Meet the 2019 Scholarship recipients - Upoznajte nove stipendiste fondacije
22! The number of new scholarship recipients in the BH Futures Foundation. In the following period, most of the Foundation's activities were focused on promoting and issuing the call for scholarship applications for new young scientists, students and talents, among which the best and most valuable ones will have the opportunity to enjoy many benefits that the Foundation offers to its students regularly.
This year's first call for scholarship applications was opened immediately after the 4th Academy of the Foundation, or the first academy in the new year 2019, which was held in Mostar at the end of February. This scholarship is a prestigious and unique opportunity for all undergraduate or postgraduate students enrolled at one of the technical faculties in our country, which includes but is not limited to: all branches of engineering, manufacturing, computer science, information technology etc. The most successful students will have the opportunity to enjoy the beneficence of participation in numerous conferences, seminars, webinars, workshops, courses and many other activities, all them being within the scope of this year's scholarship. Through all these activities, students will have an opportunity to significantly develop and improve the oral, leadership but also many other skills that are important for the professional growth and development of any young scientist.
The very huge number of received applications has proven the fact that there are many talented young people in our country, who should only be provided with the right opportunity for success. Out several hundred applicants, over 40 made it to the interview stage by members of the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee, and therefore over 40 students from different cities of our country were invited for an interview, after which a total of 22 were selected as recipients of this year's scholarships call.
Below you can find the names, cities from which they come and area of study!
Finally, we want to thank all students for their incredible interest in joining our Foundation. This year's call for applications caused made our choice extremely difficult because indeed all the candidates showed outstanding performance. Therefore, those who have not been selected in the first round of applications shall not be discouraged because we invite you all to apply for the second round, which will be opened at the end of September this year.
Fondacija budućnosti Bosne i Hercegovine u svoje okrilje primila nove talente i mlade naučnike
U proteklom periodu, zaključno do 24. marta 2019. godine, većina aktivnosti Fondacije bila je usmjerena na promociji i održavanju raspisanog konkursa za stipendiranje novih mladih naučnika, studenata i talenata, među kojima će oni najbolji i najvrijedniji imati priliku uživati u mnogim beneficijama koje Fondacija nudi svojim studentima redovno.
Prvi ovogodišnji konkurs za stipendije otvoren je odmah nakon 4. akademije Fondacije, odnosno prve akademije u novoj 2019. godini, koja je krajem februara održana u Mostaru. Stipendija Fondacije budućnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini je prestižna i jedinstvena prilika za sve studente dodiplomskih ili postdiplomskih studija na jednom od tehničkih fakulteta u našoj zemlji, uključujući ali ne ograničavajući se na: sve grane inžinjeringa, proizvodnje, kompjuterske znanosti, informacijske tehnologije i sl. Najuspješniji u ovom konkursu, imat će priliku u okviru ovogodišnje stipendije okusiti slast učešća na mnogobrojnim konferencijama, seminarima, webinarima, radionicama, kursevima i mnogim drugim aktivnostima, putem kojih će značajno razviti i unaprijediti govorništvo, liderstvo ali i mnoge druge vještine koje su važne za profesionalni razvoj svakog mladog naučnika.
Mnoštvo pristiglih aplikacija dokazalo je činjenicu da u našoj zemlji ima puno talentiranih mladih ljudi, kojima samo treba pružiti pravu priliku za razvoj i uspjeh. Od pristglih par stotina aplikacija, malo vise 40 ocijenjeno je zadovoljavajućom ocjenom od strane članova Odbora Fondacije, te je stoga 40-tak studenata iz različitih gradova BiH pozvano na intervju, nakon kojeg je njih 22 proglašeno ‘pobjednicima’ ovogodišnjeg prvog konkursa za stipendije.
Njihova imena, gradove iz kojih dolaze i fakultete na kojima studiraju možete pročitati ispod!
Najzad se želimo zahvaliti svim studentima na zainteresiranosti za učlanjenje u našu Fondaciju. Ovogodišnji konkurs stavio je članove Odbora na muke, jer su zaista svi kandidati pokazali izvanredan performans. Stoga one koji nisu izabrani u prvom krugu aplikacija ovom prilikom želimo ohrabriti i pozvati da se prijave na drugi krug koji će biti otvoren krajem septembra ove godine.