Educate one person - change the world - Obrazovanjem mijenjamo svijet
“Education is the only thing that can help a person, community and country get out of the cycle of poverty, despair and hopelessness. When you combine that with mentoring, you are onto a winner.”
Those are the words of Bosnian-Australian Vedran Drakulić, OAM, keynote speaker at the second annual networking and fundraising event of the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation, held on a boat cruise in Melbourne on 24th October.
Drakulić, a former refugee, long-time humanitarian worker and current CEO of Gandel Philanthropy, personifies the values of the foundation – striving for excellence on the global stage while helping others.
“They say that if you save one life, you save the world. I would say that if you educate one person, you make the world a better place for all,” Mr Drakulić said.
While cruising Port Phillip Bay on board the Victoria Star, hundreds of professionals from the areas of politics, business, media, the arts, technology, science as well as philanthropists networked while supporting the foundation's mission of empowering youth through education, technology access and leadership development.
“Having collaborated with some of the brightest minds in technology, science and business, the foundation is always seeking to extend its network of professionals and mentors focused on transforming young talents into future leaders,” BHFF founder Eddie Čustović said.
Among prominent Australians who supported the event were David Coleman MP, Federal Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs and Natalie Suleyman, MP, representing the Victorian Minister for Multicultural Affairs.
Attendees had an opportunity to learn of many exchange programs and international activities organised by the foundation and efforts to empower students from Bosnia and Herzegovina to participate in international conferences and research and development projects.
Our foundation attracts successful entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers and business executives with global experience and strong communication skills who are focused on sharing their knowledge with future leaders.
The foundation’s values mirror those of Australia – inclusion, non-discrimination and a bright attitude towards a prosperous future.
The event was organised in collaboration with Bosnian Professionals Australia, IEEE La Trobe University Student Branch and the Engineering Society of La Trobe University.
We would like to acknowledge the support of our sponsors and volunteers who continue to strengthen the work of our foundation.
Kad mladi talenti postaju lideri
„Samo obrazovanje može pomoći pojedincu, zajednici i državi da se izvuku iz siromaštva, očaja i beznađa. Kad to kombinujete s mentorskim programom, imate recept za uspjeh.“
Riječi su to Vedrana Drakulića, Sarajlije sa australskom adresom i nosioca Medalje Ordena Australije za humanitarni angažman u društvu, upućene na donatorskoj večeri Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation održanoj tokom krstarenja zaljevom Port Phillip u Melbourneu 24. oktobra.
Drakulić, koji je došao u Australiju kao izbjeglica, a danas je izvršni direktor organizacije Gandel Philanthropy, predstavlja vrijednosti naše fondacije. Uz profesionalni uspjeh na međunarodnoj sceni nesebično pomaže drugima.
„Kažu da, ako spasite jedan život, spasili ste cijeli svijet. Rekao bih da, ako obrazujete jednu osobu, činite svijet boljim mjestom za sve“, rekao je Drakulić.
Krstareći brodom Victoria Star, stotine stručnjaka iz političkog, poslovnog, medijskog i kulturnog života, te naučnici, inženjeri, preduzetnici i filantropi razmjenjivali su iskustva, podržavši misiju fondacije - osnaživanje mladih obrazovanjem, pristupom tehnologiji te razvojem liderskih vještina.
„Kako naša fondacija sarađuje sa liderima u oblastima tehnologije, nauke i preduzetništva, neumorno radimo na širenju naše mreže stručnjaka i mentora čiji je cilj pomoći mladim talentima da postanu budući lideri“, kaže osnivač Fondacije Edhem Eddie Čustović.
Među istaknutim Australcima koji su podržali događaj su i David Coleman, savezni ministar za imigracije i multikulturna pitanja te viktorijanska parlamentarka Natalie Suleyman, predstavnica viktorijanskog ministra za multikulturna pitanja.
Prisutni su imali priliku saznati o brojnim programima razmjene i međunarodnih aktivnosti u organizaciji Fondacije te napora u podsticanju bosanskohercegovačkih studenata da učestvuju na međunarodnim konferencijama te naučnoistraživačkim projektima.
Naša Fondacija privlači uspješne preduzetnike, naučnike i poslovne lidere s globalnim iskustvom koji rado prenose svoje znanje na buduće lidere.
Vrijednosti Fondacije također su temelji australskog društva – inkluzija, isključivanje diskriminacije i optimističan pogled u svijetlu budućnost.
Događaj jer organizovan u saradnji sa udruženjem Bosnian Professionals Australia, IEEE La Trobe University Student Branch te Engineering Society of La Trobe University.
Želimo da zahvalimo našim sponzorima i volonterima na nesebičnoj podršci.