Thank you dinner - Foundation's Vienna Network

On 14th of September, we brought together 20 of our contributors, volunteers, donors, mentors and learning facilitators living in Vienna as a means of expressing a big thank you. The attendees of the dinner have been contributors to the foundation in a variety of ways over the last 5+ years. Over the years these individuals have organised numerous study tours for scholars of foundation, company visits, internships, university visits. They have been instrumental mentors to our scholars guiding them to incredible career success and of course they have contributed financially to our foundation, ensuring we can keep transforming lives.

During the evening, we had the first hand opportunity to hear how each of them came into contact with the foundation, where they have been involved and how they have witnessed the direct impact of their contributions.

It is truly incredible to connect these professionals and hear their life stories and how successful they have become. They are not only ambassadors of our homeland in Austria, they are giving back and transferring their knowledge to young people in our country.

Our founder, Edhem (Eddie) Custovic, joined the gathering and thanked all of the attendees for their generosity and transformative contributions to Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation.

This thank you dinner was organised by our ambassadors in Austria, Emir Hadziefendic and Amra Ibric and Adela Mehic-Dzanic.