times. That is why I am proud to be a part of the BH Futures Foundation which provides a chance for a better future for our people in Bosnia & Herzegovina. It is easy to focus on the negative sides of our country but thankfully there is an organization like BH Futures Foundation that shows our people in Bosnia & Herzegovina and around the world that there are opportunities and a future in Bosnia & Herzegovina!
Suncica Habul, Account Executive, IANS, USA
BH Futures foundation is doing the incredibly important work of supporting and developing our young people who are just beginning their careers. Using today’s technology and global connectedness, we can collaborate and grow opportunities like never before. When we empower these young Bosnians and Herzegovinians to grow professionally, we enable them to become leaders in their community - that’s how you drive real change
H.E Vanja Filipovic, Bosnia & Herzegovina Ambassador to United Kingdom
Jasmin Avdic
Quality Engineer, Philips Medical Systems, Germany
I support BHFF because I strongly believe in everything they represent.
Growing up in post-war in hard-working family without any political ties and wealth, my willingness and eagerness to constantly learn new things were the only values that have made me stand out from the crowd and that have opened me many doors.
With that in mind, I am more than happy to have an opportunity to support young people, in my beloved country, to acquire knowledge and skills that can make them bearers of highly needed change for our country and its economy.
As Malcom X said: "Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
Mirzet ŠeHo, Academic, Monash University, Malaysia
We all want our country to prosper and thrive. To do so, I believe that there is no better way than investing in our youth's education. BHFF is one of the best things that has happened to our country for a long time as it enables the masses to contribute to this noble cause in different ways. When we grow others, we grow ourselves.
Haris Gadzo, Electrical Engineer - Offshore Projects, EDF Renouvelables, France
The organized support of education for the talents and continuous promotion of the right values in the society that are being provided by the BH Futures Foundation are the reasons why I am delighted to be part of this community. I personally benefited from an industrial research scholarship at the end of my studies within a smaller scale program, and I know how much it can boost the career and overall enthusiasm in science. Therefore, seeing this big community all gathered around hard work of the development of better tomorrow is truly inspiring.
Lana Husagić, People Sourcing and Development Consultant, Allianz, Germany
As People Development expert and youth volunteer, I am a strong believer that we need to create equal educational opportunities for all. Educational system in B&H is in serious need of reform, however, BH Futures Foundation is not accepting this status quo and rather driving action to close the skill gaps. By donating funds, we are creating more opportunities for extraordinary young people to grow both professionally and personally, enabling them to fulfill their potential, and perhaps eventually, also empowering others through this giving thread.
Nedzad Campara,
System Administrator, InnoGames, Germany
We all know that we have a lot of smart and talented young people in BiH, who are currently not getting the right opportunities to show and utilize those talents. Therefore, I am very proud to be able to support, in small part, the work of the BH Futures Foundation which aims to provide support and opportunities for our young people.
Denis Golubovic, CEO, Recrewt, Sweden
I am supporting Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation in order to help talented youth reach their long term goals and become the best version of themselves.
Haris Mlaco, Software Engineer, Infinity Mesh, BiH
I decided to become a monthly donator because I believe education is a key to success and of high importance for improvement. Young, ambitious and smart people in our country deserve recognition and a chance to make a difference. Helping them achieve their goals is something I am looking forward to.
Adis Efendic, Coordinator Transfer Pricing & Business Processes, Omya, Switzerland
Education is one of the most important pillars for a functioning society, especially in young democracy like BiH with all its bright and talented citizens. I am proud to support BH Futures Foundation mission to contribute to the future of students all over BiH with their donations and knowledge.
Tarik Asceric, Co-Founder, Cawex, BiH
Nejra Bahtic, Consultant Software Developer, TietoEVRY, Sweden
Investing in the development of our youth is really important, especially with the current state of the education system in our country. I believe that young people should have the right to chase and fulfil their dreams. BH Futures Foundation is showing us every day that chasing and fulfilling dreams is possible and can happen when we are united. Therefore, I am honoured and more than happy to support the noble vision of BH Futures Foundation.
