Foundation scholar organises Beckhoff PLC Controller Workshop

Lazar Furtula Workshop.png

Tokom prošlog vikenda na Burch univerzitetu u Sarajevu je održana radionica “New automation technology with Beckhoff PLC controller” čiji je inicijator bio naš član Lazar Furtula, a evo kako je on opisao svoju ideju i radionicu:

Nažalost, u našoj državi mladima je teško pronaći podršku za svoje inovacije, ideje, projekte i druge “zdrave” aktivnosti. Budući da sam ja veoma ambiciozna i optimistična osoba koja vjeruje u bolje sutra i ne odustaje lako, imao sam ideju i krenuo sam za njom. Potrudio sam se da napišem projektni prijedlog za radionicu “New automation technology with Beckhoff PC controller” čiji je cilj da se studenti širom BiH upoznaju sa novim tehnologijama programiranja PLC kontrolera i sa njegovom pratećom sofisticiranom opremom. Jedan dio radionice vodili su studenti koji su imali priliku da predstave kolegama projekte na kojima rade kako bi jedni druge dodatno motivisali i pokrenuli. Takođe, radionica je omogućila i umrežavanja studenata koje će roditi ideje za nove projekte.

Ovaj projekat su bez imalo oklijevanja podržali Fondacija budućnosti Bosne i Hercegovine zajedno sa IEEE young professional BiH timom. Zahvaljujući njima uspjeli smo da ga realizujemo. Posebno hvala i predstavništu IEEE young professional BiH tima Dr Dejanu Jokić i Tariku Hubani na pomoći u realizaciji.

Sve je mnogo lakše meni kao studentu kada imam ljude kojima se mogu obratiti za pomoć i koji su uvijek spremni da pomognu. Ja sam kroz ovaj projekat stekao nova znanja iz struke, ali i vještine pisanja i realizovanja događaja kao što je ovaj koje će mi biti od koristi u budućnosti.

Beckhoff PLC Controller Workshop

Workshop named "New automation technology with Beckhoff PLC controller" was held during the last weekend at Burch University in Sarajevo. The main initiator of it was our member Lazar Furtula, and here's how he described his idea and workshop:

Unfortunately, in our country, it is difficult for young people to find support for their innovations, ideas, projects and other "healthy" activities. Since I am a very ambitious and optimistic person who believes in a better tomorrow and does not give up easily, I came up with an idea and I went on and pursued it. I put all my effort into writing a project proposal for the workshop "New automation technology with Beckhoff PC controller", which aims to introduce students throughout BiH with new programming technologies for PLC controllers and with its accompanying sophisticated equipment. One part of the workshop was held by students who had the opportunity to present to their colleagues with projects on which they worked on with the aim to motivate each other. Also, the workshop has enabled the networking of students which will produce new ideas for new projects.

Bosnia & Herzegovina Future Foundation together with IEEE young professional BiH team supported this project without hesitation. Thanks to them we managed to realize it. A special thank you goes to the representative of the IEEE Young Professional BiH Team Dr. Dejan Jokić and Tarik Hubana for their help in the realization of this project.

Everything is much easier for me as a student when I have people who I can reach out to and who are always ready to help. Through this project, I have acquired new knowledge from my profession, but also the skills of writing and realizing an event like this which will be of benefit to me in the future.

Eddie Custovic