Matchmaking process: New opportunity for new students! / Matchmaking proces: Nova prilika za nove studente

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Let’s recall that in the previous period, Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation issued the Scholarship Application Call for new students among which the best will have the opportunity to enjoy many benefits that the Foundation offers. Out of several hundred applicants, over 40 made it to the interview stage with members of the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee, after which a total of 22 were selected as recipients of this year's scholarships call.

The very huge number of received applications has proven the fact that there are many talented young people in our country, who are coming from different branches and should be provided with the right opportunity for success. Therefore, we decided to give a new opportunity for growth and development to some of these students whose applications were among the most outstanding ones, but not strong enough to be chosen for scholarship receipt.

Each of these students is assigned and matched to another student from their own university, who is actually a member of our Foundation, and whose responsibility will be to maintain the contact and track the progress, growth and development of students assigned to them.

As a part of this process, one such meeting was held recently at IPI Academy in Tuzla. On the meeting, students discussed the feeling about not being selected as BH Futures Foundation member, but with the explanation that they should feel neither sad nor disappointed, because there is also another chance to enjoy all benefits offered by the Foundation. Additionally, each of the students got an opportunity to present their own background, strengths, weaknesses and express the potential. During the period of the next 6 months, these students and their ability to improve soft and project-oriented skills will be tracked and noticed in further meetings. Good luck!

Matchmaking proces: Nova prilika za nove studente

Podsjetimo se da je u proteklom periodu Fondacija budućnosti Bosne i Hercegovine raspisala konkurs za dodjelu stipendija za nove studente, među kojima će oni najbolji imati priliku okusiti​ brojne pogodnosti koje Fondacija redovno pruža. Od nekoliko stotina prijavljenih, preko 40 studenata iz različitih gradova naše zemlje pozvano je na intervju, nakon čega je ukupno 22 odabrano za dobitnike ovogodišnje stipendije. Veoma veliki broj primljenih prijava dokazao je činjenicu da u našoj zemlji ima mnogo talentovanih mladih ljudi koji dolaze iz različitih naučnih disciplina i kojima treba pružiti pravu priliku za uspjeh i razvoj. Stoga smo odlučili da pružimo novu priliku za razvoj nekim od studenata čije su prijave bile među najupečatljivijim, ali ipak nedovoljno dobre da bi bile izabrane za prijem stipendije.

Svakom od ovih studenata dodijeljen je drugi student sa njihovog univerziteta, koji je ujedno član naše Fondacije, i čija će odgovornost biti održavanje kontakta i praćenje napretka, profesionalnog rasta i razvoja studenata koji su im dodijeljeni.

U okviru ovog procesa, prvi takav sastanak održan je nedavno na IPI Akademiji u Tuzli. Na sastanku se razgovaralo o razlozima zbog kojih nisu izabrani kao članovi BH Futures fondacije, ali uz objašnjenje da ne trebaju biti razočarani, jer postoji još jedna prilika da kušaju sve pogodnosti koje nudi Fondacija. Pored toga, svaki od studenata je imao priliku da predstavi naučnu branšu iz koje dolazi, te svoje snage, slabosti i potencijal. Tokom narednih 6 mjeseci, ovi studenti i njihove sposobnosti da napreduju i poboljšaju svoje projektno-orijentisane vještine će se pratiti i bilježiti  na daljnjim sastancima i aktivnostima. Sretno!

Eddie Custovic