Goran Kulenovic, Manager, LGM Financial Services, Canada
Andrea Tesanovic, Artist/ Producer / Activist, BiH
Governments come and go, generations take turns, trends change, cultures evolve. But constant survival methods in human existence remain preservation of knowledge, invention of tools and technology, and hope for a better future. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, unfortunately, citizens are living in utter lack of stability with no systematic investments in their future. Public education is one of the worst in all of Europe. I believe in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s potential and I believe in the future our kids are going to build. But those will remain a wishful dream if we don’t do something for them now! Approach them as individuals, teach them, mentor them, share our experiences with them, prepare them for being an ambassador of progress and evolution. Biggest changes come from informal groups of enthusiasts, such as ourselves, joined around a simple common vision of investing in our youths and investing in science.
Medina Bandić, PhD Researcher, TU Delft, Netherlands
Since its inception, BH Futures Foundation has helped so many perspective Bosnian students to achieve their goals, especially in terms of investing in education. High-quality education is the base of development and improvement of society, is it defines the next generations of changemakers and leaders that can make a difference. I am very pleased to be a part of this inspiring community and to contribute at least a little bit in supporting and encouraging the young people of our country.
Aida Krndic, Tender manager, Attensam, Austria
Igrom slucaja sam dobila poruku preko Linkedin i tako sam postala donator za nasu BH Futures Fondaciju. Nadam se da ce moj doprinos pomoci nekoj mladoj osobi i tog sam misljenja da nasa dijaspora moze igrati vaznu ulgou u oblikovanju buducnosti mladih kroz razne inicijative koje je fondacija pokrenula.
Mirha Hasanbegovic, BiH
Mušan Durić, Investment Portfolio Manager, Werth Family Investment Associates, USA
Podržavam fondaciju jer ona ima stvarni utjecaj na nadarene studente i mladog profesionalca u Bosni i Hercegovini. Imao sam nevjerovatno iskustvo mentorstva studentu i želim to nastaviti raditi. Dugo sam tražio orginizaciju gdje bih mogao pružiti mentorstvo nevjerovatnim ljudima naše zemlje, a BH Futures Fondacija mi je pružila mogućnost da to učinim. To je najmanje što mogu učiniti za svoju domovinu.
Ena Zunic-Cejvanovic,
Data Scientist, Ministry of Programming, BiH
I support BHFF’s vision, mission, core values, and long-term goal. BHFF empowers youth and motivates everyone to do STEM. Glad to see so many successful and wonderful people connected in one place, contributing to our country’s development.
Elvir Brkic, Head of Software Development, BS Telecom Solutions, BiH
Drago mi je da neko sistemski radi na ovom problemu. Često se kao pojedinac čovjek osjeti nemoćan kada zna, a vodeći se onom „talent je ravnomjerno raspoređen ali prilike nisu“, da toliko mladih i talentovanih učenika/studenata uopšte ne dobije priliku da ostvari svoj potencijal zbog nečeg banalnog kao što je novac. A kao društvo svakodnevno gledamo kako propadamo upravo iz razloga što su nekompetentni ljudi na odgovornim pozicijama. Zbog toga mi je drago da mogu podržati nekoga ko će biti u stanju da svima napravi bolju budućnost.
Jasna Pleho, Project Manager, KING ICT, BiH
Znanje je moć, znanje nam niko ne može oduzeti. Sretna sam da mogu podržati BH Futures Foundation bar malo i na taj način osjetiti da utičem na bolju budućnost naše djece. Hvala svima koji će prepoznati i koji su već prepoznali vrijednost ovakvih inicijativa!
Hamza Hrnjicevic, Senior Web Developer, Intellicomstudios, Canada
Kroz zivotno i poslovno iskustvo prepoznao sam da mnogi projekti dozivljavaju neuspjeh zbog nedostatnih finansijskih sredstava.
Projekat BHFutures Foundation je ogroman projekat. Sam pogled na BHFF tim, projekte i kandidate nagovjestava koliko je ovo velika i ozbiljna prica. Pocastvovan sam sto imam mogucnost da budem mali, za sada, dio ove price i pruzim podrsku akademskom razvoju mladih iz Bosne i Hercegovine.
Samka Drugović, Head of large enterprises and complex transactions, Sparkasse Bank, BiH
Ilvana Klachar, Channel Sales Manager, Beinex, UAE
Faruk Kapetanovic, CEO, Go Stellar, BiH
All successful societies have one thing in common - elite educational systems. I'm happy to support an initiative that moves us in that direction
Nidzara Fazlic, Structural Engineer, Ingholt Consult. Denmark
Hvala fondaciji, vasoj energiji i timu koji radi da BH Futures Foundation napreduje. Vjerujem da je BiH budućnost u mladim ljudima “sa perom u ruci a ne mačem”. Velika mi je čast pridonjeti bar malo da BH Futures Foundation bude još veći uspjeh!
