BH Professionals Meetup - Mostar

On August 30th, in Timber and Stone Tavern, we held our Professionals Meetup in Mostar, and it was amazing! We gathered key professionals behind some of the most innovative companies in the BiH: Atos, Eviden, Yellow Brick, WalterCode, Nsoft, BH Telecom, ZenDev and others. With around 30 people in the audience.

We offer a diverse range of networking events tailored for those with STEM backgrounds, providing a unique opportunity to contribute, explore, and connect with professionals across various fields. Whether you're new to networking or looking to expand your horizons, our events are designed to help you confidently navigate and engage with a wide array of subtopics and industries.

We greatly appreciate the support of our community in making these events possible. If you would like to contribute to our ongoing efforts and help us continue our work, please consider becoming a donor.

We value the support of organizations in helping us achieve our goals. If your organization is interested in getting involved and partnering with us,
get involved as an organisation.

We welcome the expertise and dedication of professionals who want to make a difference. If you're interested in getting involved and contributing your skills,
get involved as a professional.

We encourage students to join us and make a meaningful impact. If you're a student eager to get involved and contribute,
get involved as a student.

What networking events can do for you

Networking is, of course, about expanding your connections, and through our Foundation's events, you’ll have the chance to meet like-minded individuals in STEM fields or explore entirely new professions you might be considering for a career shift.

For some, our networking events are a platform to discover new opportunities and establish working relationships with potential partners or collaborators. For others, the main goal is to build camaraderie and a sense of mutual support with people who understand the challenges and triumphs of their field.

Regardless of your approach to networking, the social benefits are universal. By attending our events, you’re sure to sharpen your public speaking skills, learn to articulate your ideas effectively, and recognize when a genuine connection has been made. Networking through the Foundation can often feel like a rewarding practice—much like exercise or healthy dieting - where a little effort and commitment can lead to significant professional and personal growth.

Why we think that networking events are so important is because they appeal to so many different kinds of people: those early in their careers, highly experienced individuals with mentorship to offer, candidates who are between jobs, and more.