Glucose gatherings: Educating the next generation through an awareness workshop

A group of our scholars delivered their passion project in the form of a workshop to raise awareness of diabetes.

What was the focus of your workshop? The focus of our workshop was to educate young students about diabetes. We aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of this disease, its causes, treatments, and methods for monitoring blood sugar levels.

What motivated you to organize this workshop? Our team, consisting of a medical student (Usama Khedr), a pharmacy student (Hana Milanovic), and two IT students (Mirza Sijamic and Dženan Mehmedovic), was driven by the need to raise awareness about diabetes. During our discussions, we realized that many people lack essential knowledge about this disease. We saw an opportunity to make a meaningful impact by supporting those living with diabetes and educating the broader community. Initially, our plan included organizing a workshop and developing an application to monitor glucose levels—a digital diary for people with diabetes. However, due to the ambitious nature of this plan, we had to focus solely on the workshop.

Who were the speakers? Our speakers were Erna Džinić, a 5th-year medical student (LinkedIn), and Lejla Drinčić, a 4th-year pharmacy student (LinkedIn), both from the association "Zajedno Zdraviji."

What did you learn as a team in delivering this? As a team, we learned the crucial importance of effective communication. Without strong communication among team members, the success of any project is jeopardized. We also realized the significance of good marketing. We believe that an earlier start to our promotional efforts would have resulted in higher attendance.

Where do you see initiatives like this going in the future? Initiatives like this have the potential to significantly impact public health. Educating the younger generation can reduce the incidence and severity of diseases. By organizing more workshops, we can help prevent the development of harmful habits that lead to diseases. Future collaborations between organizations such as BHFF, the association "Zajedno Zdraviji," and others will be crucial in continuing to educate and empower people.

Stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing efforts to promote health and wellness in our community. Together, we can make a difference!


Diabetes is unfortunately an ever-increasing part of our everyday life, so I am glad for every opportunity like this to share my knowledge in this area with others so that as many people as possible are informed about the types of this disease, the complications it carries with it, and its possibilities. adequate regulation.

Statistical data from 2022 confirm that in FBiH with 89,758 people suffering from diabetes, this disease is in third place on the list of registered chronic non-communicable diseases.

We know that the complications of diabetes are numerous, but it is encouraging that, with regular blood sugar control and good regulation of this disease, we can prevent them.

We congratulate our “Futures Mix” passion project team for delivering this workshop - Glucose gatherings: Sharing stories, building support, Usama Khedr , Mirza Sijamić , Hana Milanović , and Dženan Mehmedović ( supported by their mentor Hanan Velić.

Eddie Custovic