Rudy Kadiric, Operations Manager, Heartland Acoustics & Interiors, USA
Podrzavam BH Futures Foundation jer se borite za nase mlade studente koji su osnova i buducnost naseg drustva. - " Knowledge is Power"
Dženan Zukić, R&D Engineer, Kitware Inc., USA
Education is not just the best way to improve one's own life, but also to improve the world. I have been looking to help Bosnia for a while, only now did I find a meaningful and impactful way of doing so.
Melina Memić, Folkuniversitetet, Sweden
Mladi ljudi su budućnost Bosne i Hercegovine i mi svi zajedničkim snagama mozemo doprinijeti unapređenju i poboljšanju obrazovanja. Jedan od rijetkih primjera je Fondacija koja nesebično i proaktivno pomaže mladim ljudima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Stoga je bitno da mi kao individue u vidu donatorstva potpomognemo jer znanje i obrazovanje je ključ uspjeha!
Emir Hodzic, Head of Electrical Engineering Industry/ Process, Bühler + Scherler AG, Switzerland
Vanja Stegic, Operations Manager, AMPACC Law Group, USA
Over the past several decades, we have seen a number of countries become success stories even with their shortcomings. Education is the basis of economic development and societal advancement. It is important that we continue strengthening the bridge between BIH and its diaspora. This is why I support BH Futures Foundation.
Samir Skrobo, Financial Controller, Fresenius Medical Care, BiH
Investiranje u budućnost kroz investiranje u obrazovanje nema alternativu. Počastvovan sam time da budem član BH Futures Foundation i ponosan što vidim da postoji takva organizacija sa tako vizionarskim ciljevima. Moja bezrezervna podrška.
Edvin Bašić, Risk Controlling, ASA Banka, BiH
Investing in knowledge and education is always worthwhile, it is a resource that we keep throughout our lives and that no one can take away from us. I support the great idea of BHFF and I am glad that so many young and professional people are working together to create a better future for all of us.
Zina Laganin, Marketing Director, ECHO Technology Solutions, USA
Participating in the BH Future Foundation mission of achieving 1000 annual donors is not only an honour, but an opportunity to be part of a cause that supports the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this great mission.
Adnan Crnalic, Senior Team Lead Operations, DSV – Global Transport and Logistics
Podrzavam rad fondacije jer doprinosi onome u sto I ja vjerujem da je jedini put prosperiteta drustva i drzave BiH, obrazovanje I pruzanje mogucnosti mladima bez kojih nebi bilo buducnosti u BiH.
Emir Salkanovic, Software Developer CompuSight Corporation, BiH
Drago mi je da se fondacija bavi ulaganjem u buducnost nase zemlje, takodjer vjerujem da je podrska edukaciji mladih pravi put za to.
Sead Puzic, Software Engineer Reeinvent, BiH
Zivimo u drzavi u kojoj nema mnogo prilika za napretkom i kvalitetnim obrazovanjem, a postoji ogroman potencijal. Ako ne pomognemo mi, ko ce, a potencijal ce nam otici. Ja sam svoju priliku dobio i iskoristio je. Zelim je sada pokloniti nekom novom. Ako budemo svi tako razmisljali, bit ce nam samo bolje.
Emir Fejzić, PhD Student at KTH, Sweden
Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to unlocking human potential and bringing positive change to society. Quality Education even has its own Sustainable Development Goal, indicating its importance. For these, and many other reasons, I chose to support the BH Futures Foundation. Human capital is the greatest asset of BiH, and young people deserve equal opportunities concerning education and professional careers.
Haris Kisija, UPS, USA
Drago mi je i veoma sam ponosan da mogu podržavati fondaciju bhfuturesfoundation koja ima programe za edukaciju i podršku mladih.
DA, vjerujem u svijetliju budućnost za sve.
DA, želim biti 1 od 1000.
DA, idemo dalje.
Hvala svima! Thank you kindly for your support!
Azra Becirovic, National GRB Consultant, UN Women, BiH
Education makes all the difference in one's life. I was fortunate to have had scholarships to study and participate in numerous professional trainings abroad, which largely determined where I am today. The invitation to join the donor network of the Foundation came just days after my PhD thesis defence and I thought: what better way to mark this important milestone, than to contribute to better education opportunities of the next generation.
