Emir Mujezinovic at EESTEC Spring Congress in Athens


Hi, I am Emir Mujezinovic, I live in Tuzla, and I became a BH Futures Foundation Scholar two months ago. This is my story of EESTEC Spring Congress 2019.

From 4 th to 10 th May 2019, as a part of EESTEC, I had a chance to attend Spring Congress 2019, organized by LC Athens (Local Committee Athens), one of the branches of EESTEC. The Spring Congress is essential in EESTEC community, because every year the new Board of the Association (later referred to as the Board) needs to be elected, and the whole association cannot exist without at least 3 members in the Board: chairperson, treasurer and one vice chairperson.

First night we had an Opening Ceremony where we met organizing committee (OC) and all the efforts they put in the organization of such a huge event. We had a chance to mingle with other participants, reunite with friends from other branches and meet new ones.

Second day was reserved for the training and working sessions for all those who attended the Congress. At those sessions I acquired knowledge and experience from trainers and participants as well. It was a great time to get to know how other LCs operate and to take good practices from them that can be implemented to our own branch. The members of other LCs were very helpful, so I will try to transfer everything I learned to the board of my branch to make our LC as strong and as much internationally aware as possible.

On the third day of the Congress we were all invited to attend conference “Shape the future”. Presentations were awesome. I got insight into how much IT companies and banks are trying to get digitalized, and to find a solution for energy preservation, security improvement and smart usage of data. At breaks, I was able to approach all of the presenters and ask them everything I was interested in.

For the fourth day, General Meetings as the sole reason why we were there, were organized. This made me feel a bit nervous and excited at the same time. I finally got opportunity to see how it all happens. The whole process was very interesting, at least for someone that was first time there, but we all had big responsibilities as well, because we were official representatives of our branches and were chosen to represent our LC at our best. These 4 days were not easy, because we had to attend and work for almost 9 hours every day, which was really exhausting but in the other hand worth doing. We all had opportunity to give back something to our associations in return for everything we gained from it: ever-lasting friendships, knowledge (hard and soft skills), but most importantly, amazing experience and memories for a life time.


Unfortunately, I didn’t get opportunity to see Athens in its all glory and magnificent as I wanted to, because of the event’s schedule. However, we were not there on vacation; we were there to work and build our association to become stronger and more stable. After exhausting 4 days, we had a relaxing weekend in Loutrakion, which is a city near Athens (1-hour bus ride). There we got chance to chill, talk about everything that happened in last couple of days, and get to know each other even more. The beautiful sea added some extra friendly flavor to it.

I wish everyone to get a chance to attend Congress within EESTEC community and feel all the positive vibes and EESTEC spirit as I did, and I hope to attend more events like this one in future.


Emir Mujezinović na EESTEC proljetnom kongresu u Atini u Grčkoj

Zdravo, ja sam Emir Mujezinovic, zivim u Tuzli, i prije 2 mjeseca postao sam stipendista Fondacije Budućnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovo je moja priča o EESTEC Proljetnom Kongresu 2019.

Od 4. do 10. maja 2019., kao član EESTEC udruženja imao sam priliku da prisustvujem Proljetnom Kongresu 2019. organizovanog od strane LC Athens (Lokalni komitet Atina), jednog od ogranaka u sklopu EESTEC-a. Proljetni Kongres je od esencijalne važnosti u EESTEC udruženju, jer svake godine se bira novi upravni odbor udruženja, koje ne može da postoji bez minimalno 3 člana upravnog odbora (predsjednika, blagajnika i potpredsjednika).

Prve noći upriličena je ceremonija otvaranja na kojoj smo mogli da upoznamo organizacioni odbor (OO) i sav trud koji su uložili u organizaciju ovako velikog događaja. Također smo imali priliku da se družimo sa ostalim participantima, ponovo sjedinimo sa prijateljima iz drugih oblasti ali i upoznamo nove prijatelje.

Drugi dan je bio rezervisan za trenigne i radne sesije za sve one koji su prisustvovali kongresu. Na tim sesijama sam stekao znanje i iskustvo od trenera i drugih participanata. Bilo je predivno iskustvo upoznati se sa radom drugih LC-ova, te načinom na koji oni funkcionišu i preuzeti dobre prakse koje se mogu primjeniti i na naš ogranak. Članovi drugih ogranaka su bili korisni i društveni. Stečeno znanje ću pokušati da prenesem na Odbor svog ogranka i da pokušamo da učinimo naš LC što kvalitetnijim i što vise internacionalno osvještenim.

Treći dan kongresa smo svi bili pozvani da prisustvujemo konferenciji pod nazivom “Shape the future”. Prezentacije su bile odlične. Dobio sam uvid u to koliko IT kompanije i banke teže tome da budu digitalizovani, i da nađu rješenja da očuvaju energiju, pojačaju zaštitu i pametno koriste sve dostupne podatke i informacije. Na pauzama sam imao priliku da priđem svakom prezenteru i postavim sva moguća pitanja ili razriješim neodumice koje sam imao.

Za četvrti dan planirani su bili generalni sastanci koji su bili glavni razlog zbog kojeg smo bili tu. Zbog ovog sam postao veoma nervozan i uzbuđen u isto vrijeme. Napkon je došlo vrijeme da vidim kako se to sve dešava. Cijeli proces je bio interesantan, barem za nekoga ko prvi put prisustvuje ovakvom događaju. Pored toga što je bio interesantan, svi smo mi imali velike odgovornosti jer smo tu bili kao oficijelni predstavnici naših ogranaka i tu smo bili da predstavimo naš LC u što boljem svjetlu. Ova 4 dana su bila veoma teška jer smo morali da prisustvujemo i radimo oko 9 sati svaki dan, što je bilo veoma iscrpljujuće, ali je vrijedilo. Svi smo imali priliku da pružimo zauzvrat nešto udruženju od kojeg smo dobili toliko mnogo: dugoročna prijateljstva, znanja (hard i soft vjestine), ali i ono najvaznije, izvanredno iskustvo i uspomene za cijeli život.

Nažalost, nisam imao priliku da vidim Atinu u punom sjaju i veličanstvu kao što sam želio, što je posljedica gustog rasporeda. Naravno, nismo bili tu na odmoru ili turistički, bili smo tu da radimo i doprinesemo ovom događaju. Nakon iscrpljujuća 4 dana generalnih sjednica imali smo opuštajući vikend u Lutrakiju, koji je od Atine udaljen samo sat vremena vožnje. Tamo smo imali priliku da odmaramo, pričamo o svemu što se desilo u nekoliko posljednih dana i međusobno se upoznati jos više. Prelijepo more je dodalo dodatnu prijateljsku vibru cijelom tom ugođaju.

Volio bih da svako dobije šansu da prisustvuje kongresu unutar EESTEC udruzenja i da osjeti svu pozitivnu vibru i EESTEC spirit kao ja, i nadam se da ću moći da prisustvujem jos nekim događajima ovog tipa u budućnosti.