Adnan Ferhatović: recipient of the 2024 BH Futures Foundation and LANACO joint scholarship.

Adnan Ferhatović from Goražde is recipient of the 2024 BH Futures Foundation and LANACO joint scholarship. Adnan is completing his first year of IT studies at International Burch University and became a BH Futures Foundation scholar in 2023. He has been an active volunteer since elementary school and is an outstanding student.

As part of the joint scholarship, Adnan will spend the summer at LANACO in Banja Luka undertaking work experience in developing a real product and solving real world problems. He will be supervised by senior engineers that will help shape his career. For the next 12 months he will also be receiving a 300 BAM a month scholarship to support his professional development.

Every year our partners in Banja Luka, LANACO, select a small group of students from all over Bosnia & Herzegovina and provide them with an intensive work experience. Typically they receive over 300 applications and only a small number of them make the cut.

Congratulations to Adnan.

In march, Adnan was one of the BH Futures Foundation scholars who spoke at our Leaders of Tomorrow Conference in Brcko.