Mirza Hodzic, Founder & Managing Director - BlackWolf Advisory Group, USA
I am honoured to be able to support the BH Future foundation as I believe in its mission of empowering the youth through education. It is of utmost importance to provide the younger generations with opportunities to grow and showcase their talents, which in turn will ensure Bosnia & Herzegovina has a place in the world stage. Looking forward to seeing what the foundation can accomplish in the future.
Dženan Korjenić, CEO at Integralog, BiH
Osnovni stub razvoja svakog društva i države, jeste obrazovanje i mladi ljudi. Čvrsto vjerujem da pomaganjem BH Futures foundation, mogu da se realizuju obje pretpostavke uspješnog društva, te samim time vrlo rado dajem skromni doprinos u radu ove fondacije. Iskreno se nadam da u budućnosti bude još ovakvih plamenitih ideja i fondacija, a kako bi pomogli mladim ljudima, koji će u skorije vrijeme biti nosioci rasta i razvoja naše lijepe Bosne i Hercegovine.
Mustafa Zukic, Project manager, Siemens Energy, Sweden
I'm so proud to donate the BH Futures Foundation and to help a new younger generation to achieve their dreams.
Maja Bradaric, PhD researcher, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
I strongly believe that everyone should have equal opportunities for good education (amongst other things), but we are still far away from living in a society that would support this. Meanwhile, initiatives such are these that BH Futures Foundation is coordinating, are an important stepping stone for reaching that goal. I wholeheartedly believe in the Foundation's mission and vision, and I feel honoured to be able to support it in this very humble way.
Dalila Zelkanovic, Partner Strategist, Lumedic, USA
As I work to pave my professional path, I ask myself what is the purpose of gaining professional influence if I’m not using it to uplift my community? BH Futures Foundation provides a collective way for us to increase access to education for others. I want to contribute to this communal effort that supports young, eager minds to pursue their educational endeavors. It’s so inspiring being part of this community that encourages us to tap into our curiosities; to be curious about the problems in front of us - about the world around us. To enable us to say, “I don’t know, but let’s find out,” and then to find those solutions through educational pursuits.
Kenan Berbić, Software Engineer, Symphony, BiH
The greatest hope of every country lies in the example of educating the young people. Together with the BH Futures Foundation we can take a step forward and try to help these young people during their education.
Emina Atlagic, Data and Tool Management, Roche Diagnostics, Switzerland
Drago mi je biti dio ove aktivne fondacije "BH Futures Foundation". Danasnje vrijeme nas uci da se znanjem i aktivnoscu mozemo sve ostvariti. Radimo na nasem zajednickom velikom potencijalu kako bi bili najbolja verzija sebe i najbolji za nasu zajednicu.
Elma Sivcevic, Associate Nurse Unit Manager, Queensland Health, Australia
Education lessens the challenges you will face in life. The more knowledge you gain the more opportunities will open up to allow individuals to achieve better possibilities in career and personal growth. With a small donation, we all can be part of a bigger and better future for generations to come
Tarik Hadzic, Senior AI Lead, Blue Prism, Ireland
Anera Kazlagic, Scientific Researcher & PhD candidate at Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany
Every person deserves a chance to learn more, to become what he/she wants. I strongly support BH Futures Foundation and their mission to empower the youth in B&H. Our country has plenty children who may one day become scientists/engineers/ leaders, or whatever they wish. As a chemist, I always refer to my idol, Marie Curie: “A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.” Therefore, spread your wings and fly!
Almir Vuk, Software Development Engineer & Microsoft MVP, Canada
It is my pleasure to be of help to this great foundation and to young people yet to come. I strongly believe that education is the best way to make core changes in our society. BiH Futures Foundation is doing a great job in this field! I think that together we can make a difference. For this reason, I want to be one of those who have contributed to making the future of our society better and brighter. That is why I am one of the donors of this great idea. Can't wait to see more successful generations that will carry our society on their shoulders. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela"
Amer Catovic, Director of Technical Standards, Qualcomm, USA
Drago mi je da sam se pridruzio ovoj divnoj incijativi. Puno pozitivne energije zraci iz vasih akcija. Nadam se da cu doprinijeti nekoliko vati (watts) s moje strane.
Refiz Duro, Scientist, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
I would surely not be where I am today without the economic and educational support I received during my intellectual development. Likewise, by supporting BH Futures Foundation I hope young people will get a boost towards higher opportunities for their own benefit, as well as for the benefit of current and future generations in striving to make our planet a better place to live in.
