Celebrating Success: Honoring HTEC’s Partnership with BHFF

At BH Futures Foundation, we believe in the power of collaboration and the impact it can have on shaping futures. Today, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to HTEC for their support and commitment to our scholarship program. Your partnership has been instrumental in providing opportunities and transforming lives.

Through your generous contributions and dedication, countless students have been able to pursue their dreams and achieve their academic and professional goals. Your support not only empowers individuals but also strengthens our community and inspires a brighter future for all.

Thank you for believing in our mission and for standing with us as we continue to make a difference. Together, we are paving the way for success and creating lasting change.

Emir Zec Memorial Scholarship:
The HTEC Foundation awards the Emir Zec Memorial Scholarship in honor of Emir Zec’s philanthropic contributions. This scholarship is dedicated to recognizing and supporting students who exemplify the values of dedication, excellence, and community service that Emir Zec championed. By providing financial support and opportunities for personal and professional growth, the scholarship continues Emir’s legacy of empowering young talents and fostering a culture of giving and leadership.

We are excited to share some personal stories from our scholarship recipients. These heartfelt reflections showcase how the support from HTEC has profoundly impacted their lives. Each story is a testament to the difference your generosity makes, providing not just financial assistance but also hope and opportunity.

Name Surname: Amina Bajramović

Study Program: Polytechnic Faculty, Software Engineering

University: University of Zenica

Hometown: Zenica

About Me: Since elementary school, I have harbored special ambitions towards technical sciences, which led me to choose the field of software engineering at the University of Zenica. I have tested my knowledge and skills in various competitions during elementary and high school, achieving commendable results in many of them. Besides expanding my academic knowledge, I am also highly active in extracurricular activities. I am involved in singing and am a member of the Folk Orchestra of BZK Preporod Zenica. Last year, I had the opportunity to gain my first work experience by working in the youth editorial team of the show "Iz mlade Z(j)enice," which, in addition to knowledge in creating TV segments and writing articles, helped improve my communication and organizational skills. I am also engaged in volunteer work and have been an active volunteer at the City Library of Zenica since 2018. I enjoy having the opportunity to help others with my knowledge because, in doing so, I learn along with them.

Your opinion on how HTEC helped you in your education and professional development:

HTEC has been most helpful to me financially, particularly with covering the tuition fees for my first year of university. However, beyond the financial aspect, HTEC provided us with a sense of belonging, as if we had been part of their team for a long time. We had the opportunity for mentorship and to participate in certain company activities. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity, which not only helps but also encourages us to continue such actions and similar initiatives in the future.

Specific examples: which concrete project or experience from HTEC was the most useful and why ?

The visit to Emir's parents will definitely remain memorable for me as a very pleasant gathering. Seeing the smiling faces of people who strive to ensure a better and safer future for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina through their life examples is a significant boost for even greater effort and progress in daily life. Their story is incredibly inspiring, and I am confident that it will serve as a useful example for the future, where I hope we will all have the opportunity to follow in their footsteps.

In addition to this visit, on August 17th, I will be volunteering at the HTEC event for the Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF), and I am certain that this experience will also leave beautiful memories and connections, marking this year’s scholarship cycle.

Describe how your HTEC experience has helped you in your future career or education.

HTEC has definitely provided me with the opportunity to advance at my academic level without worrying about the financial aspect of formal education. My desire to work in the IT field has certainly increased even more. Having the support of such a well-known and large company is significant, and I am confident that I made the most of the opportunities provided, given my university commitments. In the future, I hope to be able to share my knowledge with others in an even better way and to enhance my experience, guided by this scholarship.

Name: Surejja Alibegović
Study Program: Software Engineering, Polytechnic Faculty
University: University of Zenica
Hometown: Zenica
About Me: Besides my professional interests, I enjoy reading, hiking, skiing, and exploring nature and its beauties. In my free time, I also engage in drawing, design, and photography. I am currently the Events Team Lead and an alumna within the BH Futures Foundation, which has been crucial for my development and progress. I am an active member of the Studentski Pohodi organization, which promotes travel for young people, especially students, where, apart from visiting beautiful locations, lifelong friendships are made. I would say that volunteering has become an integral part of me, and for this reason, I enjoy similar opportunities.

