BH Professionals meetup in Toronto: a huge success

On Friday 21st of June in Toronto, over 50 professionals gathered for the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation (BHFF) Meetup, an event that showcased the success and diversity within the Bosnia & Herzegovina community in the Greater Toronto Area.

To date, our foundation has organised over 150 meetups across the world in order to connect the Bosnia & Herzegovina professional community. We are always incredibly impressed with what our people have achieved in a relatively short time in the cities they reside in. The purpose of our gatherings is always to facilitate introductions between these professionals, help establish collaborations, business & academic ventures, life long friendships and introduce our global community to the work our foundation.

We are on a mission to connect our global community in a meaningful way and provide avenues for professionals to make contributions in developing youth in our homeland Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Origins and Vision

The evening commenced with an inspiring speech by Edhem "Eddie" Custovic, the founder of BH Futures Foundation. Eddie spoke passionately about the origins of the foundation, highlighting its mission to foster a sense of belonging and community among young Bosnian-Herzegovinians. He emphasized the importance of cohesive efforts to develop youth into future leaders, equipped to excel in their respective fields. His words resonated deeply with the audience, setting a tone of unity and shared purpose.

Alumni Success Story

Following Eddie's remarks, attendees were moved by the testimony of Nina Stefanovic, an alumna of BH Futures Foundation and currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Connecticut. Nina shared her personal journey, describing how the foundation transformed her life and empowered her to believe in her abilities. Her story was a powerful reminder of the foundation’s impact on individual lives and its broader mission of fostering academic and professional excellence.

Networking and Community Building

The meetup was not just about speeches; it was also a vibrant networking event. Prior to the main presentations, all guests had the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves, creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere. While the majority of attendees were from the Greater Toronto Area, the commitment to community was exemplified by sisters Leila and Neila Rekic, who drove over five hours from Utica, New York, to join the event.


The success of the evening was made possible by the generous support of several key sponsors and hosts. A special thank you goes to Alija & Jasmina Topuz of Topuz Real Estate and Ado Topuz of AgentLocator for their hospitality. Additionally, Mrakovic Fine Foods sponsored the event, providing delicious Bosnian specialties that added a familiar and comforting touch to the gathering.

Future Endeavors

The enthusiasm and positive energy of the evening have already sparked plans for future meetups. Several attendees have committed to continuing these gatherings, ensuring that the professional network within the region remains strong and connected.

In conclusion, the BH Futures Foundation Meetup in Toronto was more than just an event; it was a celebration of community, resilience, and the shared goal of empowering the next generation of leaders. The foundation looks forward to many more such gatherings, each one a step towards a brighter future for Bosnian-Herzegovinian youth.