Alem Lemeš, Senior Manager - Connected Device Portfolio Management Comcast, USA
Zelim da budem dio organizacije ljudi koji imaju isto misljenje i zele da pomognu mladim u BiH na bilo koji nacin!
Danijel Barač, Chief Product Officer, Skipify, USA
Giving is receiving. Leading various global organizations I've enjoyed the opportunity to mentor and develop new and more experienced staff. Seeing other people grow and succeed has been one of the most fulfilling experiences. I support BH Future Foundation with deep conviction that our BH youth and youth of the region will turn the tide of division and unite the region through their successes, the merit and spirit of brotherhood.
Vernes Bisic, Business Development Manager, Tyntec, Germany
Pratio sam rad fondacije ranije i evo sad je došlo vrijeme da isti podržim na ovaj način. Kao genuine believer-a u znanje i nauku, raduje me što fondacija pomaže razvoju znanja i nauke kod mladih naraštaja u BIH. Drugi razlog proizilazi iz ličnog iskustva. Odrastajući u BiH sam bio u situaciji da nisam imao mogućnost ni resurse da se adekvatno obrazujem, niti su mi (kao ni mnogoj djeci moje generacije) bile dostupne prilike bilo kakve vrste. Prilika je jedino što sam tražio. Kao rezultat toga, uprkos činjenici da se napravio iskorak, uvijek postoji osjećaj da moram play catch-up za vršnjacima iz naprednih zemalja.
To je ono što ne želim nijednom djetetu u BiH, i zbog toga me raduje da BHFF radi da obezbjedi jednake prilike djeci u BiH.
Amela Jakic, dipl.oec,Vlasnik PUO Optika A2, Zenica, BiH
Drago mi je da mladi danas imaju prilike, kojih nije bilo u vrijeme mog obrazovanja.
Edina Sućeska, Sales Manager, Luxembourg
I am really happy to be a part of a positive idea, something that can change the bad image of Bosnia-Herzegovina as a dull, unhealthy environment, which, unfortunately, dominates. While I was travelling to Sarajevo, I have noticed many changes concerning a behaviour of young people. I met young women and men who really want to go better, with a great wiling to create something certain and make a better future. They run according to the principles of a modern and healthy mind. Regardless of the bad politics and economy in Bosnia-Herzegovina, those young persons, full of potential and positive energy, are willing to progress. And I am glad that the Foundation exists to support them in that.
Maja & Erol Karabeg, Founders, Authority Partners, USA
Alen Brcic, Chief People Officer, Mercyhealth Wisconsion & Illinois, USA
Being born in the former Yugoslavian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I have witnessed the resilience and the qualities that one people have to bounce back after difficult times over and over again. This resilience has been the guiding force behind my life to always look at things with a glass half full no matter what the circumstances are. The youth of Bosnia and the work of the BH Futures Foundation enables the new generation to build on that resilience while also showcasing the innovation and talent that this beautiful land has to offer. I am grateful for my heritage and humbled to be able to support such a worthy cause.
Edina Crnkic, Group Brand Marketing Manager at BSH Home Appliances
I am honoured to support BH Futures Foundation that recognises the need to empower youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina through education to realise their full potential. Investment in their education is an investment in the future of our homeland.
Nerma Bajramovic, Vice President, BMO Harris Bank
Providing opportunities to youth based on their talent rather than the background, opening doors for a better future.
Omer Softic, Group Finance Director/CFO CASC EMEA, Belgium
Moja moralna i ljudska obaveza je da ulažem u nauku i obrazovanje kao garant bolje budućnosti! BHFF je svojim dosadašnjim radom potvrdila iste vrijednosti te omogućila velikom broju mladih ljudi da obogate svoje znanje. Upravo time oplemecuju i moje srce te zaslužuju moju podršku.
Vanja Tepic, Lawyer, BiH
Radana Milakovic, Sales Manager, Nbox, BiH
Neizmjerna mi je čast da mogu podržati BH Futures Foundation. Impresionirana sam radom i uspjehom kojim ova organizacija postiže u razvoju i napredovanju talentovane omladine Bosne i Hercegovine. Kroz praćenje rada fondacije uvidjela sam da fondacija nudi toliko toga mladim Bosancima i Hercegovcima od mentorstva, stipendija, edukativnih radionica, seminara, realizacije radnih prostora i ostalo. Zahvalna sam i presrećna što mogu biti dio ove priče i nadam se da svi zajedno možemo doprinijeti boljoj budućnosti Bosne i Hercegovine.
