Nina Stefanović presents foundation at BH Diasporic Conference in Boston

Last month, our foundation had the opportunity to participate in the BH Diasporic Conference in Boston. This year's theme, "Pamet u glavu: Knowledge Creation & Cultural Growth," centered around a profound connection among attendees through a rich cultural tapestry of language, art, music, science, humanities, sports, and history. The conference leveraged community experience to reflect on knowledge creation and cultural growth, sparking meaningful change in our communities. This theme resonated deeply with the work we have been doing at the foundation, making it a perfect fit for us.

Our alumna Nina Stefanovic presented the foundation's work and shared our values, mission, and vision with the attendees. We had the privilege of seeing many familiar faces, including our ambassadors, mentors, and former keynote speakers, as well as meeting people who had heard about our organization and wanted to become part of it. We forged new connections with some incredible individuals and had the honor of presenting alongside St Louis Balkan Connection.

Thank you very much to the organisers for the warm welcome. And a big thank you to all the attendees for the support we received. It is heartening to see our organization recognized even beyond the BiH borders.

This was Nina Stefanovic first big public presentation and we are so proud of her. Nina is currently undertaking her Ph.D. at University of Connecticut and she completed her bachelor studies at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka.