Danas počinje Tuzla Brain Week 2019! / Tuzla Brain Week 2019 begins today!
Tuzla Brain Week je dugogodišnji projekt Studentskog vijeća Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Tuzli „MEDICUS“, koji se implementira u sklopu obilježavanja Sedmice mozga, a za cilj ima približavanje tematike neuronauka na posebno koncipiran način za svaku skupinu.
Mi kao Fondacija budućnosti u BiH smo i ove godine ponosni partneri ovog događaja, ali smo još više ponosni na činjenicu što je naša članica, Selma Aličić, doprinijela realizaciji cijelog događaja kroz svoj rad u organizacionom odboru. O Brain Weeku smo pričali sa Selmom i evo šta smo saznali:
Draga Selma, prije svega nam reci šta je to ustvari Tuzla Brain Week?
Projekat je začet 2013. godine od strane studenata Medicinskog fakluteta Tuzla, koji su se ujedinili sa ciljem promocije svijesti o zdravlju i neuroznanosti. Projekat se obilježava u okviru globalne Sedmice mozga, te je jedini projekat iz Bosne i Hercegovine koji je do sada svake godine dobijao podršku od strane DANA Fondacije (New York, USA) i FENS (Federacija europskih neuroznanstvenih društava) kao originalnih začetnika ove inicijative.
A koja je tvoja uloga u svemu tome?
Moja uloga u organizacionom odboru je u okviru tima za unutrašnje poslove, čiji sam koordinator. Moj tim je zadužen za sva interna logistička dešavanja, te za organizacione aspekte između samih organizatora i članova projekta. Također, moj tim je zadužen za organizovanje aktivnosti kao što su TBW Talks, TBW Quiz, plenarna predavanja i ceremonije otvaranja i zatvaranja.
TBW Talks je aktivnost koja se bazira na predstavljanje mladih ljudi iz oblasti koje su obuhvaćene TBW-om, sa ciljem isticanja uloge pojedinca u sistemu nauke i razvijanju ideja. TBW Quiz je ove godine poprimio drugačiju formu i prilagođen je svim studentima, ne samo studentima medicine. Tema TBW 2019 je neuroplastičnost mozga pa se stoga i TBW Quiz temelji na kognitivnim vještinama. Pored svih tih aktivnosti posebno sam ponosna na aktivnosti planirane za srijedu 13.03. koje će se održati u Narodnom Pozorištu Tuzle i koje su dostupne za širu populaciju, dakle za sve građane, ne samo učesnike TBW-a. Planiranjem tog dana sam na neki način mogla izraziti sebe i svoju zamisao projekta. Srijeda, 13.03., posvećena je biomedicinskom inžinjeringu, a zajedno sa još nekoliko kolega potrudila sam se da najbolji moguči način ostvarim poveznicu sa temom mentalnog zdravlja.
Po čemu se ovaj Tuzla Brain Week razlikuje od ostalih?
Prije svega, ove godine partneri – organizatori projekta, pored Studentsog vijeća Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Tuzli “MEDICUS”, su i studentI BH Futures Fondacije, zatim EESTEC lokalni komitet Tuzla, IEEE Studentski ogranak Tuzla i BoHeMSA lokalni komitet Tuzla. Ovo je samo pokazatelj da su i ostali studenti pokazali interesovanje za ovaj projekat i da on svake godine sve više dobija na značaju. Uz to, kao tradicionalni dio projekta, i dalje će se održavati koncept „dobnih radionica“, gdje će studentski timovi raditi sa korisnicima brojnih odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova kao što su vrtići, osnovne škole, srednje škole i starački domovi, a od ove godine dobne radionice će se održati i u Zavodu za odgoj i obrazovanje osoba sa smetnjama u psihičkom i tjelesnom razvoju Tuzla – te ovim putem omogućavamo uključivanje različitih populacionih grupa kao učesnika ovoga projekta. Također ovogodišnji Tuzla Brain Week ima najveći broj internacionalnih učesnika, koji pored naših gradova, zemalja regija, dolaze I iz Turske, Grčke, Austrije, Njemačke, Češke i drugih zemalja, zbog čega je dio programa planiram na engleskom jeziku.
I za kraj – kakav nas program očekuje?
