Help When You Need It the Most

The BH Futures Foundation aims to help its scholars when difficult times arise. The last couple of years were also challenging for students. Overcoming obstacles from education to accommodation has dramatically impacted students’ day-to-day lives. Supporting the efforts of scholars is one of our main objectives. We are glad that they still have the motivation in these times to keep pushing forward and excelling in their paths of individual development.

Students can apply for this financial support in extreme situations of financial hardship.

When talking to scholars, tuition and accommodation costs are the most challenging hurdle to overcome. The Foundation uses its resources to help scholars when they need it the most. We aim to be a safety net for scholars at those times.


“… The biggest hurdle I faced was paying tuition, with one income stream in the family, I take care of most of the tuition and the Foundation helped me…”


“Instead of allocating resources for tuition, I was able to cover other essentials for university”


“For me, the biggest issue was the tuition. I work part-time but sometimes I can’t work enough to cover it, that’s when I got the needed help from the Foundation”

“I’ve gotten support for purchasing a new laptop since I’m going to the US for a few months and I need a new one.”

“The biggest obstacle I faced while attending university was covering dormitory costs. I was able to cover those costs while studying and volunteering.”


The initiative is part of Limited Finacial Support for Education for a small number of students who are facing extreme hardship. To better understand our scholarship programs check out Scholarship Offerings 2022.

The next generation of changemakers we want to create are today’s students that sometimes face obstacles bigger than themselves and that’s when we can step in and help.

BH Futures Web Team