“From opportunity seekers to opportunity providers!”
The most important thing that happened to me while in the Foundation is that I realized the importance of…
BH Futures Foundation made my path to a person useful to society much easier. Foundation has given me a lot…
With my mentor I started developing a skill without which I wouldn't have a job I have today. The foundation…
As the first scholar of the Foundation and then at the very beginning of my studies, I entered a completely new…
The Foundation has helped me tremendously both personally and professionally. I've gotten to meet and…
The moment I was selected for the Foundation's scholarship changed my life for the better. I broadened my…
BH Futures Foundation has become like a second family to me through the years, and I was initially drawn…
In December 2017, I became a scholarship holder of the foundation. One thing is for sure, I'm not the same…
Being a part of the Foundation made me a person who readily takes on professional challenges and realizes…
BH Futures Foundation helped me to gain professional and research skills necessary for launching a…
The Foundation connect with people from the professional world, enabled me to acquire new knowledge and…
Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation helped me meet wonderful people and experts from various…
This has been by far my best experience both personally and professionally. Scholars of the BH Futures…
Foundation means to me a safe environment, close as my family. I grew up from one stage to another in my…
The Foundation is my second family. Thanks to the great network, ambitous individuals, provided mentorships…
The Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation has allowed me to learn a lot, meet a lot of people, and transfer…
I am honored to be a part of BHFF. Not only did I polished my professional skills, but also widened my horizons…
BH Futures Foundation brought both, my personal and professional development to the whole, not a new level…
Early starts of the Foundation created a small group of ambitious people with clear goal and charisma which…
The best choice that STEM student can made is to join BH Futures Foundation. Great platform for meeting…
BHFF foundation complemented my University education and provided me platform to develop my skills…
Foundation really played a great and very important role in my personal development and informal education…
The Foundation has a huge network of people - students, mentors and other supporters. The most valuable thing…
Foundation has helped me enrich my interpersonal skills and has enabled me to meet and learn from great…
BHFF provided me the immeasurable value of mentorship from people who have gone far in their…