Pripremljen je raznovrstan program, koji počinje sa ceremonijom otvaranja u ponedjeljak 11.03., zatim nastavljamo u utorak sa stručnim radionicama koje su zatvorenog tipa i prilagođene svim učesnicima Tuzla Brain Week-a, a isti dan planirana je i naučno istraživačka sesija za studente čiji će najbolji rad biti i nagrađen. Uvečer je planiran TBW Talks kao završni dio programa planiranog za taj dan. Srijeda, još stručnih radionica za naše učesnike i program za širu populaciju u Narodnom Pozorištu Tuzle, koji traje od 10.00h do 15.30h. Sljedeći dan nastavlljamo na IPI Akademiji sa dva predavanja, a poslijepodne je rezervisano za TBW Quiz. I petak, posljednji dan je rezervisan za ceremoniju zatvaranja. U osmišljavanje i realizaciju programa ovog projekta odvojeno je mnogo vremena, uloženo mnogo truda I zalaganja od strane studenata, te očekujemo da nadmašimo prošlogodišnji I napravimo najbolji TBW do sada!
Tuzla Brain Week 2019 begins today!
Tuzla Brain Week is a long-standing project of the Student Council of the Medical Faculty of the University of Tuzla "MEDICUS", which is created as part of Brain Awareness Week, with the goal of bringing neuroscience closer together in a specially conceived way for each target group.
We, as BH Futures Foundation, are proud to be partners of this event again, but we are even more proud of the fact that our member, Selma Aličić, contributed to the realization of the entire event through her work in the organizational committee. We talked to Selma about Brain Week and here's what we found out:
Dear Selma, first of all tell us what is Tuzla Brain Week actually?
The project was launched in 2013 by students of the Medical Faculty of Tuzla, who were united with the goal of promoting awareness of health and neuroscience. The project is celebrated within the framework of the global Brain Awareness Week, and is the only project from Bosnia and Herzegovina that has been receiving support every year from the original initiators of this initiative – DANA Foundation (New York, USA) and FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience).
And what's your role in all this?
My role in the organizing committee is within the team of internal affairs, of which I am the coordinator. My team is in charge of all internal logistics, as well as for the organizational aspects between the organizers themselves and the members of the project. Also, my team is in charge of organizing activities such as TBW Talks, TBW Quiz, plenary lectures and opening and closing ceremonies.
TBW Talks is an activity that is based on representing young people from areas covered by TBW, with the aim of highlighting the role of an individual in the system of science and developing ideas. TBW Quiz took a different form this year and is adapted to all students, not just medical students. TBW 2019 is about the neuroplasticity of the brain, and therefore TBW Quiz is based on cognitive skills. In addition to all these activities I am particularly proud of the activities planned for Wednesday 13.03. which will be held at the National Theater of Tuzla and available to a wider population, therefore for all citizens, not just TBW participants. By planning that day, I could somehow express myself and my own idea of the project. Wednesday, March 13th, I was dedicated to biomedical engineering, and together with several other colleagues, I tried to make the best possible way a link with the topic of mental health.
How is this Tuzla Brain Week different from previous ones?
The first difference is that this year’s partners of the project, in addition to the Student Council of the Medical Faculty of the University of Tuzla "MEDICUS", are students of the BH Futures Foundation, then EESTEC Local Committee Tuzla, IEEE Student Branch Tuzla and BoHeMSA Local Committee of Tuzla. This is a good indication that other students have shown interest in this project and that every year it gets more and more important. In addition, as a traditional part of the project, the concept of "age workshops" will continue, where student teams will work with users of numerous educational institutions such as kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and nursing homes, and this year the age workshops will also be held at the Institute for the Education and Training of Persons with Disabilities in the Psychological and Physical Development of Tuzla – by doing so, we enable the inclusion of different population groups as participants of this project. Also, this year's Tuzla Brain Week has the largest number of international participants, which besides our cities, and countries of the region come from Turkey, Greece, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and other countries, which is why part of the program is planned in English.
And for the end - what kind of program can we expect?
A varied program is being prepared, which begins with the opening ceremony on Monday, March 11th, then we continue Tuesday with closed-type professional workshops adapted to all Tuzla Brain Week participants, and for the same day, a scientific research session is planned for students whose best work will be rewarded. In the evening, TBW Talks is planned as the final part of the program planned for that day. On Wednesday, there are more professional workshops for our participants and program for the broader population in the National Theather Tuzla, which will be held from 10 am to 3:30 pm. The next day, we continue at IPI Academy with two lectures, and the afternoon is reserved for TBW Quiz. And Friday, the last day is reserved for the closing ceremony. In designing and implementing the program of this project, a lot of time has been spent, a lot of effort and commitment has been invested by students, and we expect to outperform last year and make the best TBW so far!