18 Harvard University scholarships for our students
By investing in constant work, the abilities and skills of our students, the bearers of our society's change, we strive to invest all of our resources and capacities to build their future career and profile.
In partership with professors from the Harvard University, the City of Zagreb and the European Council of Youth of the Republic of Croatia, the Foundation has decided to strengthen international cooperation and finance the attendance on Harvard University subjects in the field of technological innovations and knowledge through online courses.
Our Foundation gave the exclusive opportunity to our students to apply for scholarships in the amount of $ 3000 for attending courses, after the selection process, only the best 18 students with the best applications received the opportunity to attend the courses.
They will attend 5 different courses "Using Phyton for Research","A Survey of Artificial Intelligence", "The Electrical Properties of the Neuron" , "Inference and Modeling", "Computer Architecture" for 5 working weeks. After attending courses, students will pass the final test and afterwards receive appropriate certificates which will help them to build their future career and profile.
We are proud to introduce you students who have been selected for scholarships, each in value of over 3000$ for Harvard University courses:
"Using Phyton for Research": Mihajlo Milosavljević, Nermin Djuzić, Semir Salkić, Muhamed Isabegović, Selma Aličić, Ognjen Stefanović, Andrej Perković
"A Survey of Artificial Intelligence": Zorana Štaka, Damir Bajramović
"The Electrical Properties of the Neuron": Milan Kusmuk, Kenan Kraković
"Inference and Modeling": Siniša Ninković, Haris Arnautović
"Computer Architecture": Nihad Ferhatović, Amer Muratović, Nikolina Grahovac, Rijad Sarić
At these courses, our students will have the opportunity to acquire the various technological and academic knowledge required for their further development. After gaining knowledge and experience through these courses, students will have the opportunity to share their knowledge on other projects of our Foundation and to be an inspiration and support to all the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
We thank our students for their motivation, wishes and wills for personal building and training.
We send a special thanks to Ms. Zvonimira Jakic, a member of our Student & Young Professional Leadership team for driving this entire initiative.
Vejrujući u konstatni rad, sposobnosti i vještine naših studenata, nosioca promjena našeg društva trudimo se uložiti sve svoje resurse i kapacitete za izgradnju njihovih budućih karijera i profila.
U surdanji s profesorima Harvard Univerziteta, gradom Zagrebom, Europskim vijećem mladih Republike Hrvatske, Fondacija je odlučila učvrstiti međunarodnu suradnju te u navedenim partnerstvima finansirati pohađanje nastave Harvardskog sveučilišta u području tehnoloških inovacija i znanja kroz online kurseve.
Studenti naše Fondacije dobili su priliku aplicirati za stipendije u visini od 3000$ za pohađanje kurseva, nakon selekcijskog procesa samo najvrijednijih 18 studenata s najboljim aplikacijama je dobilo priliku pohađanja istih.
Njih 18 će pohađati 5 različitih kurseva " Using Phyton for Research","A Survey of Artificial Intelligence" , "The Electrical Properties of the Neuron", "Inference and Modeling", "Computer Architecture" u trajanju od 5 radnih sedmica. Nakon odslušanih kurseva, studenti će proći finalni test i nakon toga dobiti prigodne certifikate koji će im pomoći u izgradnji njihove karijere i profila.
S velikim ponosom vam predstavljamo studente koji su osvojili stipednije za pohađanje kusreva Harvard Unverziteta:
" Using Phyton for Research": Mihajlo Milosavljević, Nermin Djuzić, Semir Salkić, Muhamed Isabegović, Selma Aličić, Ognjen Stefanović, Andrej Perković
"A Survey of Artificial Intelligence": Zorana Štaka, Damir Bajramović
"The Electrical Properties of the Neuron": Milan Kusmuk, Kenan Kraković
"Inference and Modeling": Siniša Ninković, Haris Arnautović
"Computer Architecture": Nihad Ferhatović, Amer Muratović, Nikolina Grahovac, Rijad Sarić
Na ovim kursevima naši studenti će imati priliku steći različita tehnološka i sturčna znanja potrebna za njihov daljni razvoj.Nakon stečenog znanja i iskustva kroz ove kurseve, studenti će imati priliku podijeliti svoje znanje na ostalim projektima naše Fondacije i biti inspiracija i podrška svim maldima Bosne i Hercegovine.
Zahvaljujemo se našim studentima na motivaciji, želji i volji za osobnom izgradnjom i usavršavanjem.
Posebno se zahvaljujemo Zvonimiri Jakic, nasoj mladoj studentici koja je dio tima mladih lidera u nasoj fondaciji, jer bez nje ova incijativa nebi uspjela.