Amela Teftedarija, Head of Testing, Endava, BiH
I have been following the work of the foundation for a long time and I am honored to be able to support their work. I truly believe in their mission to empower young people through education, technology, and leadership. As Nelson Mandela said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nihad Omerovic, KAM VAP BiH at Signify
Mirza Sisic, IT Generalist, BIH
I firmly believe, that for small countries, such as Bosnia education is key to improving our society in the long-run. This is especially true for in-demand professions (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) it is a pleasure to support a noble cause such as the BH Futures Foundation – if we all contribute, no matter how little, together we can achieve a lot!
Sejla Sisirak Custovic, Accountant at 3 Sverige, Sweden
Zahvalna sam da na ovaj način mogu pomoći u školovanju i daljem usavršavanju mladim i talentovanim studentima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Nadam se da nas doprinos ovoj Fondaciji može ostvariti nečiji san.
Selma Saracevic, Research and Teaching Associate, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Austria
“No country can develop unless its citizens are educated.” (Nelson Mandela)
BH Futures Foundation aims to improve the future of Bosnia and Hercegovina by empowering its talented youth through education. I am thoroughly impressed with the success this organization has achieved so far and optimistic about the upcoming generations that will be supported by BH Futures Foundation. I am honored to play a small part in this initiative and look forward to seeing what the foundation will accomplish in the future.
Vedad Tokaca, Head of Business Development, Tershouse, Sarajevo, BIH
I decided to support BHFF for very simple reasons: your mission, vision and core values are fully aligned with my personal goals and wishes for further development of this great country and young people. Building a network of people who are highly skilled, ready to help and share their knowledge and expertise is the right way for our next generations. Investing in them, showing them a "pool of great values and opportunities" is one of the ways we will transform Bosnia & Herzegovina into a prosperous nation.
Tamara Fustic-Barakovac, Experienced Customer Relations and Business Development Specialist, UK
Sve za podrsku mladih i buducnosti drage nam nase domovine :-)
Melisa Palavric, Database Developer at Softray Solutions, Sarajevo, BIH
I am honoured to be able to support the BH Futures Foundation as I believe that everyone should have equal opportunities for quality education. I am grateful to be part of this great mission.
Damir i Lejla Dizdarevic, BIH
Our lives have been forever impacted by remarkable people that made selfless contributions and always went above and beyond to sacrifice their precious resources for those in greater need. Forever inspired by our own personal heros, being a living result of actions and choices they made, we see this symbolic support to the foundation as an opportunity to return the blessings by paying forward for younger generations in a hope for a better future for B&H. Thank you BHFF for this excellent platform.
Ademir Omercehajic, Development engineer at Škoda Auto, Czech Republic
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country with a lot of talented young people who unfortunately don't have opportunities for good and quality education. I decided to support the BH Future Foundation and their noble work as they are providing a chance for young people to live their dream. I invite others to also join this campaign because our small contribution can make a big impact on someone's life.
Damir Hamamdzic, Senior Scientist, Animal Welfare and Regulatory Compliance at The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson
As someone who has a firsthand experience in how hard it was to find good mentorship and financial support for a young developing scientist, and as someone who believes that only knowledge, science, and education can help Bosnia and Herzegovina overcome the societal ills that are plaguing her, I was very happy to have been introduced to the BH Futures Foundation. The benefits of an organization like this go far beyond the financial aid it provides to the young individuals seeking knowledge through quality education. BH Futures Foundation can also serve as a resource where young individuals can meet established professionals in their chosen professional area and seek advice and guidance. All our acquired experiences, education, and knowledge can be fully utilized only when we share them with the next generation of worthy young individuals.
Mirza Pršeš, Associate director, Guidehouse, USA
I am absolutely amazed with the positive impact that the BH Futures Foundation has had on so many individuals and I believe their mission fully aligns with my strong belief in creating a brighter future for Bosnia and Herzegovina that will empower our next generation. When I think of the meaning to joining their cause, it is about contributing to their activities however I can and working together to build a better tomorrow for our youth. I can’t wait to see what else the foundation will do through its initiatives in the years to come.
You, Somewhere in the world
You want to make a difference. You want to inspire change. You want to help youth in Bosnia & Herzegovina establish themselves at a global level so they can be the change we all seek.