BH Professionals Meetup in Sarajevo - SFF

As part of our commitment to foster connections and engagement, we regularly host meetup events across Bosnia & Herzegovina and around the globe, wherever our citizens reside and work. On August 17th, we gathered over 100 guests from diverse backgrounds - including journalists, medical professionals, engineers, architects, students, retirees, lawyers, managers, business experts, and more. The event provided an opportunity for networking and offered a brief overview of our foundation's work, achievements, and future initiatives. Around 100 people came to hear our stories and to network, many of which have important roles in big companies such as Symphony, Linden Health, Apple, TechForge Labs, HTEC Group and others. Here are some captivating stories from the professionals we've had the pleasure of speaking with.

Ajdin Hrelja: A Visionary in Software Architecture

Ajdin Hrelja, a Solutions Architect at Symphony, is deeply immersed in the world of software development. Leading a team of 30 engineers, Ajdin is at the forefront of projects that merge application development with advanced mathematics. His role is crucial in shaping innovative solutions that drive the industry forward.

Reflecting on his first experience with our foundation, Ajdin described it as a positive and impactful experience. He highlighted the importance of networking and building connections, noting that the foundation's efforts are crucial for both the country and the local community. Ajdin emphasized the value of collaboration across different domains, explaining that bringing together isolated professionals can lead to extraordinary outcomes. By fostering interactions between individuals with diverse expertise, the foundation creates opportunities for groundbreaking achievements.

Ajdin is enthusiastic about the potential for mentorship within the foundation. He expressed his openness to mentoring, having already engaged in meaningful discussions with other professionals. Ajdin believes in the power of understanding others work and exploring ways to leverage collective skills for mutual benefit. His commitment to sharing knowledge and helping others reflects his dedication to the foundation’s mission.

Ena: Bridging Data Science and Theoretical Physics

Ena Zunic-Cejvanovic is a Data Scientist at Apple and AI Engineer whose career trajectory is as fascinating as it is diverse. With a background in theoretical physics research at CERN, Ena has transitioned into the tech industry, where she now builds cutting-edge solutions using AI and machine learning. Her expertise and innovative spirit are shaping the future of technology.

As a dedicated mentor with the Bosnian & Herzegovinian Futures Foundation , Ena is guiding three mentees, showcasing her commitment on guiding the next generation of changemakers. She admires the BHFF for its significant role in promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing within the community. Ena appreciates how the foundation brings together individuals from various backgrounds, including those with ties to Bosnia, encouraging exchange of experiences and perspectives.

Ena is passionate about expanding these opportunities. She encourages students and young professionals to engage with professional meetups and networking events. By connecting with others who share their interests and backgrounds, individuals can gain valuable personal experiences and uncover potential opportunities they might not have encountered otherwise.

Ena’s involvement with BHFF and her dedication to mentorship highlight her deep connection to the community and her belief in the power of collaboration and continuous learning.

Vildana Bašić: Pioneering Science Education and Community Building

Vildana Bašić is a dedicated PhD student in science education at the Relevancing Mathematics and Science Education (ReIMaS) doctoral school at Malmö University. She also serves as an adjunct professor in science education at the same institution. Her research focuses on utilizing participatory action research and transformative learning to examine how students, teachers, and science professionals experience changes in motivation and career interest within the field of teaching.

In addition to her academic roles, Vildana is involved with the UPSA research school and has been a supporter of the BHFF since its inception. She values the foundation’s role in uniting people both locally and globally, emphasizing the importance of community and mutual support. Vildana believes that networking across different professions can foster innovative collaborations and broaden perspectives, which is essential for personal and professional growth.

Her engagement with the BHFF includes mentoring university students and participating in the foundation’s 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. Vildana’s involvement highlights her commitment to leveraging platforms that connect individuals and facilitate meaningful exchanges of ideas.

We greatly appreciate the support of our community in making these events possible. If you would like to contribute to our ongoing efforts and help us continue our work, please consider becoming a donor.

We value the support of organizations in helping us achieve our goals. If your organization is interested in getting involved and partnering with us,
get involved as an organisation.

We welcome the expertise and dedication of professionals who want to make a difference. If you're interested in getting involved and contributing your skills,
get involved as a professional.

We encourage students to join us and make a meaningful impact. If you're a student eager to get involved and contribute,
get involved as a student.

We take this opportunity to sincerely thank our partners Mozaik Foundation for providing the wonderful venue.