What has been the most beneficial aspect of your HTEC experience ?

During this scholarship, the presence of a mentor was very significant for me. The fact that we had someone to guide us while working and learning, and from whose experience we could draw necessary directions and advice, was extremely beneficial to me. I am very grateful for the opportunity to absorb and learn from someone in the field in this way. Additionally, there was also a sense of belonging to this environment, and I believe it left a very positive impression on all the scholarship recipients.

Long-term Impact:
The HTEC experience has had a significant impact on my future career and education. The internship at HTEC allowed me to gain valuable experience and practical knowledge in the field of QA (Quality Assurance), which has contributed to my professional development. Through working on the project, I learned how to identify and solve problems, which enhanced my technical skills and analytical thinking. Additionally, the mentorship and advice I received during the internship were invaluable – I learned how to communicate effectively, meet deadlines, and set priorities. The positive and supportive work environment further motivated my interest in QA and the IT industry. The satisfaction I feel from the knowledge and experience gained at HTEC is immeasurable, as it has laid a solid foundation for my further professional development and advancement.

Lamija Tutnjić: Gratitude to HTEC for Their Contribution to the Foundation
My name is Lamija Tutnjić, and I am a second-year architecture student at International Burch University. I am a native of Žepče, a charming small town, and outside of my academic pursuits, I am dedicated to exploring nature, hiking, reading, and engaging with art and architecture. Additionally, I am actively involved in various youth initiatives and volunteer work, with a particular focus on projects that foster creativity and innovation in architecture, as well as mentorship and the development of emerging talents.
The HTEC experience provided me with exceptional opportunities for networking and connecting with distinguished professionals through a range of events. The mentorship program allowed me to gain profound insights into UX/UI design principles under the guidance of my mentor, which is invaluable knowledge for my professional growth. Collaborating with HTEC left a significant impression on me – each experience enriched me with new skills and meaningful relationships. I am honored to have participated in events such as the Red Bull Showrun party, where I had the opportunity to meet remarkable individuals from the HTEC team and socialize with friends on the rooftop of the Svjetlost building, enjoying a breathtaking view of the sunset over Sarajevo. HTEC has facilitated considerable career advancement, providing opportunities for volunteer engagement and enabling me to participate in many other internal events.
The HTEC experience has had a profound and lasting impact on my professional development. The mentorship I received offered valuable insights and guidance that will be crucial for my future educational and career trajectory. Through this experience, I have acquired practical knowledge and skills that will be essential for my future career as an architect.

Name and Surname: Lamija Maglić
Study Program: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics
Hometown: Travnik
About Me: I am a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo and enjoy every moment of my education. Besides that, I am passionate about writing and reading books, which gives me the opportunity to explore new worlds and ideas. I love people and consider myself an extroverted person who enjoys traveling, discovering new places and cultures. Traveling allows me to broaden my horizons and learn from different experiences. When it comes to work, I am very dedicated and love to engage fully in everything I do. I enjoy working in a team because I believe the best results are achieved through collective effort. I help others whenever I can, as it fulfills me and makes me happy.

In addition to my academic commitments, I am actively volunteering. Currently, I am involved with BHFF and also volunteer with the Red Cross, where I strive to provide assistance to those in need.

What has been the most beneficial aspect of your HTEC experience ?

Interning at HTEC was an extraordinary experience that significantly contributed to my professional development. This internship allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and face many unknown challenges. Working alongside my mentor on a joint project provided me with invaluable insight into how a successful company truly operates.

This experience was not just about technical skills; I met wonderful people who were always ready to help. Their support and openness made the work environment exceptionally pleasant and encouraging. Every day spent at HTEC was an opportunity to learn and grow, not only technically but also in understanding team dynamics and professional behavior.

