10 hiljada puta pet, da promijeniš njihov svijet

1 osoba više, da Bosna i Hercegovina lakše diše. Postanite i Vi jedna od njih!

1 person more, for Bosnia and Herzegovina to roar. Become one of them!

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About the campaign

Join us in our mission to provide quality education to all students, regardless of their background or circumstances. We cannot stand idly by as countless bright minds are left behind due to a lack of resources. You have the power to make a real difference in the lives of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With your support, the Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation can continue to enhance educational opportunities and provide access to technology for those who need it most.

Think about the countless doors that education opens. It is a pathway to a brighter future and a world of endless possibilities. Your donation will pave the way for young people to pursue their dreams and reach their full potential. We know that you value hard work, dedication, and the pursuit of knowledge. By joining our network of successful professionals, you will be helping to create a brighter future for the next generation of tech leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Together, we can make a tangible impact on the lives of these young people. Please consider making a donation to support our cause. Every little bit counts and every dollar will help us create a better tomorrow for those who need it most.


O kampanji

Pridružite nam se u našoj misiji pružanja kvalitetnog obrazovanja svim studentima, bez obzira na njihovo porijeklo ili okolnosti. Ne možemo stajati skrštenih ruku jer su bezbrojni bistri umovi ostavljeni zbog nedostatka resursa. Imate moć da napravite stvarnu promjenu u životima mladih ljudi u Bosni i Hercegovini. Uz vašu podršku, Fondacija za budućnost Bosne i Hercegovine može nastaviti s unapređenjem obrazovnih mogućnosti i omogućiti pristup tehnologiji onima kojima je najpotrebnija.

Razmislite o bezbrojnim vratima koja obrazovanje otvara. To je put u svjetliju budućnost i svijet beskrajnih mogućnosti. Vaša donacija će otvoriti put mladim ljudima da ostvare svoje snove i ostvare svoj puni potencijal. Znamo da cijenite naporan rad, posvećenost i težnju za znanjem. Pridruživanjem našoj mreži uspješnih profesionalaca, pomoći ćete u stvaranju svjetlije budućnosti za sljedeću generaciju tehnoloških lidera u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Zajedno možemo napraviti opipljiv utjecaj na živote ovih mladih ljudi. Molimo vas da razmislite o doniranju kako biste podržali našu stvar. Svako malo je važno i svaki dolar će nam pomoći da stvorimo bolje sutra za one kojima je najpotrebnije.

10.000 x 5 – United we roar! Together we stand, stronger than before.

Imagine a future where Bosnia and Herzegovina is a hub of innovation, where the brightest minds in STEM are leading the charge toward progress and prosperity. This is the future that the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation is working towards, and with your help, it can become a reality.

Our scholars are the leaders of tomorrow, eager to use their knowledge and skills to make a difference in their communities and beyond. With our unique professional development program, we are equipping them with the tools they need to succeed and thrive in the competitive world of STEM. But we can't do it alone.

To achieve our goal of educating 10,000 STEM leaders by 2030, we need your support. We are calling on you to become one of our future 10,000 active monthly donors to contribute just $5 a month and help us make a difference. It's the cost of a cup of coffee, but it can make a world of difference to the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Every dollar counts, and every donor can make a difference.

Whether you choose to contribute at the Bronze (5€), Silver (10€), Gold (20€), Platinum (50€), or Diamond level (100€), your support will help us empower the next generation of STEM leaders and create a brighter future for Bosnia and Herzegovina. And by signing up for our monthly email newsletter, you'll get a firsthand look at the impact your donations are making. Join us in this important mission and help us transform an entire generation of youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Together, we can create a future that is bright, innovative, and full of promise. 💙

10.000 x 5 - Ujedinjeni stojimo, jači nego ranije.

Zamislite budućnost u kojoj je Bosna i Hercegovina centar inovacija, gdje najsjajniji umovi STEM-a vode napore ka napretku i prosperitetu. Ovo je budućnost kojoj Fondacija za budućnost Bosne i Hercegovine radi, a uz vašu pomoć ona može postati stvarnost.

Naši naučnici su lideri sutrašnjice, željni da iskoriste svoje znanje i vještine kako bi napravili razliku u svojim zajednicama i šire. S našim jedinstvenim programom profesionalnog razvoja, opremamo ih alatima koji su im potrebni da bi uspjeli i napredovali u konkurentskom svijetu STEM-a. Ali ne možemo sami.

Da bismo postigli naš cilj obrazovanja 10.000 STEM lidera do 2030., potrebna nam je Vaša podrška. Pozivamo Vas da postanete jedan od budućih 10.000 aktivnih mjesečnih donatora koji daju samo 5 dolara mjesečno i pomognu nam da napravimo razliku. To je cijena šoljice kafe, ali to može učiniti svijet promjene u budućnosti Bosne i Hercegovine. Svaki dolar je bitan, a svaki donator može napraviti razliku.

Bilo da odaberete da doprinesete na nivou Bronze (5€), Srebra (10€), Zlata (20€), Platine (50€) ili Dijamanta (100€), vaša podrška će nam pomoći da osnažimo sledeću generaciju STEM-a lideri i stvoriti svjetliju budućnost za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. A ako se prijavite za naš mjesečni bilten putem e-pošte, iz prve ruke ćete vidjeti kakav utjecaj ostvaruju vaše donacije. Pridružite nam se u ovoj važnoj misiji i pomozite nam da transformišemo cijelu generaciju mladih u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Zajedno možemo stvoriti budućnost koja je svijetla, inovativna i puna obećanja.💙

Become a monthly donor and transform the future of young changemakers

You can become a monthly donor by selecting the amount you wish to donate in the drop-down menu below. Click the subscribe button after selecting the amount and start making a difference today!

Please note: We use PayPal for all of our transactions. PayPal is one of the most secure and trusted online payment methods, ensuring that all of your details are secure. Payments can be made using any standard credit card.


1057 monthly donors have committed to date

Want to get your donation matched and tax deducted?

Does your organisation have a donor matching scheme or supported by Benevity? Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation is officially now registered as a not-for-profit on Benevity, the only platform that offers corporations access to workplace giving, matching, volunteering, positive actions, corporate granting, customer engagement and more — in one place. Around 1000 of the world’s biggest & purpose driven companies (including many Fortune 500 companies), are part of the Benevity community.

So why is this important to us? For our current donors and future donors who are employed in any of the organisations under Benevity:

  1.     Your donation to BH Futures Foundation is totally tax deductible because Benevity is 501(c) is a nonprofit organization in the federal law of the US

  2.     Your company in many cases will match your donation to charities, including ours

  3.     Benevity does due diligence on all not for profits ensuring donor trust is never betrayed

All of the above are vitally important to Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation as we grow and support more students and young professionals in our network. We would like to sincerely thank our dear friends at Rockefeller Foundation in New York for the nomination and for supporting us in the entire process.

You can see our donor page by clicking here

How does it work?

When you become a monthly donor, you become part of the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation family. You are not just a donor, you are part of the team that shares our vision. Our Board of Directors, together with our students & Executive Leadership Team, is responsible for ethically utilizing the funds to power the activities of the foundation. We run a super-lean operation where the vast majority of the funds we receive are directly used for students’ benefit in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Our entire organization is run by volunteers who dedicate thousands of hours annually to make the dreams of the foundation a reality.
