Leaders of Tomorrow Conference in Banja Luka inspires the next generation

On Friday, July 12th, the vibrant city of Banja Luka hosted the "Leaders of Tomorrow" conference, an inspiring event aimed at promoting career opportunities in various fields, highlighting the importance of volunteer engagement, and providing invaluable career counseling for high school students. The conference brought together accomplished professionals and eager young minds to foster a dynamic exchange of knowledge and experiences.


Keynote 1: Vladana Grabež

The conference commenced with a captivating presentation by Vladana Grabež on "Interdisciplinary Research in Food Production." Vladana highlighted the significance of meat quality research, focusing on pre-mortem and post-mortem processes, and chromatographic analysis of meat, particularly fatty acids. She also explored the challenges faced by Norway with its limited arable land and emphasized the innovative use of mussels and seaweeds in the poultry industry and as nutrient sources for herbivores. This interdisciplinary approach aims to optimize resources and enhance food production efficiency.

Vladana Grabež speaking at Leader’s of Tomorrow Conference in Banja Luka

Keynote 2: Mladen Veletić

The second keynote was delivered by Mladen Veletić, a distinguished researcher at Oslo University Hospital and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Mladen’s talk on "Molecular Communications and Their Impact on Revolutionizing Medicine" delved into the future of integrating implants with sensors in the human body. His groundbreaking work on molecular communication, particularly the role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as communication mediators, showcased the potential applications in therapy, diagnostics, and intrabody communication.

Keynote 3: Lejla Iriškić

The final keynote was presented by Lejla Iriškić, a hardware engineer at Apple. Lejla’s journey from Bosanski Petrovac to a global tech giant like Apple was truly inspiring. She recounted her academic challenges at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, and her transformative experience during her master’s program in Austria. Lejla's expertise in integrated systems and circuit design led to a successful career at Intel, which later became part of Apple, where she has been making significant contributions for the past five years. Her advice to young professionals emphasized realism, bravery, and resilience.

Panel Discussion: Bridging Knowledge and Innovation

Following the keynotes, a panel session titled "Facilitating the Transfer of Knowledge and Innovation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Our Global Expert Community" featured three distinguished panelists:

  • Dr. Nemanja Koljančić, a scientific researcher of analytical chemistry at the Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave.

  • Dr. Marko Đukanović, an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Banja Luka, who attained his Ph.D. from Vienna.

  • Dejana Ugrenović, a Data Scientist at DeepIntent and Ph.D. candidate at KU Leuven, Belgium.

The panel focused on three main topics:

  1. Inspiration for Young People: Panelists shared their personal journeys, highlighting how their education in Bosnia & Herzegovina provided a solid foundation for success abroad. They aimed to inspire young people to pursue their dreams and leverage the opportunities available in a connected world.

  2. Connecting with Global Experts: The discussion emphasized the importance of integrating best practices from other countries into Bosnia & Herzegovina's industry and academia. Young people were encouraged to connect with global experts for insights and mentorship.

  3. Improving Opportunities for Young People: The panelists shared their initiatives to enhance opportunities for young people in Bosnia & Herzegovina through mentorship programs, international collaborations, and skill development platforms. Their commitment to giving back to their homeland was evident as they outlined plans to bridge gaps and open new pathways for the next generation.

The goal of this panel was to bridge the gap between academia and industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By learning from successful individuals who have built careers leveraging international best practices, the panel aimed to create synergy between various sectors such as healthcare, economics, and infrastructure. The discussion fostered a robust dialogue among the public, professionals, and academics about the future direction of society and the importance of seamless knowledge transfer.

The Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation, for over eight years, has facilitated the transfer of knowledge between our brightest minds around the world and young people in the country through mentorship, conferences, projects, meetups, and other forms of engagement. This event was proudly supported by the USAID Diaspora Invest Project.

Expo and Networking Session

The conference concluded with a vibrant networking session and expo. Guests had the opportunity to interact with companies, NGOs, industry professionals, and other students from Bosnia & Herzegovina. Despite the near 40-degree Celsius temperature, the networking session witnessed constructive and engaging conversations.

Special thanks to our partners:

  • LANACO: Sinisa Andric, Momčilo Amović, and Novak Čičković for discussing their incredible internship program.

  • City Gecko: Vukašin Latinović for showcasing solar-powered smart benches and bus stops.

  • Mozaik Foundation: Nerma Saracevic for sharing the organization's work in supporting businesses and young people.

Congratulations to Ena Milković and Hanan Velić for speaking about the foundation’s programs and representing the foundation with pride.

The "Leaders of Tomorrow" conference in Banja Luka successfully motivated and inspired young professionals to pursue their dreams and make a significant impact in their communities and beyond. We look forward to seeing the positive ripple effects of this event in the years to come.