Rijad Saric collaborating with world leader in plant science and biotechnology

Rijad Saric is one of the BH Futures Foundation scholars and is undertaking a Masters in Electronics Engineering at international Burch University. Rijad is one best up and coming young researchers who the foundation is supporting and preparing for a for PhD scholarship. As part of his professional development and mentoring Rijad Saric is working with Czech based Photon Systems Instruments (PSI).

Rijad Saric visit to PSI.jpg

PSI is a world leader in the research, development and manufacture of professional instruments for plant science, biotechnology, and agriculture. Rijad had the pleasure of visiting our international partner recently where he spent time undertaking an experiment with the Mendel Cube, a novel product in citizen based science. As a part of the international team, Rijad is currently working on the improvement of 3D reconstruction of plants in cultivation chambers.  PSI CEO Mr. Martin Trtilek hosted Rijad and gave him a tour of the company focusing on state of the art product development. BH Futures Foundation students will have the opportunity to work PSI and other international partners.

BH Futures Foundation thanks PSI for hosting one of our students. BH Futures Foundation is connecting students in our homeland with the best and brightest world wide.

Eddie Custovic