Transition: from Student to Professional with Ina Hadziavdic

On May 21st, Ina Hadziavdic founder of Adaptive Minds ran a workshop for our scholars on the topic of "Transitioning from Student to Professional," helping you navigate the shift from academic life to the professional world. She shared her insights and expertise based on her extensive career having work in the Oil & Gas sector.

This workshop falls into the category of our regular “Mental Booster Workshop” series where our scholars are exposed to experts that talk about mental health resilience in today’s professional environment. Three key takeaways from this workshoped as summarise by our junior scholar Ajla Isakovic

1. Bridging the Gap Between Academics and Industry
Participants learned essential skills and strategies to transition from a student mindset to a professional one. The workshop emphasized that initial failures and rejections are part of the process, encouraging attendees to explore different paths to reach their goals.
2. Building a Professional Network
The importance of networking and building professional relationships was explained. Attendees learned the value of connecting with industry professionals, understanding workplace dynamics, and creating opportunities for career growth through effective communication and networking.
3. Navigating Workplace Challenges
A significant portion of the workshop focused on managing expectations and overcoming common workplace challenges. Topics included handling stress, setting realistic goals, and developing resilience. These insights aimed to prepare students for the realities of professional life and equip them with strategies to thrive in their careers.

As a seasoned leader in the Oil and Gas (O&G) industry, Ina’s expertise lies in project management, where she has excelled in conducting thorough appraisals to inform strategic decision-making.
She became a resilience trainer, and she has had the privilege of empowering professionals and young engineers to become the best versions of themselves, equipped to navigate and thrive in stressful environments.

Through her tailored programs and workshops, she imparts valuable skills and techniques to enhance their resilience, enabling them to overcome challenges with confidence and poise. Her passion for fostering personal and professional growth is evident in her dedication to providing practical tools and strategies for managing stress and adversity effectively.

By cultivating a resilient mindset, I have helped individuals unlock their full potential and achieve success in their endeavours.

We thank Ina for her time and for empowering our scholars.