BH Futures Foundation partnered up with SPARK in Mostar to deliver the 1st ever national robotics competition “SPARKreators2019”. Our volunteers Aldina Bundavica, Nihad Ferhatovic, Mugdim Đuliman, Haris Hadzic i Dženita Đulović were there to ensure we inspired the next generation of problem solvers.
Read More#fy4ict with Aldina and Mersiha / #fy4ict sa Aldinom i Mersihom
We are Mersiha and Aldina, new BH Futures Foundation scholars! In the middle of May, we had the opportunity to attend the last of 5 workshops organized by program Erasmus+. The purpose of this project is to include more women in ICT, supporting them in entrepreneurship, employment and leadership. The workshop held in Nikšić, Montenegro.
Mi smo Mersiha i Aldina i mi smo nove stipendistice Fondacije budućnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini!
Sredinom maja imale smo priliku prisustvovati radionicama koje su organizovane kroz Erasmus+. Cilj ovog projekta jeste uključivanje većeg broja žena u ICT sektor, podrška u zapošljavanju kroz razvoj preduzetnički vještina i liderstva. Radionice su održane u Nikšiću, Crna Gora.
BH Futures Foundation along with local and international industry partners (JS Guru, Softhouse, Masterwerk, Ebtikaar, PSI, Culture4Innovation, Bit Alliance, DevStudio & USAid, hosted the IEEE Industry Engagement Committee’s “IT & Engineering Business. in Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina. More than 50 companies were present and over 120 attendees came out for this spectacular gathering.
Read MoreSelma Aličić, the only engineer in the organization of the Special Olympics "Paralel" / Selma Aličić, jedini inženjer u organizaciji Specijalne olimpijade "Paralel"
Hi guys! My name is Selma Aličić and I am a student of Electrical Engineering, major in Telecommunications. Now, you probably expect that I will talk about a project that is related to my profession but let me tell you that you are wrong. You will read an article about a project named “Friendly competition of Special Olympic - PARALLEL ” which was held from 23th to 26th April in Tuzla in which I was a part of the organization board.
Zdravo! Zovem se Selma Aličić i student sam elektrotehnike na smjeru za telekomunikacije. Verovatno očekujete da ću sada govoriti o projektu koji se odnosi na moju struku, ali dozvolite mi da vam kažem da griješite. Imat ćete priliku pročitati članak o projektu pod nazivom „Prijateljsko takmičenje Specijalne olimpijade -PARALLEL” koji je održan od 23. do 26. aprila u Tuzli, a u kojem sam bila član Organizacijskog odbora.
Read MoreRijad Saric participated in CoDIT 2019 conference in Paris / Rijad Sarić učestvovao na konferenciji CoDIT 2019 u Parizu
It is our pleasure to report another success story of our scholar, engineer and researcher Rijad Saric. This is the second consecutive year he participated in the prestigious international IEEE Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies held in Paris, France last week.
Zadovoljstvo nam je što imamo priliku prenijetu još jednu uspješnu priču, ovaj put vezanu za stipendistu naše Fondacije, inžinjera i mladog istraživača Rijada Sarića. Ovo je druga uzastopna godina njegovog učešća na prestižnoj međunarodnoj IEEE Konferenciji o kontroli, odlučivanju i informacionim tehnologijama održanoj u Parizu prošle sedmice.
Read MoreSedmu godinu za redom, međunarodno takmičenje Poslovni izazov zapadnog Balkana (PIZB) okupilo je učenike srednjih škola iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Hrvatske i Srbije. Ovo trodnevno takmičenje u preduzetničkim veštinama bilo je održano od 23. do 25. aprila u Budvi i Podgorici.
For the seventh consecutive year, the international competition of the Business Challenges of the Western Balkans (PIZB) gathered high school students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia. This three-day competition in entrepreneurial skills was held from April 23 to 25 in Budva and Podgorica.
Read MoreKenan Krakovic, one of the student scholars of Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation has been selected into one of the most selective research programs in the world: the Amgen Scholars Program. This program selects the most outstanding students from all over the world to participate in first-hand research experience during summer.
Read MoreLet’s recall that in the previous period, Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation issued the Scholarship Application Call for new students among which the best will have the opportunity to enjoy many benefits that the Foundation offers.
Podsjetimo se da je u proteklom periodu Fondacija budućnosti Bosne i Hercegovine raspisala konkurs za dodjelu stipendija za nove studente, među kojima će oni najbolji imati priliku okusiti brojne pogodnosti koje Fondacija redovno pruža.
Read MoreSo you are about to graduate or already have an engineering degree, and you would like to call yourself an engineer? Oh boy, buckle up and let’s go for a ride, because in this day and age being an engineer might not mean what you thought it does.