In the long term, this internship had a profound impact on me. It motivated me to continue working and gave me a clearer understanding of what it means to be a programmer. I realized the importance of being open to new ideas, working with others, and continuously improving myself. This experience gave me the confidence and inspiration to continue my path in the IT industry.

I learned how to tackle challenges and how to use the resources and support available to me. These lessons are invaluable and will surely help me in future professional endeavors. Long-term, the internship at HTEC provided me with fundamental skills and knowledge that will be useful throughout my career and motivated me to continually enhance my skills and knowledge.

Specific examples: which concrete project or experience from HTEC was the most useful and why ?

One situation that particularly stood out to me and meant a lot was when we were invited to one of their celebrations. It was a moment when I realized how much the people at HTEC truly invest in us, young talents, and how much they want to make us part of their team. It was evident that they genuinely care about our development and integration into their collective.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to meet many inspirational people, including Emir Zec's parents. His life story is so inspiring and motivating that it left a deep impression on me. His passion and dedication to his work inspired me and gave me additional motivation to continue working on myself and my goals.

Emir’s story is something that constantly reminds me of the importance of perseverance and passion in everything I do. I realized that, despite obstacles, with enough effort and dedication, we can achieve great things. Meeting his parents gave me perspective and assurance that it is possible to overcome all challenges and achieve our dreams.

Name and Surname: Mirnes Rakovac
Study Program: Mathematics – Theoretical Computer Science
University: University of Tuzla
Location: Živinice
About Me: My name is Mirnes Rakovac, and I am a student at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Tuzla, majoring in Mathematics. In my free time, I read, travel, and enjoy discovering new things. However, I especially enjoy the feeling of solving a puzzle, whether it's a complex task, a Sudoku, or a mathematical brainteaser. Additionally, I am quite interested in collecting and creating my own collection of retro tech items such as consoles, various computer parts, and many other things. Did I mention that I am a passionate collector of video games?

The HTEC experience taught me several fundamental things that I believe will be significant in my future career. I learned how to approach certain projects, the importance of precision, task organization, and solving problems in the most adequate way. It also helped me understand how to approach testing code functionality and efficiency, as well as the use of certain algorithms based on the needs of the problem. What I will remember most is the friendliness, openness, and kindness of everyone at HTEC, as well as the great hospitality they extend to others.

Name: Mirza Sijamić
Study Program: Information Technology
University: Internacionalni Burch Univerzitey
Hometown: Sarajevo
About Me: I am a second-year student of Information Technology at the International Burch University. Outside of my studies, I am dedicated to volunteering and enhancing my skills through various projects. One of my favorite activities was volunteering at the fourth edition of the Plus Ultra programming school. Additionally, I enjoy exploring new technologies, programming, and working on projects that have a positive impact on the community.

What has been the most beneficial aspect of your HTEC experience ?

HTEC provided me with exceptional opportunities for professional development. In addition to the scholarship itself, I had access to various additional benefits, such as the mentorship program. Through this program, I worked with my mentor on developing a weather forecasting web application using the Angular framework. I also had the chance to give my first lecture to high school students on the topic: 'Differences Between C Programming Language and Python.' These opportunities allowed me to expand my knowledge and gain initial insights into how things work in the industry. Besides professional development, an unforgettable experience was the party organized by HTEC in celebration of the Red Bull Showrun. I am grateful that HTEC saw us as part of their team, which further strengthened my sense of belonging and motivation.

Long-term Impact:

My experience with HTEC has had a significant long-term impact on my future career and education. Through the scholarship and additional programs, I have gained practical knowledge and skills essential for working in the IT industry. The mentorship program allowed me to work on real projects, which was crucial for developing my technical and professional abilities. Giving a lecture to high school students helped me develop presentation and communication skills that will be valuable in future business situations. Thanks to HTEC, I feel much more prepared for the challenges that lie ahead in my further education and career.

I am grateful to BH Futures Foundation and HTEC for this extraordinary opportunity and proud to be a part of this story.

Thank you HTEC, for being a vital part of their journeys and for helping to turn their aspirations into reality. Your support has truly been a impulse for change and achievement.