Meet Kristina Mladjenovic - Scholarship Recipient Dec 2016

Kristina Mladjenovic received a Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation 12 month scholarship to study mechanical engineering at the University of East Sarajevo.

Kristina Mladjenovic received a Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation 12 month scholarship to study mechanical engineering at the University of East Sarajevo.

Kristina Mladjenovic received a Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation 12 month scholarship to study mechanical engineering at the University of East Sarajevo. The scholarship was presented to Kristina at the IEEE Student & Young Professional Congress, held in Sarajevo from the 1-4 of December 2016.

About Kristina

My name is Kristina Mladjenović and I was born in Milici, Bosnia & Herzegovina on the 31st of January 1994. In autumn of 2000 I lost my father. My mother is left on her own to look after my younger brother and I in the nearby village of Vukovici. I started primary school in Milici in 2001. I graduated with the best possible grades with standout performance in all disciplines. I enrolled into the Milutin Milankovic Gymnasium in Milici, selecting the general education pathway which I also completed with outstanding performance. During my early education I developed a love for mathematics and physics. This resulted in my participation in local and regional/international competitions in which I demonstrated significant results. I am very ambitious, hard working and determined. I am also very optimistic and my positive energy is channelled to those around me. I am very social and have made many lifelong friends throughout the competition i took part in. During my education I was involved in numerous organisations as a volunteer including the youth advisory board in Milici. As an ambitious individual I always dreamt of of doing something significant in my life, something that would leave a mark in the future. It was not difficult to determine that I wanted to study mechanical engineering at the University of East Sarajevo. "Mechanical engineering is a science and simultaneously an art with a broad spectrum of application". 

As a result of my outstanding result in the mathematics entry examination and results from high school I was ranked 1st in a list with over 100 student applicants to study mechanical engineering. In 2013, during my university study i decided to specialise in thermal energy and mechanical processing. After my first year of study and outstanding grade average of 9.5/10, I realised that I made the right choice with my studies and that I wanted to undertake research work. After completing my first year studies I received an award from the president of "Boksit" for my outstanding results. Boksit is one of the most successful companies in region. This award further motivated me to continue my hard work and studies. Not long after this period, completely independently, I wrote a report on solar energy and the function of solar panels in our region.

I am a very active volunteer and am involved in in two student journals "Student" and "Zvrljskop". I participated in in two research gatherings "Comet" and "Infotech" upon which I started my second research project.

I am currently a 4th year student and I plan to enrol into a master of mechanical engineering upon completing my undergraduate studies to continue my research work. I am delighted to have received the scholarship from the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation which was initiated by two brother from Australia, Edhem and Resad Custovic. I hope that our collaboration will last a long time. In addition, I am multilingual, and along with my native language, I speak English and Russian.

My life moto is "Don’go through life, grow through life"

--------------Bosnian Version----------------------------------------------------------------

Moje ime je Kristina Mlađenović. Rodjena sam 31.01.1994. u opštini Milići (BiH), U jesen 2000. godine ostajem bez oca,gdje u selu Vukovići nadomak Milića život dalje nastavljamo sami mama,mlađi brat i ja. U osnovnu školu polazim 2001. godine u Milićima i završavam je sa odličnim uspjehom i primjernim vladanjem u svim razredima. Odmah upisujem Gimnaziju opšti smjer u srednjoškolskom centru “MIlutin Milanković” u Milićima koju takodje završavam sa odličnim uspjehom i primjernim vladanjem. Za vrijeme školovanja , zbog svojih ranih afiniteta prema prirodnim naukama, ucenje sam najvise posvetila matematici i fizici sto je rezultiralo mnogobrojnim takmičenjima kako međuopštinskim tako i republičkim na kojima sam osvajala zapažene rezultate. Jako sam ambiciozna, vrijedna I uporna. Uvijek razmišljam pozitivno i svoju pozitivnu energiju prenosim na ljude oko sebe. Svestrana sam i društvena osoba. Stekla sam mnogo prijatelja kroz takmičenja u čitavoj državi.Za vrijeme skolovanja bila sam ukljucena u mnoge organizacije od kojih izdvajam Omladinski savjet Milići. Zbog mojih afiniteta i velikih ambicija da u zivotu uradim nešto što će ostaviti traga na budućnost,nije bilo teško da se odlučim za Mašinski fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu.  Mašinstvo je nauka i umjetnostu isto vrijeme sa širokim sprektrom djelovanja. Zbog odlicno uradjenog prijemnog iz matematike i bodova iz srednje škole na konacnoj upisnoj rang listi  od 103 studenta zauzela sam prvo mjesto. Te 2013. godine sam se odlučila za smjer termoenergetika i procesno masinstvo i nakon niza odličnih ocjena i prosjeka sa prve godine od 9.5 sam shvatila da nisam pogriješila i da svoje znanje nastavim proširivati naučnim istraživanjem i pisanjem radova. Nakon završetka prve godine predsjednik kompanije ”Boksit", najuspješnije kompanije u opštini kao i jedne od najuspješnijih u državi, dodjelio mi je nagradu za izuzetan uspjeh, što me dodatno motivisalo da nastavim u svom naučno-istraživačkom radu. Napisala sam samostalno rad na temu Solarna energija i funkcionisanje solarnih panela na nasem podrucju. Uključujem se u volonterski rad u dva studentska casopisa “Student” i “Žvrljoskop”. Prisustvujem naucnim skupovima Cometa i Infoteh nakon kojih u dogovoru sa profesorom zapocinjem drugi svoj rad. Trenutno sam student 4. godine koju planiram završiti redovno kao i prethodne 3 godine  i nakon koje cu upisati Master studije i naravno nastaviti svoj istrazivacki rad. Mnogo mi je drago što samstipendista fondacije „Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation", koju su pokrenuli uspješni inženjeri iz Australije, braća Edhem Eddie i Rešad Čustović. Iskreno se nadam da ce naša saradnja dugo i uspjesno trajati. Od stranih jezika govorim engleski, a tečno se služim ruskim jezikom. Moj životni moto je:  Don't go through life, grow through life.

Eddie Custovic