Read MoreThe BH Futures Foundations is officially launching its “Futures Webinar Series” with a Silicon Valley distinguished engineer, Dr. Dejan Milojicic from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Join us for the inaugural public webinar on Thursday 25th April, 21:00-22:00 CET. Join the webinar:
Read MoreTokom prošlog vikenda na Burch univerzitetu u Sarajevu je održana radionica “New automation technology with Beckhoff PLC controller” čiji je inicijator bio naš član Lazar Furtula, a evo kako je on opisao svoju ideju i radionicu:
Workshop named "New automation technology with Beckhoff PLC controller" was held during the last weekend at Burch University in Sarajevo. The main initiator of it was our member Lazar Furtula, and here's how he described his idea and workshop:
Read MoreThe BH Futures Foundation is launching its “Futures Webinar Series” where global experts on a variety of topics will share knowledge with the youth of Bosnia & Herzegovina. The first webinar will be hosted on Thursday 25th April (21:00 -22:00 CET) and our speaker will be from the USA. - Fondacija BH Futures pokreće svoju „Futures Webinar seriju“ u kojoj će globalni stručnjaci iz različitih oblasti tehnickih nauka podijeliti znanje s mladima Bosne i Hercegovine putem online platforme. Prvi webinar će biti održan u četvrtak 25. aprila (21:00 - 22: 00 CET) i naš govornik će biti iz SAD-a.
Read MoreHello! 🙂 My name is Marijana Ševo, I am a scholar of BH Futures Foundation since last year. From 8th to 17th March I participated in Spring Exchange Program in Bulgaria as a part of a project founded by Erasmus+ named: “Supporting Female Youth from BiH and Montenegro in entrepreneurship, employment and leadership in ICT”. I spent 10 days in Bulgaria together with 40 girls and it was a pleasure meeting all those brilliant, empowering and curious human beings with refreshing energy. It's the kind of mindset you want to be around all the time because it insensibly pulls out a better version of yourself. All the people who were part of this event deserve a big thank you for contributing and creating this opportunity.
Read MoreMomcilo Amovic je proveo 3 mjeseca na profesionalnom usavrsavanju u Australiji. “Zaista mislim da od svih zemalja u kojima sam bio, Australija je ostavila najjači utisak i mislim da možemo da učimo svaki dan od njih kako implementirati demokratiju na pravi način, kako uživati u različitostima i poštovati iste. Potrudiću se da prenesem sva svoja znanja i zapažanja na mlade ljude u Bosni i Hercegovini jer vjerujem kako i mi možemo krenuti tim putem ”
Read More22! The number of new scholarship recipients in the BH Futures Foundation. In the following period, most of the Foundation's activities were focused on promoting and issuing the call for scholarship applications for new young scientists, students and talents, among which the best and most valuable ones will have the opportunity to enjoy many benefits that the Foundation offers to its students regularly.
U proteklom periodu, zaključno do 24. marta 2019. godine, većina aktivnosti Fondacije bila je usmjerena na promociji i održavanju raspisanog konkursa za stipendiranje novih mladih naučnika, studenata i talenata, među kojima će oni najbolji i najvrijedniji imati priliku uživati u mnogim beneficijama koje Fondacija nudi svojim studentima redovno.
Read MoreVedran Drakulic OAM, the first Bosnian & Herzegovinian to receive the order of Australia medal and the CEO of Gandel Philanthropy has officially become the advisor to the BH Futures Foundation. Vedran’s strategic role will be to provide senior leadership and guidance as the foundation expands its activities and influence globally.
Read MorePoznato je da članovi naše Fondacije često učestvuju na raznim konferencijama koje predstavljaju izvrsnu priliku za njihov profesionalni razvoj i stjecanje neophodnog iskustva. Upravo jednoj takoj konferenciji, koja je 26. i 27. februara održana u gradu Baden Baden u Njemačkoj na temu biomasa, njihovoj održivosti i značaju za ekonomiju i tržište, prisustvovao je član naše Fondacije, Milan Kusmuk.
It is known that members of our Foundation, whether they are students or Board Members, often participate in various conferences that represent an excellent opportunity for their professional development and gaining the necessary experience. This time, the opportunity to participate at one such conference, which was held on February 26 and 27 in Baden Baden in Germany was given to the member of our Foundation, Milan Kusmuk. The topic of the conference was the concern of the biomass, their sustainability and importance for the economy and market.
Zorana Štaka and Damir Bajramović have received grants which will enable them to improve professional skills. In cooperation with „Pastoral Youth Center Ivan Pavao II.“ , on the 22.3 – 23.3 in Sarajevo, these young professionals will be participants of two day training for preparation of project proposals for European, EU and international grants.
Read MoreU toku procesa razvoja softvera posebna pažnja se posvećuje njegovom kvalitetu. Kvalitet je jedan od ključnih faktora, jer je direktno povezan sa svim oblastima razvoja, a on definiše i kako je softver dizajniran i razvijen. O kvalitetu softvera, načinima testiranja, kao i situaciji u BiH po pitanju QA razgovarali smo sa našom stipendisticom i budućom QA inženjerkom Stojankom Danilović, koja zajedno sa nekoliko prijatelja organizuje meetupe softver testera iz BiH.
During the software development process, special attention is paid to its quality. Quality is one of the key factors, because it is directly related to all areas of development, and it directly defines how the software is designed and developed. About the quality of the software, testing methods, as well as the situation in BiH regarding QA, we talked with our scholar and future QA engineer Stojanka Danilović, who, together with several friends, organizes meetups for software testers from BiH.
Read MoreTuzla Brain Week je dugogodišnji projekt Studentskog vijeća Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Tuzli „MEDICUS“, koji se implementira u sklopu obilježavanja Sedmice mozga, a za cilj ima približavanje tematike neuronauka na posebno koncipiran način za svaku skupinu.
Tuzla Brain Week is a long-standing project of the Student Council of the Medical Faculty of the University of Tuzla "MEDICUS", which is created as part of Brain Awareness Week, with the goal of bringing neuroscience closer together in a specially conceived way for each target group.
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